USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Dorothy Donnelly Service Award


Recipient: Laurie Hug
Year: 2018
LMSC: Delaware Valley

An accomplished swimmer, triathlete, and coach, Laurie has been a member of USMS since 1989. In 1997, she started the Masters Swimming program at Germantown Academy and continued to coach masters and triathletes there, as well as other locations. Laurie began serving in the Delaware Valley LMSC leadership roles in the 2000s, serving as Vice Chair for three years and Chair for six years. During that time, the LMSC saw membership increase 30%. Under her tenure, new initiatives were developed, such as the Virtual Triple Challenge Swim, free coached workouts prior to LMSC meetings, and implementation of the annual LMSC recognition awards. At the same time, existing protocols were enhanced, bylaws were reviewed and revised, and inclusivity was promoted. A USMS Convention delegate for ten years, served on the USMS Coaches, Open Water, and Long Distance committees. Laurie earned her Level 4 USMS coach certification and actively promoted USMS events within her LMSC.