USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming June Krauser Communications Award

Recipient: Rich Burns
Year: 2015
LMSC: Pacific

Rich served on the USMS Marketing Committee for nearly 30 years. As Vice Chair he led the creation of a Swimming Planner for members – a log and calendar that was provided free to all members. He helped implement the USMS sponsorship program and designed a visual brand for USMS that was used for 20 years. He also designed and produced two popular annual calendars that featured Masters swimmers as models. While chair of the committee, he also promoted the adoption of SWIM Magazine as the official USMS publication.

While promoting the Pacific LMSC’s Annual Celebration, Rich created a new communication vehicle that included the design, photography, writing and layout of a photographic record of significant events in the LMSC. The e-blasts reached over 12,000 members and many other interested parties. “Open rates” exceeded averages for this type of communication