All Participants by Zone, LMSC, Club (2,202)
Includes all swims recorded in participant's FLOGs through 12/31/10.
Breadbasket Zone (172 Swimmers, 25,874.16 Total Miles, 150.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Colorado LMSC (54 Swimmers, 8,615.69 Total Miles, 159.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CMS (Colorado Masters Swimming) (44 Swimmers, 7,563.15 Total Miles, 171.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Katherine Q Andrie F46 1.62
Marcia Anziano F65 390.09
Sarah E Austin F30 10.00
Anna W Beelaert F36 188.72
Lisa L Bennett F39 240.24
Lisa A Bohlmann F45 209.68
Rosella Cadel F56 73.76
Hayley M Connely F32 46.02
Neile A Cooper F35 73.85
Michael J Cox M33 391.50
Amy K Dahlgren F34 48.45
Kris A Davison M35 6.59
Scott Dayberry M53 190.97
Robin Downing F52 0.00
Hugh Duffy M55 1.70
Lacy K Fuller F31 381.74
Dennis Gimlin M54 121.44
Bret A Haag M39 37.45
Heather Hagadorn F45 571.26
Larry T Harper M56 465.42
Laurie M Hayes F35 112.59
Deborah A Homan F48 81.31
Lauren Hyde F51 109.65
Sara Jelley F23 220.96
Roger L Jensen M26 20.85
Karen Kaussner F51 56.65
Christopher C Nolte M53 507.50
Susan D Nolte F49 502.07
Heidi Nowakowski F43 25.34
Gloria O'Connor F41 351.03
Kati E Pederson F28 12.13
Michelle Poole F46 155.87
Rebecca M Pyle F54 318.29
Jesse K Smith M41 62.25
Peter C Smith M42 75.69
Steven Spellman M61 539.46
Alexandra M Taylor F27 114.45
Amy Thull F43 32.28
Erin J Trail F34 136.30
Erik Truxal M38 16.78
Lara R Urano F41 22.19
Sarah E Walker F26 216.73
LeighAnn White F41 416.26
Karen W Zentgraf F69 5.99
Club UNAT () (8 Swimmers, 889.25 Total Miles, 111.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary E Barfield F29 66.68
Kimberly E Diaz F43 1.88
Erin E Hutchings F32 8.47
Andrew W Keen M47 501.36
Kris Tokarski M47 263.52
Faye M Woodley F47 0.00
Lindsay Wyskowski F24 34.91
Sky Yost F58 12.43
Club WMSC (Wyoming Masters Swimming Club) (2 Swimmers, 163.29 Total Miles, 81.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Todd A Adams M46 62.78
Patricia A Parmer F57 100.52
Iowa LMSC (24 Swimmers, 3,172.30 Total Miles, 132.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club IAMA (Iowa Masters) (22 Swimmers, 3,024.12 Total Miles, 137.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carrie G Bohn F32 10.13
Jeff B Brown M53 148.02
Orlin D Buhr M61 29.04
Sandra L Crosara F35 0.81
Dennis W Green M50 226.82
Thomas S Green M52 584.82
Steven A Gronemeyer M63 371.39
Diane M Happel F46 10.51
Brad R Hernandez M44 205.00
Chelsey E Holten F19 12.95
Julie Kann F43 64.16
Sara R Kilgore F35 12.56
Allie Lapointe F32 147.44
Joshua M Lederman M44 1.14
Frank E Morosky M51 131.48
Rick Noeth M66 290.67
Nicholas A Quanrud M35 206.14
Jody L Rausch F41 96.74
Katie Raymon F26 26.34
Rachel M Raymon F23 22.70
Janet L Ungs F52 376.44
Matthew J Wildman M35 48.84
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 148.18 Total Miles, 74.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kelly G Carlisle F34 96.59
Megan L Grunert F28 51.59
Minnesota LMSC (27 Swimmers, 4,416.23 Total Miles, 163.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BLGL (Blue Gills) (1 Swimmers, 100.19 Total Miles, 100.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pete Crawford M40 100.19
Club EDIN (Edina Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 40.18 Total Miles, 20.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren A Hougas F28 9.38
Patrick Stanaway M24 30.81
Club FSTM (FAST Masters) (3 Swimmers, 303.85 Total Miles, 101.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jill M Manners F31 84.16
Kurtis J Williams M30 69.47
Michael Williams M37 150.22
Club HOPK (Hopkins Masters Swimming) (4 Swimmers, 1,250.95 Total Miles, 312.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amy M Bauch F52 5.15
Kristin E Marentette F37 495.56
Leanne Pinsonneault F29 36.05
Karen K Zemlin F43 714.19
Club KNIG (KnightCrawlers) (1 Swimmers, 237.47 Total Miles, 237.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Teri N Takehiro F49 237.47
Club MINN (Minnesota Masters Swim Club) (7 Swimmers, 1,411.75 Total Miles, 201.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff J Armstrong M46 236.92
Bryan D Bachman M36 469.40
Mark G Bayuk M61 5.45
Veronica J C Ellingson F37 250.86
Dan D Kirkpatrick M49 231.88
Pamela C Ogden F53 100.28
Joan T Ramquist F47 116.96
Club MYWM (Minneapolis YW Masters) (1 Swimmers, 106.63 Total Miles, 106.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beth A Kreitzer F32 106.63
Club NORT (Nort'landers Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 709.88 Total Miles, 236.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Aaron R Kelson M50 200.63
John L Muhich M48 457.38
Jason W Wennberg M35 51.88
Club SCYM (St Cloud Area Family YMCA) (2 Swimmers, 47.44 Total Miles, 23.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Krisie M Melsen F30 13.47
Mark Nieters M42 33.98
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 207.88 Total Miles, 69.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig L Collins M51 163.18
Katherine L Gruys F55 0.00
Julia Lyng F44 44.70
Missouri Valley LMSC (30 Swimmers, 3,953.86 Total Miles, 131.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club MOVY (MOVY Masters) (29 Swimmers, 3,858.77 Total Miles, 133.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thuvan Bert F35 67.93
Jan Butin F60 0.00
Vicki L Catt F49 205.58
Greg N Cobb M43 255.20
Brad W Cope M28 0.00
Jenny Denney F27 52.72
Hilary Fellows F33 5.45
Gabriel Fleck M47 202.12
Matthew T Garrison M41 19.97
Jeane M Gruender F82 207.39
Marty Gura M38 273.43
Jessica Harper F35 3.10
Nick Hart M48 33.10
Ted E Knopp M53 11.90
Marie Kreipe F91 2.05
Heidi L Loecke F39 250.27
Shayne Malone F52 210.18
Sherrie Murnahan F42 189.03
Jaes W Overley M40 25.28
Alan L Parker M58 442.05
Janel Preller F37 24.90
Tony Rezek M38 223.37
Robert E Russell M70 13.18
Neil J Salkind M63 226.04
Bill Sherman M52 184.47
Rose Spielman F37 48.69
Tony A Stewart M37 439.55
Anthony G Thompson M46 240.91
Cynthia L Thompson F79 0.91
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 95.09 Total Miles, 95.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael E Sheehy M63 95.09
Nebraska LMSC (10 Swimmers, 1,262.39 Total Miles, 126.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CGCC (Common Ground) (1 Swimmers, 136.07 Total Miles, 136.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eric A Irwin M40 136.07
Club NEBR () (5 Swimmers, 883.24 Total Miles, 176.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J McGlynn M37 83.13
Sandra Stenglein F67 200.48
Erin M Sullivan F53 231.22
Cody L Wienk M37 142.58
Edwin A Willis M57 225.82
Club OMAH (Omaha Masters Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 242.50 Total Miles, 80.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melissa A Dean F47 237.10
Bill A Kathrein M63 0.00
Patrick W Prince M48 5.40
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 0.59 Total Miles, 0.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Deanna S Halmes F32 0.59
North Dakota LMSC (4 Swimmers, 756.21 Total Miles, 189.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AQST (Aquastorm Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 143.36 Total Miles, 143.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike Swanberg M49 143.36
Club DKTA (Dakota Masters) (3 Swimmers, 612.85 Total Miles, 204.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jody L Bolinske F50 241.19
Jane L Hutzol F46 90.90
Robin C Tracy F46 280.75
Ozark LMSC (18 Swimmers, 3,188.65 Total Miles, 177.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CSPM (CSP Tideriders Master Swim Club) (5 Swimmers, 1,097.57 Total Miles, 219.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stanley A Freerks M59 493.47
Terry Varney Freerks F57 493.47
Melissa Holtmeyer F26 77.58
Kathleen E McCoy F25 0.00
Tracy Jo Pasieka F35 33.05
Club SLAM (St. Louis Area Masters) (12 Swimmers, 2,089.95 Total Miles, 174.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan Aud F55 272.10
Elizabeth A Blair F35 11.81
Karl R Gundersen M41 161.59
Scott P Halliburton M48 420.04
Phillip A Henady M26 55.14
Bruce E Hopson M44 179.19
Keith T McPeek M43 60.22
Paul H Morris M48 520.10
Karen Palmer F44 0.00
Mary M Pohlmann F65 402.04
Dave Schultz M39 6.14
Brian D Spacher M30 1.59
Club ZILA (Team Godzilla) (1 Swimmers, 1.14 Total Miles, 1.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James M Donahue M49 1.14
South Dakota LMSC (5 Swimmers, 508.83 Total Miles, 101.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club PMST (Prairie Masters Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 508.83 Total Miles, 101.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Doug Decker M60 14.94
Betty A Hanson F48 240.11
Jeff W Hodges M35 20.34
Jenny A Hodges F36 226.81
Molly E Smith F41 6.62
Colonies Zone (579 Swimmers, 110,797.17 Total Miles, 191.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Adirondack LMSC (22 Swimmers, 5,902.54 Total Miles, 268.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ADMS (Adirondack Masters) (21 Swimmers, 5,738.54 Total Miles, 273.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alicia Fletcher F37 286.93
Kevin A Fletcher M40 254.96
Chris Flugmacher M40 181.54
Ralph Forte M56 279.73
Therese M Gigliotti F47 290.03
Fred C Gliesing M54 167.80
Craig J Gordinier M36 203.35
Jessica Kane F38 73.44
Rhonda L Lee F44 88.13
Suzanne Murphy F36 79.64
McKenzie Nicholson F28 3.01
Meghan Nuffer F24 83.70
Carl D Olson M57 924.98
Deborah A Roberts F52 436.30
Patrick J Rowley M44 0.00
Robert Singer M61 500.08
Dennie L Swan-Scott F35 502.22
Mike Taber M53 347.63
Martin Turecky M44 653.92
Keith Vogel M44 259.68
Kenneth P Wilhelm M46 121.48
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 164.00 Total Miles, 164.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laraine Putman F61 164.00
Connecticut LMSC (12 Swimmers, 2,659.23 Total Miles, 221.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CONN (Connecticut Masters) (7 Swimmers, 883.91 Total Miles, 126.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sera J Blair F48 116.25
Kate M De Simone F39 32.98
Louis F Fabrizio M57 382.98
Jessica F Kallipolites F32 77.10
Michael Parry M46 265.33
Teresa A Rough F50 4.43
Ally Sega F37 4.83
Club MMST () (3 Swimmers, 1,084.70 Total Miles, 361.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sarah J Bednar F41 125.48
Charles R Herrick M50 820.66
Heather L Montanaro F35 138.56
Club TBH (Tribeach) (2 Swimmers, 690.63 Total Miles, 345.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kevin T Hoffman M54 553.78
Kristin Irish F46 136.85
Delaware Valley LMSC (47 Swimmers, 6,536.90 Total Miles, 139.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club 1776 (Colonials 1776) (18 Swimmers, 3,147.38 Total Miles, 174.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gerry Auman M58 150.73
Christy A Beal F38 5.26
Scott D Beardsley M49 203.27
Martha Bent F51 46.04
Dana M Burkart F39 173.53
Sue Anne Clark F38 18.89
Tom Cooney M55 69.26
Robert Fischl M79 104.95
Joanne M Gadd F45 99.36
John F Loughran M51 17.84
Richard W O'Shaughnessy M76 25.30
Thomas J Patterson M33 758.35
Bryan T Richardson M54 581.49
Mari A Schaefer F56 268.84
Barbara Sivan F57 3.64
James Thornton M58 422.00
Jill A Vukmanic F27 163.61
Melinda S Wolff F57 35.03
Club CPAC (Central Penn Aquatic Club) (4 Swimmers, 1,150.22 Total Miles, 287.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diane M Coffey F58 71.32
Joseph F Devers M51 233.31
Peter A Machado M26 216.84
Joe Pickell M45 628.74
Club FINS (Fins Aquatics Club) (4 Swimmers, 545.48 Total Miles, 136.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Merrill J Hilf F50 205.98
Carolyn A Placke F46 191.99
Caroline F Stein F40 24.18
Christine L Weisshaar F28 123.34
Club JRMS (Jersey Rapids Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 2.75 Total Miles, 1.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rachel Evans F52 0.93
Chrissie Wiederhold F28 1.82
Club PAFC (Pennypack Aquatic & Fitness Club) (1 Swimmers, 375.44 Total Miles, 375.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pamela T Shepard F45 375.44
Club UNAT () (18 Swimmers, 1,315.62 Total Miles, 73.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy E Anttonen F69 90.82
Becca Brewer F27 41.39
James E Bruckart M54 200.02
Nancy L Carr F57 9.18
Chet Davis M46 28.32
Sari Harrar F53 57.56
Laurie K Hohwald F55 162.99
Roberta Hower F47 113.82
Ginger F Kiernan F49 158.52
Agnes L Koschoff F58 108.18
Heather Melck F43 75.00
Laurie A Menna F35 0.56
Jane Nunn F56 35.00
Heidi Palau F43 164.35
Tim Schaffling M45 53.32
Ken S Stoney M47 0.00
Ron L Williamson M44 7.84
Sandy L Womer F36 8.75
Maryland LMSC (49 Swimmers, 6,782.29 Total Miles, 138.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AAA (Anne Arundel Amphibians) (9 Swimmers, 1,139.23 Total Miles, 126.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John R Berger M64 205.80
Carolynn Foley F67 387.79
Nancy F Futch F65 251.19
Joy Hargraves F39 3.04
Kristina Owens F34 9.23
Wendy A Owens F34 15.80
Karen M Patterson F57 7.91
Catherine A Taylor F61 7.54
John F Wetzel M57 250.93
Club ACM () (3 Swimmers, 580.60 Total Miles, 193.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael Fanelli M56 395.99
Sam Lapan M36 58.03
Rosanne U Mooney F43 126.58
Club COLU (Columbia Masters Swim Team) (7 Swimmers, 1,271.86 Total Miles, 181.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roberta Bardini F46 303.04
David A Dash M42 336.16
Maureen P Fields F51 193.41
Angela Kozlowski F46 251.20
Linda Lucht F48 9.23
Betsy K Mayotte F61 0.00
Amy L McDaniel F36 178.82
Club CRAB (Chesapeake Region Aquatic Blues) (3 Swimmers, 197.09 Total Miles, 65.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Linda L Hague-Crew F60 25.80
Marie Neaves F63 100.03
Karen Wallace F49 71.27
Club DAMD (DelmarvaAquaticMastersDogfish) (1 Swimmers, 63.31 Total Miles, 63.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laura Kordzikowski F23 63.31
Club HCMG (Hub City Masters Gators) (1 Swimmers, 49.40 Total Miles, 49.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robin S Davies F53 49.40
Club HUH (Health Unlimited Hurricanes) (2 Swimmers, 32.39 Total Miles, 16.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michelle Lok F22 17.84
Shotsie B Wilson F50 14.55
Club MARY (Maryland Masters) (17 Swimmers, 2,734.60 Total Miles, 160.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Katie L Bacon F32 0.00
Ali R Hall F49 820.28
Christine Jorgensen F65 200.68
Kari Kruesi F41 117.55
Jennifer L Mills F45 74.38
Steven M Muchow M41 34.38
Deborah A Reid F45 169.05
Ruth J Reiner F72 3.35
Jeanne M Ripley F53 116.50
Erica Rome F39 131.26
Sue Schultz F41 11.36
Christopher W Stevens M49 381.29
Kelly Swartout F47 153.30
Sandy Swoboda F47 40.28
John E Tis M42 55.66
Valerie Weichert F43 217.83
Molly A Winkler F47 207.44
Club NAAC (Naval Academy Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 11.79 Total Miles, 11.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gina Becker F26 11.79
Club NBAC (North Baltimore Aquatic Club Masters) (2 Swimmers, 468.03 Total Miles, 234.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Courtney R Busch F29 464.48
David M Sugar M31 3.54
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 233.99 Total Miles, 78.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heather MacQuilliam F35 19.35
Jerry Nava M43 57.53
Kristen R Vance F32 157.11
Metropolitan LMSC (62 Swimmers, 14,602.95 Total Miles, 235.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AGUA (Asphalt Green Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,658.42 Total Miles, 276.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard F Bernstein M64 501.32
Claudia A Costa F46 122.89
Karen L Einsidler F54 502.74
Jesse O Pasca M41 1.14
Michael Totaro M30 530.33
Susan L Yeomans F62 0.00
Club AQFT (AquaFit Masters) (7 Swimmers, 1,181.38 Total Miles, 168.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard M Brown M45 183.46
Peggy Delaney F54 10.78
Barry M Goldblatt M68 475.49
Lisa Hiller F48 156.02
Jane McWilliams F55 52.55
Helen L Paone F32 277.63
Peter Schmidt M33 25.45
Club BCTM (Bearcat Masters) (2 Swimmers, 449.54 Total Miles, 224.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James A Allen M47 300.11
Nathaniel R Dean M33 149.43
Club CHEL (Chelsea Piers Masters) (1 Swimmers, 33.50 Total Miles, 33.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellen Weinberg F49 33.50
Club CIBB () (2 Swimmers, 1,007.67 Total Miles, 503.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David J Barra M45 1,000.34
Robert M Matson M46 7.34
Club FISH (FISH Masters) (6 Swimmers, 2,503.85 Total Miles, 417.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carolyn M Bennett F32 349.93
Jonathan D Churins M35 507.18
Curtis A Dozier M33 272.34
Emily S Dozier F33 375.33
Matthew J Mauriello M34 424.55
Marc A Rizzo M45 574.53
Club METR (Metro Masters Swim Club) (9 Swimmers, 1,765.43 Total Miles, 196.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren A Ballough F33 4.77
Phyllis Ho F49 272.75
Jennifer J Kyff F37 79.44
Sue Lecarreaux F65 29.70
Keith D Morton M43 57.18
Julie A Schoenlank F30 200.14
Laura R Tiedge F49 82.55
Robert J Todd M46 414.13
Morton F Wolf M62 624.78
Club NYCH (NYC Hydras) (1 Swimmers, 83.24 Total Miles, 83.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James C Esposito M31 83.24
Club OWS (Open Water Swim) (1 Swimmers, 8.52 Total Miles, 8.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ann M DeChiaro-Pfisterer F57 8.52
Club REDT (Red Tide) (4 Swimmers, 1,361.60 Total Miles, 340.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Zahava Alter F24 529.18
Rachel F Cohen F32 153.03
Abigail A Fairman F33 321.34
Michael J Rosencrantz M40 358.05
Club SEAW (Seawolves Masters) (2 Swimmers, 198.07 Total Miles, 99.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James C Anderson M48 133.52
Jenny P Seagraves F45 64.55
Club TNYA (Team New York Aquatics) (9 Swimmers, 1,091.06 Total Miles, 121.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David Camacho M30 132.41
Peter Chaivre M31 211.72
Elizabeth Cornell F43 85.85
Steven Z Goran M52 0.00
RJ Hermanet M40 367.50
Martha C Katzeff F59 2.27
Matt Richardson M29 51.00
Joy S Rosenthal F51 64.76
Dahlia S Thompson F31 175.55
Club UNAT () (8 Swimmers, 3,151.02 Total Miles, 393.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ferida Ayoub F67 147.36
Kathryn Cronin F52 15.17
Michael A Kelly M51 427.10
April M LeMieux F34 501.31
Lauren A Morford F25 972.58
Robert Priore M60 253.87
Kenneth S Resnick M55 210.30
Mo Siegel M59 623.33
Club WM (Westchester Masters) (4 Swimmers, 109.66 Total Miles, 27.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Samantha M Daves F35 83.98
Brad Polhill M47 15.57
Donald Rose M69 3.86
Arthur R Tiedemann M45 6.25
New England LMSC (140 Swimmers, 28,434.57 Total Miles, 203.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club GBM (Great Bay Masters Swimming, Inc) (7 Swimmers, 895.74 Total Miles, 127.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Doris R Berg F54 1.51
Patricia A Campbell F57 36.63
Daniel E Coons M56 77.50
Robert E Fernald M43 467.55
Judy Graham-Garcia F50 40.45
Tara J Mack F38 105.00
Ann C Richard F51 167.11
Club MESC (Maine Masters Swim Club) (24 Swimmers, 4,410.77 Total Miles, 183.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ruth J Beal F52 14.09
Richard J Bell M41 365.82
Rob Benson M42 126.42
Kerry J Black F62 84.42
Sean M Carter M35 500.34
Derek M Cerjanec M59 274.01
Dave Davala M52 372.43
Sharon Dean F63 64.35
Leigh E Dorsey F25 120.52
John A Gale M54 558.15
Connie Hallett F51 7.90
Amy C Klodzinski F32 108.41
Lindsay D McMahon F27 0.00
Michelle M Mitchell F38 0.00
Son Nguyen M31 632.29
Dan Ottman M45 291.11
Alina M Perez-Smith F40 168.36
Linda G Price F47 67.50
Debra K Shissler F56 63.00
John B Shumadine M43 500.23
Anne A Smith F51 6.11
Alexander J Szafran M58 47.93
Maria C Villare F28 14.58
Joshua L Whalen M20 22.81
Club NEM (New England Masters Swim Club) (95 Swimmers, 21,308.51 Total Miles, 224.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ken Adams M42 141.73
Mark E Alexander M52 409.23
Patty Anderson F61 136.09
Therese Andrews F26 300.53
Paul Arsenault M49 250.58
Lauren E Au F26 458.82
Sarah Beladi F25 10.86
Sheryl Bierden F37 29.96
Damon Bosetti M26 67.04
Jennifer Brehob F52 111.39
David Bright M57 119.85
Justin R Brinkmeyer M29 223.10
Mike Broglio M39 373.32
Aaron Brosnan M22 10.34
Charlotte J Brynn F44 1,003.32
Doug Butters M28 125.00
Deborah Chassler F59 28.66
Jane E Cheney F49 469.03
Michael A Cook M48 183.10
Les Cutler M67 367.22
Kyle Cutter F25 59.74
Kristen Densmore F35 75.92
Chris P DeSisto M47 536.34
Elyse R DiDomenico F49 253.49
Paul L Dow M57 315.21
Jennifer Downing F32 293.92
Maureen D Dwyer F50 19.28
Paul T Edelman M54 173.03
Beth H Eggimann F49 5.51
Bill Ewan M67 12.67
Michelle L Faulkner F30 9.87
Kyla D Feeney F32 23.28
Michael T Garr M57 255.99
Bill Geary M52 490.24
Matthew D Goldberg M38 107.30
John F Goodwin M53 160.76
Joe Griczika M47 120.79
Tracy L Grilli F53 323.46
Susan L Hannel F47 3.67
Margaret C Haskins F52 360.31
Bo J Hatfield F49 425.04
Heather Healy F39 33.79
Nancy L Hendrickson F58 46.99
E Rachel Hochman F40 164.55
Gail M Holland-Dufault F52 282.98
Elaine K Howley F33 654.75
Nancy Hutchins F43 225.54
Margaret S Johns F56 97.66
Tim Keenan M40 0.00
Alexei S Kissell F25 1.93
Mark D Knott M34 154.05
Jill E Kopicki F30 35.81
Martin P Kulig M46 198.01
Jean Lambert F50 260.47
Rosemary Lasche F65 238.15
Michael Leake M32 137.17
Anker Lerret M52 298.00
Helen Lin F26 190.80
Olga Livchak F28 57.02
Jennifer R Luker F54 9.46
Lidia A MacDonald-Carr F29 286.25
Elizabeth A Mancuso F25 520.40
Scott A Mc Inerney M24 167.49
Brian J McLaughlin M55 1,070.55
Catherine A McNiff F40 174.46
Jayne E Mills F48 9.18
Emily Notch F31 10.06
Hillary Pelletier F34 0.00
Lauren E Peterson F27 62.92
Mary Phelan F54 207.26
Joan Rajfer F31 27.39
Sean T Robar M27 6.31
Jim Robinson M53 120.63
Daniel J Rogacki M63 18.44
Mark S Rubacky M41 208.64
Terri Ruggiero F50 503.12
Patricia S Saint Aubin F52 521.44
Douglas Sayles M43 380.33
Janet Schwartz F45 146.97
Bob Sege M52 33.10
Laura E Shevy F33 353.25
Douglas Smith M59 206.11
Erin Smith F36 100.30
Stacy L Sweetser F35 103.89
Ann L Swift F51 366.42
Tammy L Toth F36 16.54
Nancy M Tunstall F48 618.01
Kim Walker F25 124.47
Woods Wannamaker M50 0.00
Dave Welch M54 500.00
James M Wetzel M53 854.13
Jeffrey E Wood M41 359.95
Frank C Wuest M50 633.56
Paula J Yankauskas F56 650.62
Katherine L Youmans F29 14.20
Club SCM () (2 Swimmers, 193.93 Total Miles, 96.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dorene Akshar F39 37.27
Jaren W Hawxwell M31 156.66
Club SRPM (Simon's Rock Pace Makers) (2 Swimmers, 100.02 Total Miles, 50.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bruce H Bernstein M74 0.00
Stephen K Sagarin M48 100.02
Club UNAT () (10 Swimmers, 1,525.62 Total Miles, 152.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie L Baumeister F43 205.45
Jim Birmingham M37 235.26
Victoria E Conroy F35 58.32
Kristen L DePaola F25 0.28
Andrew C Hickey M32 76.98
Bob Khederian M44 122.73
Barbara J Lysy F53 229.73
Gregory O'Connor M42 271.30
Lorena C Pugh F53 316.11
Lisa Rabideau F39 9.43
New Jersey LMSC (103 Swimmers, 21,715.90 Total Miles, 210.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BERK (Berkeley (NJ) Aquatic Masters) (19 Swimmers, 4,668.23 Total Miles, 245.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lynn Ascione F43 545.62
Jennifer L Bauman F38 619.70
Amy Campbell F49 39.82
Karen L Charen F50 303.99
Ronald J Epstein M43 449.62
Jenny M Fowler F28 218.91
Rich Johnston M46 44.60
Susan Kirk F50 312.35
Michael O Lavitt M52 109.45
Rosanne Lemongello F48 131.25
Ronald A Loria M55 102.42
Eric P Marquard M47 368.48
Peter T Mc Coy M60 20.40
Chris D McGiffin M44 1.82
Lisa D Rivera F28 217.16
Anne-France A Saillot F48 412.41
Gail F Seelig F60 309.24
Rosemarie I Strawn F48 48.99
Marie H Vellucci F61 412.00
Club DRMS (Ranger Aquatics Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,400.65 Total Miles, 233.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Suzanne Ceravolo F47 200.28
Richard C Clew M45 418.31
Nancy Finn F49 229.75
Robert E Franks M53 293.53
Ellen N Kranefuss F50 178.47
John A Sabatino M44 80.31
Club GSM (Garden State Masters) (59 Swimmers, 13,149.28 Total Miles, 222.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beth B Alemy F39 235.91
Ann E Allen F48 135.07
Barry A Bachenheimer M40 166.10
Janice E Baker F50 177.32
Elizabeth B Burton F45 85.72
Edward Buscemi M34 43.77
Richard D Carlson M57 228.39
Sandra L Carosi F44 1,063.68
Amy S Carow F49 244.23
June F Carson F62 285.17
Tim Christian M48 385.51
James W Curd M44 37.75
Victoria J Elbrecht F40 22.21
Robert J Fetter M33 183.19
Joseph C Flanagan M46 295.62
Chip Freund M48 114.20
Steve Glassman M62 277.52
William R Haas M75 94.32
Bridgette A Hobart F48 461.06
Mark S Hoffman M49 174.09
Bob Hopkins M68 156.53
David Juchniewicz M56 757.10
Jerry A Katz M72 176.47
Ursula Kohama F53 143.57
Larry E Lengle M77 166.31
Chris Lowe M50 13.28
Andrea Luallen-Egg F45 379.44
Erika Maresca F36 367.16
Carol A Martyniuk F58 230.43
Michael P May M32 106.06
Bryan McDonnell M25 327.36
Ronald A Medhurst M66 62.36
Curtis Miller M50 284.55
Douglas S Miller M38 310.12
Nancy G Moore F53 150.43
Carol R Morman F58 226.40
Jay Muldoon M55 241.61
Meaghan I Murphy F28 513.64
Anne Marie Nixon F30 100.00
Edward F O'Hara M64 128.52
Susan W Olesky F54 64.89
Cynthia Orinski F54 65.40
Paula M Pyrcz F65 145.47
Kathleen A Reynolds F61 44.32
Mary Roodkowsky F57 32.82
Jean Rutter F51 318.83
Ron Sabo M65 85.00
Rick Schluter M54 113.24
Robert A Scott M45 109.31
Kevin D Seise M36 211.34
Julie A Sheaffer F46 157.44
Michael S Sirkin M47 302.33
Nancy Steadman Martin F56 676.60
Christopher N Swenson M28 326.00
Edward M Tirpack M55 173.78
Ed M Tsuzuki M52 283.85
Peter L Van Nuis M57 147.33
Erik Werfel M47 184.78
Ilse Wolfe F46 154.40
Club HOBO () (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer Finotti-sheppard F33 0.00
Club JAM (Jersey Area Multisport) (4 Swimmers, 984.91 Total Miles, 246.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David S Goldberg M62 0.00
Steve Hiltabiddle M44 116.76
Erica Rauch F29 550.18
Leigh G Segal F45 317.97
Club STVN (Stevens Technical Institute) (1 Swimmers, 66.88 Total Miles, 66.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carrie A Fellens F36 66.88
Club UNAT () (13 Swimmers, 1,445.95 Total Miles, 111.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fay Bizub F54 0.00
Anthony Bonura M56 90.81
Rocco Celentano M41 210.88
Blaire C Fromm F26 268.50
Brian Hopkins M34 69.21
Sara H Johnston F46 161.42
Sherri A Plunkett F44 131.77
Anthony Robinson M38 50.06
Bill Schuller M50 25.37
John P Szabo M51 11.22
Elise M Tatham F63 190.00
Mary M Teel F57 233.94
Nancy Zwemmer F45 2.77
Niagara LMSC (18 Swimmers, 3,791.69 Total Miles, 210.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BUMS () (1 Swimmers, 189.18 Total Miles, 189.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eugene T Pot M60 189.18
Club NIAG (Niagara District Masters) (17 Swimmers, 3,602.51 Total Miles, 211.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patricia T Atkinson F59 21.24
Wayne Coger M59 270.54
Ann Marie Crye F39 523.11
Gail L Erali F57 47.94
Lance M Evans M49 132.33
Jerry T Firlik M48 206.21
Leo C Gibbons M57 204.03
Dolly Hinckley F80 415.77
Kenneth W Margrey M49 162.14
Leah A Murray F28 181.62
Lance B Robinson M40 263.27
Alan J Rolnick M43 81.78
Bernard F Russell M46 679.04
Laurel Sharp F63 254.01
Barry F Symonds M53 8.52
Thomas W Weber M80 148.47
Raymond C Weston M49 2.50
Potomac Valley LMSC (71 Swimmers, 11,209.41 Total Miles, 157.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AARG (Alexandria Aquatic Recreation Group) (1 Swimmers, 437.54 Total Miles, 437.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nathan P Dean M35 437.54
Club ALEX (Alexandria Masters Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 192.99 Total Miles, 64.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Taryn L Pyle F51 6.14
Jonathan D Wood M50 123.23
Michelle L Wright F36 63.62
Club ANCM (Montgomery Ancient Mariners) (5 Swimmers, 1,235.11 Total Miles, 247.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gregory A Ashe M44 112.94
Gavin Cohen M44 295.15
Kathy Ohlhaber F25 52.63
Jeffrey H Roddin M41 379.28
Julie Roddin F34 395.11
Club ARMS (Arlington Masters) (2 Swimmers, 4.55 Total Miles, 2.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Maggie Lonergan F22 4.55
Jana Poscharsky F32 0.00
Club CUBU (Curl Burke Masters Swimming, Inc.) (4 Swimmers, 263.48 Total Miles, 65.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Severine Joly F43 6.76
Mary Grace M McAlevy F46 117.99
Francis M Schauer M66 83.98
J R Stratton M31 54.75
Club DCAC (District Of Columbia Aquatics Club) (3 Swimmers, 321.92 Total Miles, 107.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Arik Johnson M36 7.46
Anthony T Pavel M35 114.12
Marilyn E Redman F54 200.34
Club DCM (DC Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,144.72 Total Miles, 228.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Margaret G Conomos F60 1.00
Liz C Guertin F36 149.71
Andrea M Hunt F62 536.18
Mary Ella Payne F53 457.82
Elizabeth A Wiley F32 0.00
Club DCRP (DC Dept Of Recreation & Parks) (5 Swimmers, 523.02 Total Miles, 104.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert A Axelrod M62 23.43
Kathy Bainbridge F45 205.56
Michael T McCarthy M34 150.03
Guillermina Schinder F36 141.52
Wendy S Schleicher F41 2.49
Club FBST (Fort Belvoir Masters) (3 Swimmers, 54.97 Total Miles, 18.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Loren M Bazualdo F30 39.88
Hallie C Carroll F24 0.00
Stephanie R Schalk-Zaitsev F37 15.10
Club FXCM (Fairfax County Masters) (3 Swimmers, 276.63 Total Miles, 92.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erin B Miller F21 0.00
Kathy N Rice F51 235.30
David J Varner M50 41.33
Club GERM (Germantown Maryland Masters) (8 Swimmers, 771.18 Total Miles, 96.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig S Johnson M49 197.83
Eleanor O Landon-D'Shen F40 135.17
Bruce R Lee M50 51.51
Alison H Melley F38 23.78
Johanna Schneider F37 124.45
Wendy J Sturges F43 74.69
Carole B Valis F45 61.00
Paul R Wolf M44 102.75
Club NCYM (National Capital YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 125.29 Total Miles, 125.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sidney Nakahodo M35 125.29
Club RIPM (Riptide Masters) (1 Swimmers, 4.43 Total Miles, 4.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diana M Skouby F42 4.43
Club RMST (Reston Masters Swim Team) (4 Swimmers, 514.11 Total Miles, 128.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Carlson M39 163.09
Brian R Evans M46 277.08
Lynn Hazlewood F64 0.00
Sheryl K Katsaros F41 73.94
Club SDS (Sea Devil Swimming Masters) (4 Swimmers, 424.33 Total Miles, 106.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard P Dexter M41 154.15
Ylva Ihrig F41 65.99
Christine Michaud F44 100.26
William P Sulik M51 103.92
Club TERR (Terrapin Masters) (6 Swimmers, 2,560.47 Total Miles, 426.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diana M Corbin F42 406.97
Gretchen F Ekstrom F44 366.20
Mollie K Grover F29 406.06
Teal Liu F25 615.59
Mark J Schactman M44 334.22
Jeffrey R Strahota M30 431.43
Club UNAT () (12 Swimmers, 2,354.69 Total Miles, 196.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Paul F Bousel M57 502.17
Jeff Chaloupek M45 204.43
Sumie T Emory F59 260.06
Matthew W Fetters M49 203.59
Sherry L Green F56 135.63
Susan Hayash F40 25.61
Kimberly C Light F52 112.42
Suzanna E Murphy F47 493.25
Rik Parker M35 12.78
Angela J Sugar F26 24.29
Michael J Tyson M43 220.94
Rebecca N Wolfinger F34 159.52
Club WARD (Ward's Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sharon Yu F27 0.00
Virginia LMSC (55 Swimmers, 9,161.69 Total Miles, 166.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CWCM (Carroll Wellness Center Masters Club) (1 Swimmers, 56.74 Total Miles, 56.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mandy F Nester F28 56.74
Club FIN (FIN-ATICS) (1 Swimmers, 355.68 Total Miles, 355.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roberta F Green F55 355.68
Club LAMS (Leesburg Area Masters) (2 Swimmers, 207.34 Total Miles, 103.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristen L Day F34 114.77
Katy Erat F52 92.57
Club QMST (Quest Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 276.12 Total Miles, 276.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pam D Dameron F65 276.12
Club RCA (Rockbridge County Aquatics) (5 Swimmers, 348.31 Total Miles, 69.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig R Charley M27 19.74
Debbie Desjardins F51 111.62
Sarah K Erickson F30 71.73
Susan E Harrison F36 2.05
Mary H Ruley F54 143.18
Club SHYM (South Hampton YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 201.31 Total Miles, 100.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert A Hueller M36 102.27
Steven A Jackson M45 99.05
Club SNOW (SNOW Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 4.20 Total Miles, 4.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig M Baldwin M36 4.20
Club SPST (Stafford Piranhas Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 11.34 Total Miles, 11.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jonathan F Douglas M48 11.34
Club STON () (1 Swimmers, 231.39 Total Miles, 231.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick J Bradley M44 231.39
Club SUNF (Sunfish Masters) (5 Swimmers, 688.71 Total Miles, 137.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michele V Davidson F53 213.11
Robert W Davidson M53 112.52
Marilyn E Lipstreuer F44 31.75
Martha S Park F43 225.78
Drew J Shattuck M42 105.55
Club UNAT () (11 Swimmers, 1,950.80 Total Miles, 177.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Trudy Ann Dayton F64 134.29
Erin J Ferer F31 234.22
Mandy M Griffin F32 68.57
Caroline H Kettlewell F48 357.26
Anne B Koepfinger F42 76.01
Maggie J Lancaster F28 20.85
Alexander M Laughlin M51 23.46
Ken McCrery M42 261.95
Alan Nagasawa M58 529.04
Al Snell M52 52.52
Katie K Whitworth F36 192.64
Club URMS (University of Richmond Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 113.16 Total Miles, 56.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David Murray M53 59.47
Darren L Wamboldt M38 53.69
Club VMST (Virginia Masters Swim Team) (19 Swimmers, 4,541.41 Total Miles, 239.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa A Bennett F54 421.64
Molly G Broderson F58 31.42
Warner F Brundage M67 303.10
Elizabeth I Cohen F29 49.60
Dan Davis M33 69.78
James W Davis M64 136.93
Esther P Glover F40 4.38
Betsy L Goode F51 33.74
Ken N Hutchinson M42 93.83
Shirley A Loftus-Charley F59 1,203.53
Susan P McKerns F46 531.32
Alison B Moore F40 338.58
Alice W Phillips F45 196.97
Drusilla S Powell F51 60.41
Richard A Scott M75 239.41
John R Shrum M62 568.23
Nancy Speer F48 93.97
Shannon L Stewart F30 0.00
Katie Webb F31 164.58
Club WAVA (Warrenton Masters Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 175.17 Total Miles, 58.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike R King M37 0.00
Charles W Tupitza M55 1.42
Kami R Whitney F33 173.75
Dixie Zone (357 Swimmers, 71,254.77 Total Miles, 199.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Florida LMSC (107 Swimmers, 22,433.26 Total Miles, 209.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AQNT (Space Coast Aquanauts) (1 Swimmers, 150.20 Total Miles, 150.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Philip C Mazzella M34 150.20
Club BLU (Blu Frog Team) (3 Swimmers, 274.48 Total Miles, 91.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christopher A LaBianco M40 51.33
Jesse J Morenus M28 8.98
Jennifer T Willis F42 214.17
Club CATM (Clearwater Aquatic Team (Masters)) (2 Swimmers, 232.43 Total Miles, 116.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica D Del Toro Rios F33 4.18
JoAnn Fuller F68 228.25
Club DMSC () (1 Swimmers, 27.73 Total Miles, 27.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig P Gronlund M37 27.73
Club FACT (Florida Aquatic Combined Team) (7 Swimmers, 2,533.27 Total Miles, 361.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marianne E Bradley F67 119.15
Joan K Campbell F80 368.05
Lynn Cartee F63 236.62
Nancy N Durstein F81 257.22
David L Gifford M70 383.52
Donald J Puchalski M71 323.98
Isaac M Silver M32 844.72
Club FMM (Florida Maverick Masters) (17 Swimmers, 2,971.02 Total Miles, 174.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jean M Allen F70 201.93
Michael Biggs M62 6.65
Sherri L Bogue F46 27.57
Patricia M Bond F72 252.71
James F Browne M72 235.74
Brud Cleaveland M93 68.65
James N Enyart M69 215.17
Gaylord Hopkins M69 421.15
Margie Hutinger F70 96.05
Paul Hutinger M86 146.92
Martha Jacobs F58 103.00
Ann A McDonnell F72 365.11
Sue A Moucha F52 374.21
Doris C Prokopi F75 127.72
Charles H Schlegel M80 55.20
Mary A Stein F60 88.70
Karen S Swanigan F55 184.54
Club GCST (Gulf Coast Swim Team Masters) (2 Swimmers, 247.25 Total Miles, 123.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eileen Kallin F49 23.98
Heather A Roka F24 223.27
Club GSC (Gator Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 215.70 Total Miles, 71.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Irina Haecker F32 58.17
Mary E Holman F24 78.76
Sara E Holman F24 78.76
Club HTA (High Tide Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 284.67 Total Miles, 284.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marc G Shahboz M42 284.67
Club LAS (Lakeland Area Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 245.71 Total Miles, 122.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kenneth O Keck M44 215.77
Herman Kuhn M47 29.94
Club LM (Loggerhead Masters) (1 Swimmers, 255.09 Total Miles, 255.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brad Laughlin M40 255.09
Club MIST (Marco Island Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 328.02 Total Miles, 328.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ed March M64 328.02
Club MOO (Masters Of Orlando) (3 Swimmers, 261.16 Total Miles, 87.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kirby Bell M36 8.88
Steve Laugen M45 102.22
Sean P McClean M41 150.06
Club ORLM (Team Orlando Masters) (1 Swimmers, 257.73 Total Miles, 257.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christopher D Gaw M45 257.73
Club SPCO (Space Coast Masters) (3 Swimmers, 440.28 Total Miles, 146.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anthea E Atkinson F50 3.84
Peter B Turner M51 430.51
Mimi C Wilson F58 5.94
Club SPM (St Pete Masters Inc) (27 Swimmers, 6,801.35 Total Miles, 251.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roma L Allen F65 29.83
Robert D Atwood M90 4.16
Robert E Beach M80 377.44
Edward (Ted) J Bradley M27 0.00
Mike Chen M46 548.20
Dawn Clark F46 354.96
Kern M Davis M56 80.55
Vance M Eaddy M62 308.49
Storm S Eddy F60 328.82
Stephan J Freeman M54 20.54
Timothy C Kennedy M54 870.53
Katy Kline F50 305.51
Barbara A Mc Nulty F53 781.44
Stephanie L Mischke F39 0.00
Kristen E Nardozzi F28 3.52
Patricia J Nardozzi F51 615.43
Diane M Nelson F58 73.52
Keith W Nelson M46 0.00
Regina C Novak F26 464.98
Shannon S Orrell F37 24.66
Carl H Selles M63 342.01
Kathy A Selles F58 92.64
Sandy L Steer F71 86.91
Sharon B Steinmann F52 18.77
Sarah R Swoch F25 373.84
Paula M Texel F40 394.60
Flavia L Zappa F43 300.00
Club SWIM (S W I M Florida Masters Inc) (1 Swimmers, 133.73 Total Miles, 133.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Armando Almada M41 133.73
Club SYSM (Sarasota YMCA Sharks) (15 Swimmers, 4,541.91 Total Miles, 302.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellen K Bennett F47 311.20
Rob Butcher M38 124.08
Paul A Cajka M53 262.37
Melissa A Conley-Guido F26 303.17
Bob E Couch M63 244.97
Kyle B Deery M26 250.59
Allen F Hillman M43 349.67
Anna Lea Matysek F49 233.19
Jim Matysek M51 501.12
George K Mehok M43 315.17
David Miner M42 542.79
Kathy Singleton F53 296.03
Scott Tyle M41 407.42
Jordan J Valenza M38 0.00
Helen L Vetter F70 400.14
Club TMM (Tampa Metro Masters) (1 Swimmers, 10.23 Total Miles, 10.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica E Schafer F21 10.23
Club TMST (Triton Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 40.91 Total Miles, 40.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Samuel A Young M45 40.91
Club TTM (Tampa Tarpons Masters) (1 Swimmers, 22.27 Total Miles, 22.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Henry L Ellis M62 22.27
Club UNAT () (12 Swimmers, 1,990.35 Total Miles, 165.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jon P Baker M39 17.03
Julie Canfield F49 6.41
Ray Cottom M62 1,324.39
Isabelle C Fraser F72 318.83
Rolland S Fulton M56 144.80
Dave Henry M51 28.77
Tim Kurtz M50 2.19
Jim LoCascio M40 106.05
Joel Mc Kenna M40 0.00
Gary A Revelt M41 27.67
Donnie Trednick M50 13.10
Emily Williamson F40 1.14
Club YCFM () (1 Swimmers, 167.76 Total Miles, 167.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erin L Crabtree F30 167.76
Florida Gold Coast LMSC (35 Swimmers, 7,493.59 Total Miles, 214.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club FLAQ (Fort Lauderdale Aquatics) (11 Swimmers, 3,315.75 Total Miles, 301.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laura Ackermann F35 146.83
Sarah L Bennett F47 232.74
Gwen D Benoit F31 94.67
Sherie Berk F57 71.14
Ellen R Itzler F52 184.39
Barbara A Johnson F60 57.20
Darcy H LaFountain F55 1,290.31
Kelly A Legaspi F39 500.31
Anita M Mitchell F60 23.60
Linda Webb F65 369.53
Kennon B Williams M29 345.03
Club GOLD (Gold Coast Masters) (10 Swimmers, 2,445.96 Total Miles, 244.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Larry E Caldwell M46 47.09
Barrett M Carr F32 90.43
Jeff Cohen M53 97.69
Robert A Declercq M35 42.98
Jane Koburger F59 53.27
Dale A LeClair F41 501.54
Cathy Mancino F61 300.00
Carolyn Mizell F43 167.22
Jonathan B Olsen M47 365.26
David H Owen M58 780.48
Club MWA (Midtown Weston Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 4.35 Total Miles, 4.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Trey R Seibold M42 4.35
Club NCMJ (North County Masters of Jupiter) (8 Swimmers, 489.95 Total Miles, 61.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gloria Davenport F50 67.90
Michael Grossfeld M71 70.20
Matt Handel M49 1.86
Katherine Hogenkamp F40 100.04
Randi Iverson F27 11.99
Crystal Lewis F52 156.70
Mindy Parrott F37 68.86
Katie Philipp F30 12.40
Club PLAN (Plantation Swim Team Masters) (1 Swimmers, 529.97 Total Miles, 529.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heidi R Hester F30 529.97
Club SOFL () (2 Swimmers, 599.68 Total Miles, 299.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan C Garland F24 43.03
Miles Malmborg M50 556.65
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 107.93 Total Miles, 53.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth Beirnes F31 0.00
Jose A Ramirez M52 107.93
Georgia LMSC (54 Swimmers, 12,673.08 Total Miles, 234.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ART (Atlanta Rainbow Trout) (5 Swimmers, 332.89 Total Miles, 66.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steve Allgood M42 167.13
Betty N Giles F40 10.36
Colin T Murphy M33 15.74
Andrew Qiu M43 59.86
Andrea M Timpeiro F44 79.80
Club AWJ (Atlanta Water Jocks) (1 Swimmers, 482.67 Total Miles, 482.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heidi Natkin F36 482.67
Club GAJA (Georgia Masters) (41 Swimmers, 10,850.69 Total Miles, 264.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael R Asam M39 69.16
Kristin A Aziz F45 757.59
K Scott Bazemore M47 0.91
Lynn Beach F54 443.18
Chris K Carroll M43 509.12
Herb Chuven M71 79.51
Kathy Crawford F61 62.54
Lindsay A Danner F39 19.35
Brett A Davis M44 162.85
Linda J Demma F34 400.72
Jeremy H Diers M36 565.04
Traci Dunn F31 67.67
Richard R Ford M45 167.66
Caroline Gatto F50 366.56
Kelly A Godleski F34 496.19
Berry Hamilton M57 185.55
Malena Hankins F37 54.62
Donna L Hooe F48 558.80
Neely Hunter F37 50.26
David R Jacobson M51 550.35
Elaine Krugman F48 262.73
Alison C Lontz F38 240.19
Bill Lotz M61 476.14
Dennis W Maddux M73 21.81
Paul (Tank) F McNamara M47 287.71
Doug Michalke M57 150.47
Catherine J Onley F44 119.12
Jeff A Palm M39 500.07
Andrew M Perry M42 481.11
Randy E Randolph M52 25.55
Maureen H Robinson F56 0.00
Thomas B Sealey M50 378.83
Ann H Sykes F56 305.56
John Teel M63 12.50
Cheryl L Torrao F39 16.53
Ginny Trimble F26 514.31
Lisa L Watson F56 431.39
Nana Whalen F73 169.22
Charlene Wilson F35 252.42
Charles A Zapf M61 23.45
John V Zeigler M65 613.94
Club HURM (Hurricanes Masters) (1 Swimmers, 523.07 Total Miles, 523.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert B Bibb M50 523.07
Club RAY (Stingrays Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 176.11 Total Miles, 176.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David M Campbell M43 176.11
Club UNAT () (5 Swimmers, 307.64 Total Miles, 61.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mollie N Jones F26 66.52
Larry Knight M57 100.04
Karmen Lenz F49 2.10
Daniel N Meyer M46 129.54
Andreina J Salas F19 9.43
North Carolina LMSC (64 Swimmers, 10,804.44 Total Miles, 168.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club NCMS (North Carolina Masters Swimming) (61 Swimmers, 10,671.38 Total Miles, 174.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott A Acheson M52 268.55
Robert D Adams M50 155.54
Craig Anderson M61 539.24
Penny A Ashley-Lawrence F39 27.73
Richard S Bober M59 173.90
Bob F Brown M67 227.59
Pierre Buret M47 4.66
Diane Byers F61 116.73
Laura S Caskey F43 17.39
William H Catterson M38 354.03
Gregory B Cook M48 381.53
Erik Crankshaw M38 6.15
Mark Doyle M51 379.20
Will Eustis M35 58.15
Dawn C Franklin F41 192.06
Terri B Garrou F53 100.26
Christopher J Garville M60 118.78
Sean George M39 0.00
Margaret T Godwin F62 50.11
James M Green M66 851.30
Virginia R Hall F37 0.00
Susan S Hamilton F61 84.86
Angela Henry F41 62.00
Kevin P Herlihy M30 110.51
Mary Anna Hovey F67 224.19
James Howard M44 145.94
Bob Husson M65 256.48
John B Hyde M30 13.75
John Y Jackson M68 185.03
Steven D Kelley M59 179.63
Pamela M Kicklighter F53 1.70
Roland Klober M42 131.63
Camille A Klotz F65 208.30
Erica L Marchie F29 1.14
Rita Maynard F59 223.04
Jessica A McGinley F19 6.00
Frank P McGrath M74 107.50
Mark A Medendorp M33 15.06
Bill Miller M53 335.99
Mike P Murphy M52 5.55
Paul L Nowicki M52 129.17
Andrea H Packard F36 381.52
Mark M Petersen M54 5.28
Wendy C Potter F42 11.16
Karen J Raschke F26 44.52
Kim Sarah Rice F29 543.52
Mark W Roberson M46 24.83
Teresa L Sanchez F30 119.81
Bill Sandford M56 208.52
Mark A Savoldi M44 167.84
Kirstie S Scheib F41 85.82
Allison A Shivar F29 5.68
Chris L Stevenson M46 601.63
Jason Sturgis M38 316.99
Greta Van Meeteren F63 457.40
Hans P Van Meeteren M66 344.96
Juanita A Willard F90 18.30
Heidi Williams F41 389.76
Kevin L Winter M52 60.43
Tammy L Yates F29 66.08
Steven L Young M50 366.95
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 133.06 Total Miles, 44.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Meredith Moore F37 98.34
Gil Stose M49 26.89
Nicole D Yarbrough F24 7.84
South Carolina LMSC (35 Swimmers, 7,175.81 Total Miles, 205.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BLF () (5 Swimmers, 993.26 Total Miles, 198.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Curwen M27 252.75
Barbara M Eisele F80 247.86
Karen Ijames F41 32.67
Edward Jerger M88 201.16
Kelly G Minasi F46 258.81
Club BMST (Beaufort Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 80.68 Total Miles, 80.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Viki Hill F54 80.68
Club COLM (Columbia Masters) (1 Swimmers, 412.31 Total Miles, 412.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gary E Bell M64 412.31
Club GS (Greenville Splash YMCA Masters) (3 Swimmers, 898.07 Total Miles, 299.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janice A Hebel F51 129.09
Leslie Scott F46 487.75
Steven J Stuart M42 281.23
Club GSMS (Grand Strand Masters Swimming) (11 Swimmers, 2,212.30 Total Miles, 201.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Charles E Bateson M42 189.60
Judy A Childers F56 145.97
Jennifer C Cormack F42 200.05
Vera Y Eastridge F69 105.09
Karen K Fuss F44 180.72
Mitch F Laps M33 195.33
Tom Maguire M67 373.37
Joan K Preller F62 246.65
Jay Preslar M59 3.24
Joel A Schmaltz M40 337.95
Sam Wathen M57 234.33
Club HHAC () (1 Swimmers, 515.65 Total Miles, 515.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
DJ Murray F80 515.65
Club PALM (Palmetto Masters) (1 Swimmers, 200.56 Total Miles, 200.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff C Garrard M56 200.56
Club SWYS (Sea Wolves) (1 Swimmers, 535.07 Total Miles, 535.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary Anne Savage F50 535.07
Club SYMS (Summerville Family YMCA Masters Club) (2 Swimmers, 317.87 Total Miles, 158.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ashley A Courtney F37 57.35
Jessica N Robinson F32 260.52
Club TGM (Team Greenville Masters) (4 Swimmers, 543.06 Total Miles, 135.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Barbara A Barber F58 307.12
Martin W Denker M67 152.69
Katie W Mendez F27 81.51
Shelley A Rubert F39 1.74
Club UNAT () (5 Swimmers, 466.99 Total Miles, 93.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Paul E Cleary M54 146.40
Lea E Hall F48 7.78
Catherine Howard F48 18.41
Suzy Siman F31 20.11
Claire Watson F26 274.29
Southeastern LMSC (39 Swimmers, 6,576.26 Total Miles, 168.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AMS (Auburn Master Swimmers) (2 Swimmers, 437.98 Total Miles, 218.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Reid Hanson M53 88.74
Kimberlee M Riley F46 349.24
Club ATMS (About Time Masters Swimming) (8 Swimmers, 1,037.92 Total Miles, 129.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Drew W Bagwell M25 2.81
Tonia C Beverly F43 6.35
Arnold Caylor M57 270.32
Alison M Norris F40 8.41
Frank Odell M60 155.85
Lauren E Odell F22 9.03
Bo A Shirey M37 366.14
Alan S Woods M44 219.01
Club BSLM (Birmingham Swim League) (2 Swimmers, 410.81 Total Miles, 205.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stuart E Roberts M49 306.62
Jeremiah West M27 104.20
Club DACM (Decatur Aquatics Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 15.91 Total Miles, 15.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Debbie Sutton F50 15.91
Club EXCL (Excel Aquatics Masters) (4 Swimmers, 358.86 Total Miles, 89.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marne J McLyman F30 1.24
Johanna M Michel F35 37.24
Mike Phillips M54 1.82
Heather Rietz F42 318.56
Club GCPS (Gulf Coast Pirate Swimmers) (6 Swimmers, 1,486.24 Total Miles, 247.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Katherine B Clarke F66 225.26
Nan DeStafney F53 15.11
Bill Evans M60 505.05
Paul Kellum M66 206.02
Sally W Menk F72 272.39
Kathy VanAlst F56 262.41
Club GKMS (Greater Knoxville Masters) (1 Swimmers, 403.37 Total Miles, 403.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stuart H Wylie M53 403.37
Club HUNT (Huntsville Swim Assoc) (2 Swimmers, 99.99 Total Miles, 50.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff T Hinely M47 95.56
Kathy M Thompson F36 4.43
Club MATT (Madison Titans) (1 Swimmers, 607.85 Total Miles, 607.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joachim Thoenes M41 607.85
Club MTMS (Middle Tennessee U Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 201.35 Total Miles, 201.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Billie C Richardson F39 201.35
Club MTSC (Middle TN Masters Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 287.42 Total Miles, 95.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roger Lancina M69 200.00
Jaime Loebner F38 0.00
Emily B Moore F43 87.41
Club NAVY (Navy Masters) (1 Swimmers, 50.61 Total Miles, 50.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carol Farrington F58 50.61
Club PCM (Panama City Masters) (2 Swimmers, 290.01 Total Miles, 145.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sue Cottrill F48 139.88
Jim Meadows M49 150.13
Club RATS (Chattanooga River Rats) (1 Swimmers, 318.51 Total Miles, 318.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
F Carter Wexler M47 318.51
Club SSMS (Shoals Sharks Masters) (2 Swimmers, 102.16 Total Miles, 51.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keith Haden M49 20.17
Steven K Whitson M49 81.99
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 467.26 Total Miles, 233.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Utley Noble M47 467.26
Warren Smedley M51 0.00
Southern LMSC (23 Swimmers, 4,098.34 Total Miles, 178.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BTAC (Bengal Tiger Aquatic Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 47.67 Total Miles, 47.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dustin P Sutton M26 47.67
Club CMAQ () (1 Swimmers, 125.74 Total Miles, 125.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary E Snow F34 125.74
Club RRM (Red River Masters) (2 Swimmers, 77.73 Total Miles, 38.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike Fleniken M41 64.59
Kristiane M Gavin F29 13.14
Club SMS (Southern Masters Swimmers) (16 Swimmers, 3,625.73 Total Miles, 226.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael Bourg M39 32.81
Jonathan P Dziuba M30 21.05
Louis A Farmer M60 76.12
Allen D Hardy M62 165.93
Doug Kopp M61 856.07
Fay V Lachney F49 253.89
Jean-Marie Lacobee F56 222.90
Jeff D Maynor M32 348.13
Gary R Merrifield M48 0.00
Douglas J Olson M31 7.77
Mahlon P Poche M46 254.51
David K Rosenthal M47 1.70
Diane R Sabatier F54 393.44
Stephanie Santini F51 347.85
Mark F Welker M49 367.44
Kendra E Wilson F29 276.11
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 221.48 Total Miles, 73.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melinda Martinez F41 19.61
Whit McKinley M47 42.95
Douglas Weaver M50 158.92
Great Lakes Zone (289 Swimmers, 53,881.09 Total Miles, 186.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Allegheny Mountain LMSC (8 Swimmers, 1,050.09 Total Miles, 131.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ALMT () (1 Swimmers, 568.19 Total Miles, 568.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Kuzmkowski M56 568.19
Club AMAM (Allegheny Mountain Association Masters) (2 Swimmers, 10.51 Total Miles, 5.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Donald E Murphy M52 10.51
David C Sanner M42 0.00
Club CHAR (Chartiers Valley Swim Club Inc) (3 Swimmers, 363.54 Total Miles, 121.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy F Caves F50 91.36
Tara D'Agaro F35 210.56
Aimee Gelston F39 61.62
Club TPIT (Team Pittsburgh Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1.82 Total Miles, 1.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark Cox M42 1.82
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 106.03 Total Miles, 106.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hongmei Liang F40 106.03
Illinois LMSC (92 Swimmers, 16,450.93 Total Miles, 178.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ABM (Academy Bullets Masters) (4 Swimmers, 399.20 Total Miles, 99.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lori J Heckendorf F43 2.90
Robert T Hitchcock M44 222.00
Eileen A King F20 8.64
Lida B Kuehn F47 165.67
Club DANY () (2 Swimmers, 76.02 Total Miles, 38.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nadine K Day F40 65.34
Mo D Keyser F51 10.68
Club ELG (Elgin Blue Wave Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 783.68 Total Miles, 156.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Maureen Lue F47 51.14
Frank Matherson M56 150.09
Samantha McCarthy F28 56.43
Lex Pegues M50 208.13
Gina M Scott F36 317.90
Club FFMS (YWCA Flying Fish) (1 Swimmers, 90.13 Total Miles, 90.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Evelyn Alford F51 90.13
Club GLTR (Galter Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer McBride F41 0.00
Club IM (Illinois Masters) (58 Swimmers, 12,500.87 Total Miles, 215.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peggy Armand F47 159.10
Mark Barron M54 217.37
Mary Ann Becker F35 23.38
Sara J Bernabei F29 54.54
Katie A Braun F25 224.06
Laurel Brill F40 94.08
Sarah A Broker F23 124.03
Frances T Cahill F28 12.98
Amanda H Castle F35 25.20
Elaine Chapa F52 154.48
Marcia E Cleveland F46 56.88
Mariah P Cunnick F26 94.42
Dorothy R Debolt F49 124.91
Jane B Del Greco F54 302.56
George Durzi M34 132.95
Margaret Ellwood F47 247.59
Lee Francis M49 397.72
David M Garza M43 344.22
Bob Genis M43 255.09
Ruth Giles-Ott F42 100.23
Kathryn Glass F26 130.14
Nicole E Goers F30 110.01
Stacy Golden F28 170.17
Amy Goodwin F29 101.98
Jennifer L Hallstein F43 150.00
Ken Heraty M47 0.00
Lisa G Hesterberg F24 361.68
Tom Hintz M44 619.57
John A Hobson M56 634.03
Paul Hulseman M50 504.97
Amanda Hunt F41 507.63
Kevin J Hupp M45 324.33
Timothy J Jenkins M49 353.48
John B Jones M37 105.01
Lynne Lasser F48 251.52
Jennifer A Lawrence F40 274.13
Enrique A Lee M39 21.08
Douglas Little M49 253.48
Don Macdonald M48 722.75
Karen A MacKenzie F37 69.69
Jeremy R Mitchell M30 7.70
Skip Montanaro M57 75.22
Maggie Morrison F36 1.02
Marjorie Pannell F60 228.49
Michael J Petersen M34 16.64
Scot Phinney M54 251.24
Tiffany D Rentner F23 20.71
Matthew J Roob M47 184.39
Bernice Ruo F37 382.81
Alec Sandy M46 153.84
Deborah A Schaub F60 275.14
David Sebastian M49 266.89
Andreas K Seibt M52 783.29
Bill Shipley M35 5.24
Emily M Shoopman F27 348.18
John Traynor M51 22.64
Paul H Tzur M32 300.52
Daniel S Zimmerman M43 365.48
Club JPD (Joliet Park District Blue Tides) (2 Swimmers, 1.14 Total Miles, 0.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Valerie A Louthan F36 1.14
David Stroh M44 0.00
Club LIB () (4 Swimmers, 797.14 Total Miles, 199.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian Clark M40 23.39
Michael P McDonnell M25 193.88
Michael E Reed M55 325.66
Tiffany J Sullivan F26 254.21
Club NWSC () (1 Swimmers, 82.61 Total Miles, 82.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Geralynn M Walsh F49 82.61
Club UNAT () (13 Swimmers, 1,264.44 Total Miles, 97.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carol P Brown F57 208.78
Paul C Caughey M30 75.18
William F Davis M63 169.10
Libby Haagensen F32 0.00
Patrick G Inness M20 0.00
Silke Janssen F36 193.54
Jennifer A Johnson F36 321.63
Matt Krizmanic M24 39.94
Mary A Maher F42 5.51
Paul J Nolte M48 96.90
Teri L Powers F43 101.18
Tony Prokes M40 2.27
Victor Wen M36 50.42
Club WLAC (Westloop Athletic Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 455.70 Total Miles, 455.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lynn R Roose F46 455.70
Indiana LMSC (50 Swimmers, 7,431.73 Total Miles, 148.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club COLE () (1 Swimmers, 406.98 Total Miles, 406.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steven M Conover M61 406.98
Club CSC (Carmel Swim Club Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,064.09 Total Miles, 133.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig A Clayton M35 81.83
Jennifer R Joyce F47 93.32
Rob Joyce M49 152.99
Lucie R Mays-Sulewski F40 205.02
Judy M Porter F39 151.42
T. M Rothrock M44 131.92
Todd Swift M36 40.20
Patti L Vollmer F49 207.39
Club DLMA (Duneland Masters) (3 Swimmers, 551.79 Total Miles, 183.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dan Biegel M52 58.21
Salvador Mujica M51 256.78
Jennifer L Tuck F38 236.81
Club DOC (DOC IU Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 83.03 Total Miles, 41.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick Beemer M35 83.03
Blair M Johnson M32 0.00
Club GRIN (GReater INdiana) (4 Swimmers, 158.87 Total Miles, 39.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keith M Brownewell M47 55.18
Jeff S Hyatt M48 0.00
Susan C Kerr F55 100.11
Pat Park M48 3.58
Club HPX (Westview Healthplex) (2 Swimmers, 276.34 Total Miles, 138.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matt Hutton M38 151.27
Scott J Montgomery M41 125.07
Club INDY () (5 Swimmers, 1,445.56 Total Miles, 289.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy L Ertelt F46 180.82
Karen J Gernert F40 626.92
Cheryl M Gettelfinger F53 332.34
Mel E Goldstein M72 172.38
Dave A Thibodeau M45 133.09
Club ISF (YMCA Indy SwimFit) (3 Swimmers, 108.60 Total Miles, 36.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jonathan C Horton M31 37.42
Vernon C Imhoff M51 52.88
Elizabeth Konz F26 18.30
Club NASM () (1 Swimmers, 6.59 Total Miles, 6.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Charles R Grace M25 6.59
Club NAST (Noblesville Adult Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 919.92 Total Miles, 183.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Raena A Latina F39 12.39
Jeffrey M Maydak M37 260.13
Dick Sidner M61 35.74
Theresa A Thompson F42 108.46
Robin Walker F55 503.21
Club NSC (Newburgh Sea Creatures) (8 Swimmers, 256.73 Total Miles, 32.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Julie R Ammon F39 50.47
Heather L Bowling F43 63.78
Bob Fodstad M54 52.19
Tracey A Heidecker F46 15.48
Carol L Lesh F41 10.60
Stacey A Litsey F40 0.62
Joe Wilkerson M37 9.49
Kaebra Wilkerson F38 54.09
Club SWIN () (2 Swimmers, 979.26 Total Miles, 489.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Guillermo Bez M38 566.53
John D Richardson M48 412.73
Club THT (Terre Haute Torpedoes Masters) (1 Swimmers, 154.28 Total Miles, 154.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John R McFarland M34 154.28
Club TMGO () (1 Swimmers, 171.88 Total Miles, 171.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa E Picek F31 171.88
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 155.03 Total Miles, 77.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Katherine Doogan F24 2.27
Christy L Jerman F40 152.76
Club VALM (Valpo Masters) (1 Swimmers, 392.80 Total Miles, 392.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rachel J Rivera F32 392.80
Club ZAM () (1 Swimmers, 300.00 Total Miles, 300.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa L Brown F48 300.00
Kentucky LMSC (18 Swimmers, 2,882.04 Total Miles, 160.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club SKY (Swim Kentucky Masters) (17 Swimmers, 2,636.65 Total Miles, 155.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David Clement M55 34.86
Susan M Ehringer F42 152.58
Julie Foster F43 18.32
Mark A Gill M42 10.58
Robert C Holmes M48 391.07
Susan Howell F52 80.82
James M Keller M57 311.97
Janice Kregor F54 420.50
Breana L Lewis F34 138.62
Kristen M Lowry F50 203.99
Susan I Paris F64 150.34
William F Ritter M50 104.96
C.J. Rushman M39 242.31
John T Shepherd M69 118.27
Suzie Walter F49 0.00
Mimi H Ward F52 206.22
Hank Webb M49 51.24
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 245.40 Total Miles, 245.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kelby A Thomas M43 245.40
Lake Erie LMSC (11 Swimmers, 2,525.17 Total Miles, 229.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club MEDM (Medina Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 35.26 Total Miles, 35.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Agnes B Bullock F48 35.26
Club O*H* (O*H*I*O Masters Swim Club) (4 Swimmers, 700.88 Total Miles, 175.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shannon Gilfillan F35 3.36
Steven T Hammond M53 210.79
William P McDonald M54 275.95
Darren A Messina M48 210.79
Club SHSH (Shaker Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 1,325.72 Total Miles, 441.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bill D Bretz M55 606.05
Jacqueline Matthews F47 118.41
Deborah L Peters F42 601.26
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 463.31 Total Miles, 154.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Dittman M38 1.39
Brian Schilf M38 419.53
Rachel A Vencl F30 42.39
Michigan LMSC (51 Swimmers, 12,200.73 Total Miles, 239.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club GLSM (Great Lakes State Masters) (2 Swimmers, 368.41 Total Miles, 184.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian Davis M47 169.44
Bob Pratt M52 198.96
Club MICH (Michigan Masters) (49 Swimmers, 11,832.33 Total Miles, 241.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cherie D Adkins F42 193.22
Joe Aumiller M53 901.84
Jeff M Bailey M43 370.71
Stephanie Bay F25 16.59
Michael A Bell M42 228.16
Jenny L Birmelin F33 544.23
Carolynn A Burley F43 173.70
Douglas R Cash M34 74.14
Jason A Colwell M34 32.57
Gabe Crowner M38 150.02
Maddie Diedo F52 611.64
Sally B Donahue F50 602.62
Kathy Elliot F37 144.30
Steven R Erickson M53 222.59
Kerry L Frame F44 579.71
Joe P Gohl M64 278.20
Jude Grant F48 198.78
Suzanne Grebe F49 0.00
Jeremy D Hagerman M32 25.51
George F Halow M48 190.76
Larry A Haynor M45 75.54
Nancy M Hnat F55 253.64
Robert L Isbister M70 265.52
Sean P Kelly M37 37.64
Steven M Kineman M51 244.56
Lana Krolikowski F30 45.84
Jason D Lassen M38 687.99
Megan M Lassen F40 500.13
Pat H LeBlanc M55 182.43
Jennifer M Linn-Hartley F26 50.03
Brenda T MacDonald F55 115.94
Deb S MacDonald F42 37.50
Cheryl J Machovec Dehn F35 116.19
Mike McGowan M58 202.10
Bruce E Morey M53 461.68
Dawn Mullen F44 0.00
Michael Muma M59 373.31
Ray L Novess M62 130.02
Karl Olson M46 200.25
Paul V Pendred M53 105.24
Patrick Racine M36 33.35
Karen C Rosinski F48 303.75
Richard V Roush M56 191.94
Jeff Sabatini M38 71.16
Adam Schmidt M36 34.71
Carl R Schmidt M48 217.92
Eric Tabor M30 50.28
Kirsten Trub-Sheikh F38 28.84
Harriet M Wall F68 1,275.51
Ohio LMSC (33 Swimmers, 5,553.20 Total Miles, 168.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CSMT (Columbus Sharks Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,029.05 Total Miles, 128.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie M Burrows F30 104.95
Eric J Davis M39 200.49
Divya Mehta F32 6.14
Teri Miller F28 250.98
Chris K Paolini M47 267.53
Renee Rambeau F26 18.80
Brandon J Sullivan M28 178.89
Ginny Young F44 1.28
Club DAS (Dayton Area Sharks) (1 Swimmers, 489.23 Total Miles, 489.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeffrey M Hemmes M39 489.23
Club DRM (Dayton Raiders Masters) (2 Swimmers, 577.00 Total Miles, 288.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne M Frayne F56 426.53
Jeanne A Smith F51 150.47
Club HURY (Hilliard YMCA Hurricanes) (2 Swimmers, 123.18 Total Miles, 61.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gail Moore F49 121.45
Beverly M Travis F59 1.73
Club NAM (New Albany Aquatics Club) (2 Swimmers, 246.99 Total Miles, 123.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Edward B Devennish M65 231.76
Karen S Koenig F45 15.23
Club OHSP (Ohio Splash) (4 Swimmers, 545.28 Total Miles, 136.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Corey A Beck M28 207.96
Jerad A Mucci M28 16.32
Steve Trendel M41 170.62
KC Vann F40 150.38
Club OUMS (Ohio University Masters Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 615.19 Total Miles, 205.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristine M Hoke F27 165.09
Mary M VanPatten F41 232.41
Paul G VanPatten M40 217.70
Club SPY (Springfield YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 0.03 Total Miles, 0.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Martin D White M52 0.03
Club SWOM (Southwest Ohio Masters) (2 Swimmers, 563.99 Total Miles, 281.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chad B Ashmore M28 539.33
Feliz D Hall F28 24.66
Club SYL (Sylvania Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 89.35 Total Miles, 89.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alan M Albert M54 89.35
Club UNAT () (7 Swimmers, 1,273.91 Total Miles, 181.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Randy D Ashburn M46 81.09
Kip Bohachek M56 542.82
Sue Druschel F63 3.00
Patrick R Maynard M56 32.39
David A Mielziner M45 85.31
Paul Moke M57 3.73
Benjamin L Price M32 525.58
Wisconsin LMSC (26 Swimmers, 5,787.19 Total Miles, 222.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club WMAC (Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club) (26 Swimmers, 5,787.19 Total Miles, 222.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard Barry M64 369.71
Lynn M Beckett F56 91.66
Erica K Bergstrom F23 218.37
Ann Berres-Olivotti F52 435.11
Karen S Bluhm F54 2.90
James A Culp M53 454.94
Linda K Cunning F62 163.69
William R Curtis M52 122.66
Suzi Green F49 221.67
Angela M Hansen F39 50.00
CJ J Hartman F56 0.51
Michelle L Jacobs F44 21.14
William R Jeppson M58 96.73
Stephen W Justinger M58 406.04
Jackie S Keyser F42 101.19
Stacey L Kiefer F32 245.43
Scott T Kissman M42 179.81
Carrie L Kostopulos-Doebler F39 79.76
Nancy Kranpitz F65 135.20
Sheryl B Leonard-Schneck F46 107.23
Melodee A Nugent F43 1,046.64
Lorraine S Ortner-Blake F49 10.84
Irene M Pillath F67 218.00
Gus I Robledo M52 273.03
Daniel R Slick M62 369.08
Kevin A Yaeger M50 365.83
Northwest Zone (199 Swimmers, 45,809.31 Total Miles, 230.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Alaska LMSC (10 Swimmers, 1,442.43 Total Miles, 144.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AKMS (Alaska Masters Swim Club) (10 Swimmers, 1,442.43 Total Miles, 144.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Angie C Brennan F36 1.14
Catherine Brooks F62 238.45
Forest Brooks M63 158.53
Shawn L Dickson F58 151.72
Mark Fleming M48 204.66
Amber J Hahn F29 30.46
John Pfeifer M59 320.14
Iris A Prophet F27 7.47
Don Roberts M52 5.11
Kenneth C Winterberger M57 324.74
Inland Northwest LMSC (9 Swimmers, 1,690.15 Total Miles, 187.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club HMS (Hydropower Masters Swim Club) (7 Swimmers, 1,372.77 Total Miles, 196.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James A Adams M33 68.59
Matthew F Bronson M45 545.18
Paige Buehler F42 43.49
Mike J Cochran M31 0.00
Marcos A Donolo M35 532.51
Nadine Lehrer F34 38.01
Glenn Mabile M50 144.99
Club LCNM (Lewis Clark Neptunes Masters) (1 Swimmers, 36.63 Total Miles, 36.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David Strottmann M51 36.63
Club SWAT (Spokane Waves Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 280.75 Total Miles, 280.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer M Polello F39 280.75
Montana LMSC (5 Swimmers, 771.25 Total Miles, 154.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club MM (Montana Masters) (5 Swimmers, 771.25 Total Miles, 154.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark S Comfort M57 330.81
Rebecca A Ettien F51 63.49
Jackie A Foster F59 345.73
Vicki A Meyerhoff Smith F59 7.73
Jonathan S Rainwater M20 23.49
Oregon LMSC (77 Swimmers, 18,189.44 Total Miles, 236.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club DUCK () (1 Swimmers, 12.60 Total Miles, 12.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ashley M Salter F28 12.60
Club OREG (Oregon Masters) (64 Swimmers, 17,205.45 Total Miles, 268.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Danielle Aanenson F28 385.24
Raymond G Allen M84 207.56
Valerie L Anderson F53 416.52
Julie A Andrade F49 717.02
Ann M Angvick F43 215.33
Mark Braun M39 456.00
Diane F Cardwell F59 280.46
Michael P Carew M61 1,105.05
Walter R Carter M55 310.06
MJ Caswell F49 370.52
Anicia Criscione F37 343.82
Jed P Cronin M62 508.09
Molly Donaldson F30 0.00
Bonnie B Edwards F38 225.00
Jennifer M Faith F29 56.96
Dallas G Figley M58 109.46
Stephen R Flanagan M48 464.38
Ann R Goodman F51 175.46
Jeanette G Groesz F61 161.02
Jon Gudman M55 76.93
Aubree M Gustafson F29 477.51
Lynn A Gutoski F28 77.24
Scott Hamilton M39 152.74
Stephanie A Harris F60 16.62
Michele Harvey F48 0.91
Peggie H Hodge F70 121.39
Rachel A Hudson F26 26.22
Jim A Ivelich M48 221.84
Richard A Jenkins M62 231.80
Tam K Jenkins F62 173.59
Valerie G Jenkins F47 179.88
Ron K Kaufmann M52 244.53
Ellen L Lee F29 431.86
Michelle L Macy F33 65.28
Jonathan G Matthews M31 114.19
Jennifer M Mercede F31 50.34
Cheryl A Morgen F41 156.01
Bowden K Nave M52 620.31
Gayle A Orner F48 500.01
Debbie M Pappa F49 217.31
Jacqueline W Parker F32 0.00
Keith D Peters M45 275.89
Jennifer B Phillips F42 85.26
James L Proffitt M45 668.21
David A Radcliff M76 655.26
Cynthia H Rosik F77 36.88
Sandi Rousseau F63 72.39
Jon Schieltz M72 168.64
Jimmie Smart M38 118.78
Allen L Stark M61 254.01
Carol R Stark F62 105.18
Ava R Sujanaprawira F29 4.43
Ellen Summers F56 19.74
Mary Sweat F53 792.39
Tom Tanner M55 525.46
Nick Thorpe M31 303.46
Terri L Tyynismaa F48 175.38
Eva L Varga F38 58.75
Joy Ward F68 312.84
Timothy P Waud M43 504.60
George H Weber M80 116.99
Sumner H Williams M31 170.24
Joni D Young F49 883.15
Susie S Young F41 233.05
Club SWMS (Southwest Washington Masters Swimming) (7 Swimmers, 821.68 Total Miles, 117.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sherry L Bender F51 233.19
Michael J Bingle M55 35.80
Joan D Delgado F65 102.14
Wes Edwards M57 160.84
Laila S Hornli F21 21.18
Dianne L Thomsen F53 151.42
Caroline M Wessel F42 117.11
Club UNAT () (5 Swimmers, 149.71 Total Miles, 29.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jane Gray F59 40.64
Sonya J McLaughlin F67 100.01
James E Perkins M66 0.91
Ann Slavin F56 0.00
Mark E Snider M59 8.15
Pacific Northwest LMSC (69 Swimmers, 15,367.32 Total Miles, 222.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BWAQ () (5 Swimmers, 407.60 Total Miles, 81.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patti L Cunningham F56 47.33
Nellis Y Kim F40 91.15
Jane A Moore F60 15.00
Angela Turley F47 6.65
Tina Whiteside F35 247.48
Club PNA (Pacific Northwest Aquatics) (64 Swimmers, 14,959.72 Total Miles, 233.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard P Adcock M55 270.98
Kristine L Antilla F42 227.19
Mary C Armstrong F43 152.40
Sharon F Arroyo F44 92.07
Kelvin M Battle M42 56.68
Suzanne D Behla F55 71.76
Roy A Berg M42 9.72
Susan Botts F57 77.79
Robin C Bruce F25 227.93
John W Brunner M53 29.26
Erin K Burgman F48 517.18
Lee A Carlson M70 167.82
Peter Collins M45 28.48
Rod Cory M47 112.04
Larry deGroen M49 117.73
Joe E Denton M39 559.24
Adair Dingle F51 631.70
Lars R Durban M53 164.33
Bill Fenner M55 274.15
Jennifer Fordham F47 118.49
Willy Gevers M51 41.62
Alex Goldstein M42 731.30
Krista D Gomes F61 295.06
Thomas A Grandine M52 721.63
Julian P Gray M39 63.10
Lynn M Gross F50 13.92
Elizabeth A Harms F33 56.82
Heidi L Hutchinson F43 114.02
Larry Hvattum M54 87.23
Howard A Jess M59 675.54
Michael P Jones M50 365.37
Brad J Kickert M38 192.58
Dan E Larson M43 397.25
Phoebe R Law F31 1.93
Matthew A Lind M46 365.50
Rebecca G Logsdon F56 0.00
Suzanne M Marlatt F37 150.01
Scott W Matthews M49 502.13
Carol McCaig F48 215.85
Helen Y Millward F27 1.48
Rebecca P Mitchell F30 50.63
Kathy L Morris F55 242.07
Jeffrey W Morrison M55 22.94
Kristina Mullins F27 28.01
Lyle A Nalli M50 318.01
Kirk Nelson M40 448.31
Anne P Olson F72 385.27
Mary Orlosky F25 0.00
Jill D Pearson McJunkin F47 128.21
Laura S Petrini F53 528.70
Colleen M Philipps F34 333.51
Kerry J Pray M37 15.77
Kay S Rawlings F42 262.93
Randy Rogers M52 139.90
Izzy B Rosane F58 371.28
J. Michael Schaeffer M54 488.59
Kelly J Sharitt F30 82.08
Daniel C Smith M48 284.37
Rachel Steendahl F34 273.14
David P Tempest M60 455.00
Dan Underbrink M54 628.97
James R Underbrink M50 375.45
Steve Underbrink M42 180.79
John T Vranesh M56 16.54
Snake River LMSC (8 Swimmers, 2,372.87 Total Miles, 296.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club IFPM (Idaho Falls Piranha Masters) (1 Swimmers, 240.86 Total Miles, 240.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christina M Davis F36 240.86
Club SAWS (Sawtooth Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,930.82 Total Miles, 321.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Floyd M Fisk M58 464.31
Kristi D Lee F35 660.32
Christine E Mabile F23 21.65
Alex Mueller M33 328.78
Matalee L Smith F56 31.33
Jill M Wright F59 424.44
Club ZEN (Zen Masters) (1 Swimmers, 201.19 Total Miles, 201.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jani A Sutherland F61 201.19
Utah LMSC (21 Swimmers, 5,975.84 Total Miles, 284.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club QUAC (Queer Utah Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 203.75 Total Miles, 203.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Doug Parkin M48 203.75
Club SALT (Salt Lake Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 1,324.59 Total Miles, 662.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
William W Reeves M57 1,000.37
Rod K Storms M58 324.22
Club UNAT () (5 Swimmers, 378.47 Total Miles, 75.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Josh Green M31 74.77
Robert R Jacobson M54 143.19
Jill T Johnson F44 106.82
Tom Lybyer M50 52.27
Carrie A Sullivan F46 1.42
Club UTAH (Swim Utah) (13 Swimmers, 4,069.03 Total Miles, 313.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fred C Baird M62 207.62
David K Balling M51 400.32
Mark Belnap M41 536.32
Anna Marie Forest F41 291.26
Erin B Jensen F29 0.00
Jennifer N Jenson F30 6.42
James F Jonsson M48 1,127.28
Christopher R Mart M55 240.71
Aspen M Nicolich F25 1.31
Diane C Peterson F45 521.56
Brad Sutterfield M41 2.13
R Kyle Treadway M50 536.88
David A Wellman M28 197.22
Oceana Zone (270 Swimmers, 58,144.12 Total Miles, 215.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Hawaii LMSC (13 Swimmers, 2,373.43 Total Miles, 182.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club HAQ (Hilo Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 234.84 Total Miles, 234.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ron Whitmore M42 234.84
Club HIMA (Hawaii Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,116.33 Total Miles, 372.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kevin W Drake M54 652.32
Sandy Drake F50 48.19
Aimee V Kolman F40 415.82
Club KMSC (Kailua Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Yvette Z Vandermolen F41 0.00
Club MMSC (Maui Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 390.47 Total Miles, 195.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joyce E Roark F52 186.33
Michael C Roark M59 204.14
Club UHM (University of Hawaii Masters) (2 Swimmers, 136.16 Total Miles, 68.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Miriam Riner F30 1.14
Cherise S Saito F26 135.03
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 109.08 Total Miles, 54.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roy K Alameida M65 38.43
Anja E Ritter F46 70.65
Club WSC (Waikiki Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 386.55 Total Miles, 193.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert Buscher M45 50.58
Susan Cushman F48 335.97
Pacific LMSC (257 Swimmers, 55,770.69 Total Miles, 217.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club 49ER (Motherlode Masters) (2 Swimmers, 238.45 Total Miles, 119.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael R Brown M64 121.24
Cindy L Ennis F53 117.21
Club AAM (Alameda Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nancy E Walker F34 0.00
Club AQUM (Aquasol Masters) (2 Swimmers, 606.58 Total Miles, 303.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth B Tiedemann F47 373.92
Eric Zirkelbach M49 232.66
Club BAC (Burlingame Aquatic Club) (4 Swimmers, 373.04 Total Miles, 93.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ben Anixter M73 51.47
Patricia F Anixter F56 278.57
Nancy S Mancini F54 42.99
Maria E Pease F50 0.00
Club BAM (Berkeley (CA) Aquatic Masters) (3 Swimmers, 860.55 Total Miles, 286.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lori M Copan F48 173.78
August R Fern F36 156.67
Steven H Terusaki M57 530.10
Club BAY (Bay Masters) (5 Swimmers, 828.74 Total Miles, 165.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Meredith E Carpenter F24 107.07
Devon H Chen F29 240.64
John P Doyle M25 3.27
Francisca Y Jonsson F31 94.75
Jillian M Silva F33 383.00
Club BMSP (Brentwood Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 102.03 Total Miles, 102.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lorianne Mayo F52 102.03
Club BRS (Bear River Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 60.97 Total Miles, 60.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan E Ray F44 60.97
Club CHIC (Chico Masters Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 1,042.77 Total Miles, 347.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Wendy Asnault F41 616.64
Margaret E Reece F38 408.97
Marji Thomas-Will F63 17.16
Club CLOV (Clovis Swim Club Masters) (4 Swimmers, 1,074.59 Total Miles, 268.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shelly Lynn F40 307.06
Andrew B McLaughlin M37 417.34
Peter J Reilly M33 9.74
Kelly M Wiggins F42 340.45
Club CRUZ (Santa Cruz Masters Aquatics) (6 Swimmers, 1,788.04 Total Miles, 298.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter J Chandler M46 27.64
Jeri L Gintert F50 204.52
Patricia D Knowles F39 855.96
Brian J Lichtenwalter M44 167.96
Steve Miller M46 8.07
Ann S Wilson F35 523.89
Club CUDA (Oakland Barracuda Masters) (1 Swimmers, 2.95 Total Miles, 2.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pat J Tam F60 2.95
Club DAC (Davis Athletic Club) (1 Swimmers, 300.82 Total Miles, 300.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Adrienne M Anderson F44 300.82
Club DAM (Davis Aquatic Masters) (7 Swimmers, 2,034.95 Total Miles, 290.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lorenzo Berti M39 50.45
Karen L Charney F41 465.99
Kerry N Halsted F47 664.83
Deanna L Johnson F54 337.39
Alison Lee F24 75.48
Karen L Olson F55 322.44
Patricia L Price F48 118.36
Club DC (Dolphin Club) (1 Swimmers, 42.02 Total Miles, 42.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Asta Sveinsdottir F41 42.02
Club ECAM (El Cerrito Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 298.05 Total Miles, 298.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Annette Chinn F49 298.05
Club ECYM (El Camino YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 3.61 Total Miles, 1.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amy C Folden F42 1.19
Rose H Roberts F48 2.41
Club EEE (Ellis Electric Eels) (1 Swimmers, 153.97 Total Miles, 153.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eldred F Fountain M54 153.97
Club FGST (Fig Garden Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 484.63 Total Miles, 161.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Cruz M64 165.83
Scott Nichols M56 180.79
David R Noble M40 138.01
Club GG () (1 Swimmers, 20.03 Total Miles, 20.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Drew Jensen M27 20.03
Club LAMV (Los Altos Mountain View Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,319.89 Total Miles, 439.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen T O'Neill M53 631.30
Chuck A Piercey M50 520.73
Mike H Yramategui M49 167.86
Club LGSR (Los Gatos Swim And Racquet Club) (1 Swimmers, 2.95 Total Miles, 2.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John S Fritz M48 2.95
Club LNM (Loch Ness Masters) (2 Swimmers, 728.32 Total Miles, 364.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patti Bauernfeind F44 128.08
Susan B Miller F54 600.24
Club LVAM (Lucas Valley Aquatics Masters) (1 Swimmers, 38.47 Total Miles, 38.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary D Piel F54 38.47
Club LVTC (Livermore Valley Tennis Club) (1 Swimmers, 167.92 Total Miles, 167.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tina L Rocha F42 167.92
Club MAAC (Modesto Area Aquatic Club) (3 Swimmers, 436.20 Total Miles, 145.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David R Bastien M49 195.60
David B Franklin M49 10.57
Karen A Servas F49 230.03
Club MAM (Manatee Aquatic Masters Inc) (40 Swimmers, 11,212.77 Total Miles, 280.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom R Alderson M59 190.51
Karen J Bradley F48 28.99
Jennifer Brakeman F40 250.64
Philip L Bush M61 642.13
Susie A Caso F64 98.39
Victor Catanzaro M43 180.63
Jim Clemmons M60 581.93
Juliet E Cox F42 510.08
Jill F Davis F45 252.19
Robyn R Dean F52 268.40
Thomas F Ferguson M58 113.45
Peter C Finney M43 483.12
Suzie E Girard F39 300.34
Kirsten R Halbrook F42 286.68
Bernard J Hale M42 725.82
Todd C Hansen M58 404.03
Robert H Heath M53 104.89
Gordon D Jacoby M67 222.56
Edward V Killeen M43 120.74
Kathleen Kline F54 200.11
Alan Levinson M59 131.17
Eve G Maidenberg F34 353.04
Peg K Mc Partland F68 192.43
Kelly L McGrath F50 135.39
Cheryl Miller F52 188.88
Robin M Mills F48 357.97
Christopher S Pankey M56 515.17
Shannon A Pedder F38 127.68
Rebecca R Perry F46 419.69
Hisun Rim F43 68.34
Beccah D Rothchild F37 434.22
Caroline L Sorenson F28 157.59
Brian K Stack M59 320.96
Susan G Stanton F58 140.80
Bruce R Storrs M52 323.95
Catherine Sychr F34 457.12
Margaret A Thompson F30 183.72
Bob B Upshaw M61 529.15
Joanneke F Verschuur F45 59.44
Michael W Voorhies M63 150.43
Club MBAY (Monterey Bay Masters Seaside AC) (1 Swimmers, 450.06 Total Miles, 450.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dana M Jones F46 450.06
Club MELO (Menlo Masters Aka Team Sheeper) (6 Swimmers, 2,051.19 Total Miles, 341.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie D Couch F46 304.01
Louise S Feeley F51 300.74
Steve Foster M42 73.30
Jana Matena F48 494.86
Peter S Remick M44 344.19
Duke S Rohlen M43 534.09
Club MEMO () (1 Swimmers, 2.27 Total Miles, 2.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan L Haufler F53 2.27
Club MMSW (Mavericks Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 119.58 Total Miles, 119.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Meredith A West F26 119.58
Club MPM (Marin Pirates Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,701.57 Total Miles, 212.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kim Bauer M46 442.28
Alan D Bernard M61 297.70
Lynn M Forsey F48 170.30
Cokie Lepinski F51 386.89
Catherine Nam F42 101.31
Katharine M Novak F39 23.08
Susie W Powell F58 274.69
Nancy Raabe F53 5.31
Club MPSC (Masters Penguin Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 100.74 Total Miles, 100.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Suzanne M Hartley F42 100.74
Club MTRC (Mount Tam Racquet Club) (3 Swimmers, 1,066.37 Total Miles, 355.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leslie Hunter F58 0.99
Grayson W Marshall M67 460.98
Sally J Marshall F61 604.39
Club MVM (Mountain View Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,044.49 Total Miles, 208.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sara Bothwell Allen F35 19.60
Bob Hoxsie M52 142.70
Adina Kletter F37 501.09
Robert C McKee M51 0.00
Karla E Rees F38 381.10
Club NBA (North Bay Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 160.63 Total Miles, 160.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lee Anne Ghimenti F40 160.63
Club NCAL (The Swim Club of NorCal) (2 Swimmers, 223.87 Total Miles, 111.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard J Schingler M58 194.69
Jamie L Ulloa F40 29.18
Club NVM (Napa Valley Masters) (1 Swimmers, 108.53 Total Miles, 108.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thomas M Mc Nicholas M71 108.53
Club OAK (Oakwood Athletic Club Masters) (4 Swimmers, 2,549.96 Total Miles, 637.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lynn S De Jonghe F68 3.72
Teddy Colleen Palmer F56 21.65
Susan K Skilton F52 735.42
Don Tatzin M58 1,789.18
Club OAM (Orinda Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Annette M McAvenia F43 0.00
Club PCAM (Peninsula Covenant Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 89.84 Total Miles, 44.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bruce Erickson M46 55.68
Diana M Nemirovsky F43 34.16
Club PVMA (Petaluma Valley Masters) (2 Swimmers, 264.57 Total Miles, 132.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steve R Dunbar M44 203.44
Liz A Seymour F42 61.14
Club RAMS (Rocklin Aquatics Masters) (2 Swimmers, 317.86 Total Miles, 158.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa M Balestrini F46 229.03
Janet C Olsen F73 88.83
Club RHMS (Rolling Hills Mud Sharks) (2 Swimmers, 50.34 Total Miles, 25.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dianne S Arrigoni F58 34.49
Sarah Larroque F32 15.85
Club RINC (Rinconada Masters) (1 Swimmers, 2.95 Total Miles, 2.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James P Young M68 2.95
Club SAC (Sacramento Masters) (2 Swimmers, 53.32 Total Miles, 26.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
J Steve Pinson M47 52.19
Julie A Saturnio F44 1.14
Club SCAM (Strawberry Canyon Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1.02 Total Miles, 1.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alice A Jones F61 1.02
Club SCSC (Santa Clara Swim Club Masters) (3 Swimmers, 153.67 Total Miles, 51.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kyoungbin Kim F43 131.70
Eric J Pederson M50 21.97
Jennifer J Wu F25 0.00
Club SMM () (4 Swimmers, 576.64 Total Miles, 144.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Henry Chan M31 325.23
Calvin K Chen M49 239.08
Stephen H Dover M49 0.00
Liliana M Williams F39 12.33
Club SMMM (San Mateo Master Marlins) (2 Swimmers, 296.24 Total Miles, 148.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeffrey Enright M44 291.58
Eric C Plett M48 4.66
Club SNM (Sierra Nevada Masters) (2 Swimmers, 8.75 Total Miles, 4.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Julia K Smith F43 5.74
Marci L Zavala F36 3.01
Club SRM (Santa Rosa Masters) (4 Swimmers, 875.64 Total Miles, 218.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joel D Brown M59 82.24
Christine N Lockhart F52 632.82
Emily Scott F30 159.44
Hermine M Terhorst F52 1.14
Club STAN (Stanford Masters Swimming) (6 Swimmers, 1,700.01 Total Miles, 283.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Louis G Ceci M60 214.75
Karla B Oeler F45 285.06
Kent M Price M72 680.00
Thomas Roos M25 117.62
Alexi O Ueltzen F25 259.15
Jiffy Vermylen F27 143.44
Club TAM (Tamalpais Aquatic Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,524.57 Total Miles, 304.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keith Benson M37 33.82
Judy A Eisenman F56 424.62
Deacon G Shoenberger M36 236.42
Linda R Shoenberger F63 311.77
James N Stambolis M63 517.93
Club TCAM (Tuolumne County Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 376.63 Total Miles, 188.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brent A Anderson M54 206.10
Sheri L Anderson F54 170.53
Club TEME (Temescal Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 346.80 Total Miles, 173.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lorna M Baird F58 2.27
Thomas Edgerton M50 344.53
Club TOC (The Olympic Club) (7 Swimmers, 2,269.27 Total Miles, 324.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anezka G Felton F62 407.87
Richard A Felton M62 52.63
Mike Keck M51 305.89
Bart Lally M48 465.58
Phyllis E Quinn F55 355.05
Dick Warren M63 333.41
Laureen K Welting F45 348.84
Club TSUN (San Francisco Tsunami Masters) (4 Swimmers, 161.41 Total Miles, 40.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nate Mahoney M35 0.00
Carlos Penilla M45 12.27
Vicki A Roberts F47 129.82
JP Stephenson M45 19.32
Club TTAM (Truckee Tahoe Aquatics Masters) (1 Swimmers, 19.77 Total Miles, 19.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carrie Moore F27 19.77
Club TVM (Tri Valley Masters) (6 Swimmers, 2,316.26 Total Miles, 386.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy W Bracken F53 365.94
Ron Emhoff M55 852.43
Audrey Gillette F40 1.30
Bill Mc Cracken M49 683.34
Loren J Pearson F35 4.09
Cameron N Sullivan F42 409.15
Club UNAT () (27 Swimmers, 4,702.40 Total Miles, 174.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Denise Berro F50 323.61
Susan Blew F58 20.29
Becky C Calvin F49 24.94
Kelly G Cantlen F42 48.16
Diane Daniel F64 205.10
Susan M Dragich F60 428.26
Sheila M Esson F52 108.49
Jeff L Freed M55 0.57
Caryn L Galeckas F51 113.06
Phil F Gehin M58 488.53
Robin D Hart F55 191.30
David A Hinz M46 210.21
David B Kelley M62 214.94
Jan F Kooy M38 238.12
Joyce C Leary F34 35.83
Catherine E Lee F55 237.95
Martha J Lee F57 176.58
Rita M Mt Joy F68 205.88
Peggy Nelson-Aguilar F53 314.93
Kevin L Randles M47 4.97
Elizabeth J Richter F20 426.37
Anietta R Tice F49 340.67
Ashley R Vandersteen M47 264.17
Kelly Wallis F29 8.52
Megan A Wenger F26 25.57
Maureen F Whitmore F59 45.37
Colin G Wilson M50 0.00
Club USF (University of San Francisco Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,133.57 Total Miles, 141.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bill Burke M56 301.49
Matt Chappell M46 550.94
Carla D Di Gennaro F33 128.51
William E Grohe M77 46.00
Frederick D Mitchem M63 57.59
Michael W Moore M60 12.72
Ed Murray M61 0.00
Julian B Sapirstein M61 36.33
Club VACA (Vacaville Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 365.40 Total Miles, 182.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keitha D Bryan F50 45.51
Rick D Bryan M51 319.88
Club WACM (Western Athletic Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 3.61 Total Miles, 3.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sharon L Thomas F50 3.61
Club WCM (Walnut Creek Masters) (21 Swimmers, 3,966.21 Total Miles, 188.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chris S Bond M43 635.14
Amy C Bradford F30 352.52
Trish (Patricia) S Brown F43 12.74
Karen L Duggan F40 293.41
Patrick M Duggan M47 13.58
Gerald A Fegler M47 64.20
Laurie A Gardiner F46 248.59
Peter M Guadagni M55 611.13
Sossi M Hanoian F22 115.36
Neila Hansel F34 50.46
BJ Henry F46 0.00
John A King M56 63.22
Ashley R Martens M38 48.81
Carol J Nip F53 107.20
John Porcella M48 326.24
Donald R Potter M45 307.52
Pavel Smrz M28 36.72
Karen M Tukua F60 60.09
Rebecca R Tukua F28 118.22
Bryan D Volpp M53 501.07
Lisa A Ward F46 0.00
Club WINE (Wine Country Masters) (2 Swimmers, 391.34 Total Miles, 195.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ericka L Richards F32 148.68
Theresa V Wistrom F66 242.67
South Central Zone (152 Swimmers, 27,302.01 Total Miles, 179.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Arkansas LMSC (9 Swimmers, 2,775.53 Total Miles, 308.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ARKM (Arkansas Masters) (8 Swimmers, 2,523.24 Total Miles, 315.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amelia A Baldwin F46 34.88
Fred Church M55 163.56
Alan Diamond M37 360.26
David Gillanders M71 200.85
Colin McLain M42 436.45
Tina L Nuckles F45 180.11
Steffan B Sarkin M50 1,144.51
Gillian Woods F31 2.61
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 252.30 Total Miles, 252.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thomas J Callan M57 252.30
Border LMSC (1 Swimmers, 59.58 Total Miles, 59.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club RGSC (Rio Grande Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 59.58 Total Miles, 59.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan Traylor F57 59.58
Gulf LMSC (38 Swimmers, 5,657.57 Total Miles, 148.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club COOG () (5 Swimmers, 1,749.51 Total Miles, 349.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karlene Denby F57 578.94
Jill E Gellatly F43 365.63
Mazy M Leung F42 117.70
Alan Pfeiffer-Traum M56 405.36
Lydia B Tiede F45 281.88
Club FBMS (Fort Bend Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Zing Allsopp F50 0.00
Club FCST (First Colony Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 140.05 Total Miles, 70.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Audrey Earley F48 138.18
Jodi Muschel F40 1.86
Club PEAQ (Pearland Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 9.72 Total Miles, 9.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brett A Cash M37 9.72
Club RICE (Rice Aquatic Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,997.91 Total Miles, 249.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kyle D Ediger M28 66.12
Cathy Fleming F26 202.42
Bruce C Kone M52 417.20
Colette M Lanier F52 146.55
Anna T Mod F47 150.53
Mary D Ruppe F41 568.21
Alvin L Thomas M64 182.62
Clark West M50 264.25
Club STFF (South Texas Flying Fish) (1 Swimmers, 5.90 Total Miles, 5.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jamie R Lewis F56 5.90
Club SWYM (South West YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.40 Total Miles, 0.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tracey A Johnson F47 0.40
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 310.73 Total Miles, 103.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sharon A Driesch F56 38.69
Deborah Hyink F47 266.90
Natalie J Kurz F29 5.14
Club WMST (Woodlands Masters Swim Team) (16 Swimmers, 1,443.35 Total Miles, 90.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Margaret L Allen F51 172.40
Nancy A Crecelius F41 105.08
Mari D'Anne T Geffon F55 8.98
Jane A Gerlowski F52 8.03
Leonard E Gerlowski M53 101.51
Anne L Kozak F51 1.48
Emmie Lee F24 212.23
Jennifer D Miller F36 0.00
Brian Perry M43 16.65
Jon S Picker M60 0.94
Baker L Shannon M85 19.52
Tracy S Shoemaker F50 247.79
Julie M Stevenson F47 79.80
Trevor Tank M44 15.85
Karen K Watson F47 218.33
Synda K Wilson F52 234.77
North Texas LMSC (57 Swimmers, 8,679.18 Total Miles, 152.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club DAMM (Dallas Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 365.57 Total Miles, 182.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen Dixon M48 114.17
Nancy Wendell F46 251.40
Club HEAT (Heart of Texas Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 766.07 Total Miles, 383.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Randal W Boldt M46 454.11
Ryan D Provencher M36 311.97
Club IMSC (Irving Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 84.03 Total Miles, 84.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ginger Smith F52 84.03
Club NTEX (North Texas Masters) (38 Swimmers, 4,888.46 Total Miles, 128.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christine A Anderson F46 223.62
Andrew Bankson M43 131.55
David Barron M37 219.91
Chad Benson M37 33.69
Dennis Butts M39 237.47
Becky Call F41 51.77
Lana Crevier F33 120.82
Elaine Disney F47 182.74
David Dres M52 164.57
Roseanna M Freeman F50 31.32
Frank A Garcia M47 240.90
Susan D George F77 79.46
Dewey Gilbert M49 87.01
Damian C Hellmann M37 171.12
Brooke Lemmons F28 4.04
Kelly C Little F46 24.83
Jeanine Meyers F46 136.56
Laura J Parsons F32 49.21
Debbi Plemons F51 251.49
Brook R Quinn F35 95.33
Michael Quinn M33 245.62
John B Ricca M61 245.36
Mary Beth Rock F49 42.56
Amy Smith F43 123.57
Beth Smith F50 230.27
Stuart M Smith M46 61.62
Melissa D Soileau F29 29.74
Orlynn J Tumminello F43 221.07
Tony Vaglienti M38 223.61
Hugo Velez M52 1.82
Lea Velez F35 101.65
Jim Waterman M46 67.94
Denise Wickline F55 40.35
Joe Wickline M53 300.19
Aaron M Wyant M35 25.91
Connie Yahwak F51 18.49
David H Young M61 250.24
Manfred Zehentmayr M44 121.03
Club PCAT (Plano Wetcats) (6 Swimmers, 950.77 Total Miles, 158.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom Barton M54 273.33
Jamie Hulett M50 210.39
Louise Keetley F36 26.76
Ken Pipkin M66 282.80
Amanda M Wall F27 56.27
Sandra I Walters F56 101.22
Club RAM (Rockwall Aquatics Masters) (1 Swimmers, 51.56 Total Miles, 51.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lou E Knowles F42 51.56
Club RIDG (Team Ridgelea) (4 Swimmers, 1,160.86 Total Miles, 290.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tim Birkhead M66 179.58
Amber L Murphy F29 147.71
Art A Torpy M54 365.86
Susan Torpy F51 467.71
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 411.85 Total Miles, 137.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tim Geeslin M55 53.07
Marshall King M41 254.47
Janey W Woodley F56 104.32
Oklahoma LMSC (7 Swimmers, 920.91 Total Miles, 131.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club EAMS (Extreme Aquatic Master Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 495.26 Total Miles, 247.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Louise D Cleary F56 214.54
Marta M McClay F51 280.71
Club OKMS (Oklahoma Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 257.81 Total Miles, 128.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert W Calonkey M28 136.99
Matt McGuire M42 120.82
Club TULS (Tulsa Masters Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 167.84 Total Miles, 55.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robin R Elmore F44 53.97
Tanya Reitan F37 63.86
Monica Wright F49 50.01
South Texas LMSC (40 Swimmers, 9,209.24 Total Miles, 230.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AAAA (Alamo Area Aquatic Association) (2 Swimmers, 353.68 Total Miles, 176.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Louis P De Leon M34 123.87
Katherine A Leusing Canales F48 229.80
Club AGM (Aquatics of Georgetown Masters) (1 Swimmers, 152.70 Total Miles, 152.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shawn E Sabo F51 152.70
Club MOST (Masters of South Texas) (10 Swimmers, 2,919.18 Total Miles, 291.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jane C Birkhead F70 376.10
Kathy M Boyer F56 742.53
Linda Callaway F57 545.59
Suzanne E Cuda F50 603.54
Henry M Halff M68 1.74
Jeff R Hartzell M34 0.00
Neff K Hudson M46 29.63
Craig A Kercher M49 415.65
John D Stevens M44 4.23
David D Welsh M51 200.17
Club NITR (Nitro Swimming) (8 Swimmers, 2,268.94 Total Miles, 283.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John D Crockett M52 292.86
Tessa N Jones F29 0.00
Scott R Linnborn M40 489.38
Ren Maddox M41 51.91
Donna P Schubkegel F58 255.34
Mary H Singer F34 184.02
David Thomas M50 392.65
Marianne Thomas F47 602.78
Club RGMS (Red Giant Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 102.23 Total Miles, 102.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Denise Ray F38 102.23
Club SBMS (Swim Belton Masters Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 465.36 Total Miles, 155.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elaine Caughlin F55 176.91
Marianne Van Houtte F57 137.61
Wendy R Wolfe F54 150.84
Club TXLA (Longhorn Aquatics) (6 Swimmers, 1,999.46 Total Miles, 333.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ed M Coates M44 617.32
Mary K Jurey F44 60.90
Rachael M Maresh F35 523.46
Erin H Shanley F34 506.10
Cynthia M Thomas F61 181.90
Liza C Willmore F31 109.77
Club UNAT () (6 Swimmers, 527.10 Total Miles, 87.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brad Askins M42 23.61
Stephanie Craig F45 43.09
Jessica S Evans F43 134.40
Herb C Janecek M78 30.62
Susan Johnson F45 92.40
David Smith M50 202.98
Club WHAC (WHAC Masters) (3 Swimmers, 420.59 Total Miles, 140.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cathy Fulton F46 231.30
Ann E Phipps F46 187.22
Lisa M Reed F50 2.07
Southwest Zone (184 Swimmers, 40,429.63 Total Miles, 219.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Arizona LMSC (26 Swimmers, 5,301.50 Total Miles, 203.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ARIZ (Arizona Masters) (20 Swimmers, 4,304.72 Total Miles, 215.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Doug P Adamavich M41 255.11
Dominick Aiello M76 251.53
Theodore Collins M47 365.27
April M Crosby F47 40.88
Kurt F Dickson M43 597.29
Debbie Duane F56 250.45
Douglas L Esch M43 109.87
Mikey G Girard F57 138.53
Nicholas S Hagen M68 16.78
Shannon Hildinger F26 20.99
Jen Inboden F30 258.16
Christopher H Jansmann M39 173.06
Allison M Johnson F25 232.62
Ginger Marcus F56 110.22
Amy L Mayhew F37 518.35
Sandy Mitchel F51 424.00
Timothy W Murphy M41 410.90
KJ Naae F39 5.14
James Sieffert M43 3.41
Lacey Strickland F40 122.16
Club BRSM () (1 Swimmers, 427.13 Total Miles, 427.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick W Brundage M43 427.13
Club PHX () (1 Swimmers, 199.06 Total Miles, 199.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Martin R Hahm M69 199.06
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 286.30 Total Miles, 95.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eric A Depner M41 19.40
Megan Kirst F45 65.88
Michael Rogers M39 201.01
Club YUMA () (1 Swimmers, 84.29 Total Miles, 84.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Katie B Gates F31 84.29
New Mexico LMSC (3 Swimmers, 527.34 Total Miles, 175.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CAQM () (1 Swimmers, 251.97 Total Miles, 251.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patty M Buffett F37 251.97
Club NMMS (New Mexico Masters) (2 Swimmers, 275.37 Total Miles, 137.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeffrey Bischof M53 79.22
Samuel Sinnamon M25 196.14
San Diego - Imperial LMSC (13 Swimmers, 2,421.89 Total Miles, 186.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club OSM (Oceanside Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,450.98 Total Miles, 483.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael R Bullock M64 377.17
Jean M Gallagher F52 451.61
Lauren A Lemieux F51 622.20
Club SBSM (Solana Beach Swim Masters) (1 Swimmers, 8.76 Total Miles, 8.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jack Boyce M60 8.76
Club SDSM (San Diego Swim Masters) (7 Swimmers, 836.98 Total Miles, 119.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Berke Cetinoneri M26 224.21
Charles E Hartley M46 1.68
Darrell L Jett M52 62.57
James A Ney M52 409.53
Thomas J Scholar M46 0.00
Greg Taylor M39 138.99
Susanne M Wienrich F34 0.00
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 125.17 Total Miles, 62.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeffrey C Ricks M38 53.22
Linda L West F58 71.94
Southern Pacific LMSC (142 Swimmers, 32,178.91 Total Miles, 226.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AVM (Apple Valley Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 242.44 Total Miles, 242.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lachell M Chambers F41 242.44
Club BGWM (Gold Wave Masters) (2 Swimmers, 401.53 Total Miles, 200.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Clark G Jue M40 35.20
Heather M Melrose F37 366.33
Club CAAM (Covina Aquatics Association: Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 53.38 Total Miles, 53.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan G Feick F48 53.38
Club COTO (Coto de Caza Coyotes) (2 Swimmers, 209.50 Total Miles, 104.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jon Needell M40 196.52
Fredric A Ross M56 12.99
Club CSAM (Conejo Simi Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 773.02 Total Miles, 386.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael C Cox M34 148.31
Niki F Stokols F53 624.71
Club CTM (Caltech Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,249.72 Total Miles, 249.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew P Darcey M26 522.09
Suzanne R Dodd F49 385.07
Deanna M Hemphill F58 1.31
Jessica E Krick F32 221.38
Gregg S Seltzer M46 119.87
Club CVMM (Conejo Valley Multisport Masters) (7 Swimmers, 875.19 Total Miles, 125.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen P Arvedson M42 260.76
Ryan Athearn M31 50.79
Frank Chavez M27 2.61
Heidi L Christensen F52 102.98
Rob Dumouchel M29 337.07
Nancy Kirkpatrick-Reno F55 3.81
Marc M Mohr M31 117.17
Club GWSC (Golden West Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 154.31 Total Miles, 154.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fred A Schiel M61 154.31
Club HSNM (Henderson Southern Nevada Masters) (2 Swimmers, 19.89 Total Miles, 9.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth Craig F44 16.84
Melanie J McDowell F46 3.05
Club KMAN (Team KMAN) (2 Swimmers, 151.64 Total Miles, 75.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer A Glenesk F53 43.68
Mark J Glenesk M54 107.96
Club LALM (Los Alamitos Masters) (1 Swimmers, 285.63 Total Miles, 285.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff A Davis M52 285.63
Club LAPS (Los Angeles Peninsula Swimmers) (2 Swimmers, 101.99 Total Miles, 50.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kirsten F Bartholomew F51 100.00
Melinda A Czuleger F39 1.99
Club LBG (Long Beach Grunions) (2 Swimmers, 648.92 Total Miles, 324.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Howard A Ferguson M56 291.71
Bill Q Sive M49 357.21
Club LBSC (Long Beach Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 259.66 Total Miles, 259.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott T Meyer M39 259.66
Club LVM (Las Vegas Masters) (4 Swimmers, 748.05 Total Miles, 187.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff Ghan M60 61.17
Dara Goldsmith F44 50.34
Kirsten L Jackson F42 124.49
Christina M Thompson F32 512.05
Club MVN (Mission Viejo Masters) (23 Swimmers, 3,812.02 Total Miles, 165.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Connie K Barrett F41 4.13
Rykk J Bracamonte M30 125.90
Phil Chenery M29 31.42
Wayne Deloney M50 549.30
Michael R Heather M56 450.34
Duncan A Houldsworth M34 159.81
Peter B Jones M43 28.17
Peter D Larson M48 13.39
Dominic J Licavoli M54 96.67
Claire E Lindsell F52 250.89
Jeffrey A Mitchell M41 180.61
Beverly J Montrella F64 237.76
Rebekah Olsen F30 392.28
Cassandra S Ortega F29 32.50
Josh Plummer M37 252.72
Kelly A Richell F45 108.98
Steve Ripic M37 301.02
Erica M Rux F39 2.27
Mari F Schreder F40 121.09
Nichole Talbot F33 113.56
Kelly A Vagi F29 41.34
Deanne R Weissman F48 255.23
Jason Whelchel M30 62.61
Club NOVA (Novaquatics Masters) (11 Swimmers, 4,728.95 Total Miles, 429.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karl Fischer M40 21.89
Thomas H Guntrip M42 50.11
Lexie Kelly F24 714.99
Lynn V Kubasek F52 881.72
Heather J Martinez F34 306.73
Cori McConkle F56 667.81
Bill Mickle M50 311.81
Brett A Olson M48 561.16
Eugene A Paul M82 638.74
Robin M Smith F55 552.10
Frances Tong F39 21.89
Club OJAI (Ojai Masters) (1 Swimmers, 411.57 Total Miles, 411.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lois A Goodman F63 411.57
Club PCA (Pacific Coast Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 300.36 Total Miles, 300.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom M Cain M61 300.36
Club RMDA (La Mirada Armada) (2 Swimmers, 116.08 Total Miles, 58.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bonnie F Eng F40 4.06
Glenn Piner M41 112.01
Club ROSE (Rose Bowl Masters) (7 Swimmers, 2,317.71 Total Miles, 331.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Frank E Campbell M52 139.51
Stefanie Capizzi F23 364.30
Jill E Keenan-Boline F41 411.39
Patrick B Mc Ginley M47 252.66
Forrest B Nelson M45 738.33
Peter E Ronay M68 197.41
Erik A Sterne M58 214.12
Club SBM (Santa Barbara Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,864.13 Total Miles, 310.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Betsy A Hanson F49 507.20
Sherry Keigher F58 518.71
Patricia L McGillen F61 82.89
Evan Morrison M30 640.86
James M Murdock M61 95.54
Nancy L Williams F52 18.92
Club SCA (South Coast Aquatics) (6 Swimmers, 513.20 Total Miles, 85.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristi Haddock F42 177.69
Christine M Karbowski F30 112.26
Justin M Karbowski M34 21.51
Ellen Pickman F51 166.45
Jennifer P Thuillier F41 4.76
Kyle H Weber F45 30.53
Club SCAQ (Southern California Aquatic Masters) (9 Swimmers, 1,492.26 Total Miles, 165.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Corby M Arthur F52 54.50
Jenifer L Bronson F29 255.01
Lysandra J Carter-Aaron F24 1.53
Bill Gross M51 1.30
Albert H Kim M40 213.04
Melissa J Latt F47 339.58
Daniel F Muth M44 30.34
Suzanne C Robertson F25 77.87
David A Schlesinger M35 519.07
Club SLOM (San Luis Obispo Masters) (1 Swimmers, 506.75 Total Miles, 506.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael T Hure M47 506.75
Club SLV (Swim Las Vegas) (2 Swimmers, 151.26 Total Miles, 75.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hans Y Devouassoux M39 69.31
Kara A Robertson F35 81.95
Club SMSC (Santa Maria Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 1.55 Total Miles, 1.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David W Palmerston M57 1.55
Club SPMA (Southern Pacific Masters Club) (1 Swimmers, 8.96 Total Miles, 8.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa A Bippert F32 8.96
Club TCC (Claremont Club) (3 Swimmers, 195.99 Total Miles, 65.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Morena I Calvo F23 187.63
Mary Athena A Krahn F58 2.92
Natalie Pao F22 5.44
Club TMEC (Temecula Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 75.51 Total Miles, 75.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ramon A Navarro M18 75.51
Club TSTT (Triton Swimming and Triathlon Team) (2 Swimmers, 389.40 Total Miles, 194.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chris T Collins M47 303.89
Helene I Hirsch F53 85.51
Club UCLA (UCLA Bruin Masters) (4 Swimmers, 2,762.05 Total Miles, 690.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christie Ciraulo F57 744.43
Jenny L Cook F52 550.01
Dell Upton M61 453.21
Mary C Young F23 1,014.40
Club UNAT () (18 Swimmers, 3,598.33 Total Miles, 199.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joy K Ailes F50 204.08
Michael C Bergkvist M40 68.98
Jinxi Caddel F40 552.07
Juli Cromer F53 33.18
Susan J Ecklund F64 49.69
Naomi J Fukutomi F52 356.44
Chris L Geer M40 321.16
Sue M Hamilton F46 9.86
Valerie I Lang F51 60.07
David H Lonie M37 0.68
Marie Marston F52 236.39
David J Mc Conville M51 116.79
Sakura Mizuno F51 10.60
Tina J Neill F45 1,186.04
Natasha A Niesen F37 1.99
John F Reeves M52 3.41
Robin L Van Vorhis F48 1.42
Jennifer S Wellman F31 385.49
Club VCM (Ventura County Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,475.32 Total Miles, 491.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Blatt M55 532.77
Jim Mc Conica M60 836.20
Michelle M McConica F54 106.34
Club VLVM (Viva Las Vegas Masters) (1 Swimmers, 186.42 Total Miles, 186.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marie D Girouard F33 186.42
Club WH2O (West Hollywood Aquatics) (4 Swimmers, 1,096.20 Total Miles, 274.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laura L Labelle F46 224.88
Charles W Myers M57 145.36
Jessica W Seaton F57 316.94
Susan Shore F48 409.02