All Participants by Zone, LMSC, Club (2,816 Swimmers)
Includes all swims recorded in participant's FLOGs through 12/31/11.
Breadbasket Zone (236 Swimmers, 40,237.06 Total Miles, 170.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Colorado LMSC (79 Swimmers, 14,462.79 Total Miles, 183.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CMS (Colorado Masters Swimming) (71 Swimmers, 12,790.84 Total Miles, 180.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marcia Anziano F66 273.02
Sarah E Austin F31 14.66
Anna W Beelaert F37 247.55
Aimee Bennett F55 2.55
Lisa L Bennett F40 42.58
Lisa A Bohlmann F46 225.43
Stacy L Broncucia F43 18.69
Rebecca D Bryan F38 253.26
Rebecca A Buss F34 29.67
Rosella Cadel F57 54.05
David P Cain M33 216.09
Stephen P Chorey M48 1,166.61
Christine A Covie F59 2.90
Mariah P Cunnick F27 103.98
Clif Cusack M42 158.76
Scott Dayberry M54 104.77
Kirsten L Derr F47 327.33
Brenda K Dilley F47 6.25
Ann R Donoghue F50 134.90
Hugh Duffy M56 199.13
James I Fesler M46 23.60
Scott G Forrester M34 52.67
Carrie L Franchi F59 0.00
Kathy M Francis F52 270.71
Lacy K Fuller F32 300.03
Jenny Georges F31 2.84
Joseph Giles M66 206.48
Dennis Gimlin M55 291.55
Heather Hagadorn F46 595.56
Larry T Harper M57 502.43
Lilian Hoffecker F56 201.02
Todd Holmes M42 167.15
Lauren Hyde F52 152.95
Sara Jelley F24 260.31
Karen Kaussner F52 1.65
Joel R Kostyrka M50 387.44
David Krell M33 109.55
Dan McIntosh M27 0.00
Jim Murphy M51 526.65
Christopher C Nolte M54 372.08
Melissa Nolte F21 7.93
Susan D Nolte F50 341.58
Bryan C Nydegger M24 7.84
Gloria O'Connor F42 300.60
Meg O'Hara F26 0.00
Amy K Poshusta F37 267.93
Rebecca M Pyle F55 293.59
Derek P Robinson M42 0.00
Thomas J Rosinski M41 307.03
Stephen P Roush M49 232.29
Lisa M Rugar F48 19.45
Shawn Slade M42 77.32
Jesse K Smith M42 110.89
Steven Spellman M62 537.95
Paul D Stanford M51 485.74
Carol Storey F50 52.59
Emily Stout F20 0.00
Johnanna C Sullivan F37 131.03
Alexandra M Taylor F28 150.09
Tad Toler M45 0.00
Erik Truxal M39 92.01
Wayne Tutzauer M62 2.30
Lara R Urano F42 61.92
Michael Voss M41 62.27
Nicole Vowles F41 162.07
Sarah E Walker F27 162.39
Lynette A Washburn F48 312.17
LeighAnn White F42 178.52
Julie Whitman-Zai F52 218.26
Dawn M Wilson F36 0.00
Louise Wise F69 208.27
Club SQID (SQUID Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 503.08 Total Miles, 503.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tracy N Sellard F47 503.08
Club UNAT () (5 Swimmers, 756.38 Total Miles, 151.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Helena Harman F54 2.05
Christie S Hill F35 53.89
Andrew W Keen M48 400.11
Kris Tokarski M48 278.69
Lindsay Wyskowski F25 21.64
Club WMSC (Wyoming Masters Swimming Club) (2 Swimmers, 412.50 Total Miles, 206.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Todd A Adams M47 380.54
Patricia A Parmer F58 31.96
Iowa LMSC (24 Swimmers, 4,427.64 Total Miles, 184.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club IAMA (Iowa Masters) (21 Swimmers, 3,822.05 Total Miles, 182.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeff B Brown M54 24.65
Orlin D Buhr M62 32.06
Jack M Fritts M61 269.17
David C Gehring M45 215.17
Dennis W Green M51 200.26
Thomas S Green M53 578.63
Steven A Gronemeyer M64 377.88
Brad R Hernandez M45 252.29
John R Hill M48 130.00
Paige Johnson F19 2.00
Julie Kann F44 67.54
Greg D Moyle M35 250.45
Rick Noeth M67 270.31
Kelly E OHara F36 0.51
Lisa A Person F35 118.24
Nicholas A Quanrud M36 170.32
Jody L Rausch F42 100.03
Katie Raymon F27 39.00
Christopher M Tyler M41 151.00
Janet L Ungs F53 367.47
Rebecca L Zange F45 205.07
Club SWIA () (1 Swimmers, 438.82 Total Miles, 438.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melissa A Dean F48 438.82
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 166.76 Total Miles, 83.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dennis Bennett M45 150.06
Kelly G Carlisle F35 16.71
Minnesota LMSC (50 Swimmers, 9,382.99 Total Miles, 187.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BLGL (Blue Gills) (3 Swimmers, 106.95 Total Miles, 35.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pete Crawford M41 53.10
Deb J Lewis F52 0.00
Lisa I Smith F29 53.85
Club EDIN (Edina Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 23.30 Total Miles, 23.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick Stanaway M25 23.30
Club FSTM (FAST Masters) (2 Swimmers, 44.31 Total Miles, 22.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jill M Manners F32 15.06
Michael Williams M38 29.25
Club HAST (Hastings Area Swim Team) (2 Swimmers, 195.51 Total Miles, 97.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer Garrett F31 70.98
Meghan T Knapp F38 124.53
Club HOPK (Hopkins Masters Swimming) (7 Swimmers, 2,822.53 Total Miles, 403.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Timothy J Beach M34 533.85
Susan M Hilal F35 228.24
Kristin E Marentette F38 582.63
Katie A Melmer F42 514.41
Thomas O Moore M44 8.13
Nicole M Roberts F37 0.00
Karen K Zemlin F44 955.28
Club KNIG (KnightCrawlers) (2 Swimmers, 386.02 Total Miles, 193.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian D Cohn M53 151.63
Teri N Takehiro F50 234.39
Club MINN (Minnesota Masters Swim Club) (14 Swimmers, 3,026.22 Total Miles, 216.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Donna M Anderson F52 251.33
Marc S Anderson M62 319.21
Jeff J Armstrong M47 521.94
Bryan D Bachman M37 161.16
Terrell J Brown M58 610.89
Veronica J C Ellingson F38 190.07
Christine Friedlander F24 514.41
Jody Minner F43 20.37
Pamela C Ogden F54 125.63
Seth Parker M31 2.46
Joan T Ramquist F48 112.24
Erica L Rodell F32 11.80
Stephanie A Weiss F45 21.76
Amy J Woodworth F42 162.96
Club MYWM (Minneapolis YW Masters) (2 Swimmers, 107.42 Total Miles, 53.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne Currie F31 50.96
Beth A Kreitzer F33 56.46
Club NORT (Nort'landers Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 693.49 Total Miles, 231.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Aaron R Kelson M51 203.31
John L Muhich M49 365.26
Heather M Oberg F33 124.92
Club NSAC (North Suburban Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 352.38 Total Miles, 352.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Omar Awad M43 352.38
Club RRCC (Red River Channel Cats) (2 Swimmers, 51.31 Total Miles, 25.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ralf J Mehnert-Meland M47 19.80
Chris Swee M32 31.51
Club SCYM (St Cloud Area Family YMCA) (3 Swimmers, 559.02 Total Miles, 186.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Geoff Armstrong M27 86.85
Krisie M Melsen F31 252.12
Mark Nieters M43 220.05
Club SEMS (South East Metro Sharks) (1 Swimmers, 168.86 Total Miles, 168.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert D Drake M57 168.86
Club UNAT () (7 Swimmers, 845.69 Total Miles, 120.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig L Collins M52 177.95
Joseph D Fang M59 611.72
Darrin R Johnson M44 0.00
Katie A Ley F30 56.02
Chloe A Meisner F22 0.00
Kristi C O'Kane F53 0.00
Reed H Steele M31 0.00
Missouri Valley LMSC (39 Swimmers, 5,247.32 Total Miles, 134.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club MOVY (MOVY Masters) (38 Swimmers, 5,177.13 Total Miles, 136.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John W Bauer M39 20.26
Barbara C Brooks F59 35.29
Vicki L Catt F50 276.51
Greg N Cobb M44 163.75
Jenny Denney F28 23.93
Bruce N Diel M63 33.31
Rachel Eno F33 89.38
Hilary Fellows F34 39.17
Tamara K Felts-Tady F29 70.04
Gabriel Fleck M48 104.56
Patrick C Franzen M34 129.49
Matthew T Garrison M42 61.02
Chip Glidden M61 808.28
Augie Grasis M58 315.06
Jeane M Gruender F83 189.55
Marty Gura M39 281.07
Douglas J Hayden M46 177.44
Amy B Hearst F40 76.43
Jen Kiper F39 47.03
Ted E Knopp M54 3.58
Anne M Kobbermann F32 79.44
Terri A Lees F58 0.00
Heidi L Loecke F40 396.12
Shayne Malone F53 215.47
Mark L Mann M25 7.64
Sherrie Murnahan F43 65.53
Carrie T Norman F32 1.70
Jaes W Overley M41 97.29
Alan L Parker M59 100.00
Janel Preller F38 5.75
Tony Rezek M39 249.00
Robert E Russell M71 3.75
Bill Sherman M53 183.60
Tony A Stewart M38 29.09
Joy Stover F35 381.80
Lori Terzopoulos F45 187.17
Anthony G Thompson M47 224.53
Genny White F28 4.09
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 70.19 Total Miles, 70.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael E Sheehy M64 70.19
Nebraska LMSC (14 Swimmers, 2,009.86 Total Miles, 143.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club NEBR () (11 Swimmers, 1,925.99 Total Miles, 175.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Barbara Anderson F58 200.60
Terry L Koopman M55 200.63
Michael J McGlynn M38 32.98
Russell D Nyffeler M57 261.70
Shirley Peng F27 31.17
Maria Perez-Mozaz F34 154.03
Erin M Sullivan F54 271.93
William Tapprich M55 320.85
Cody L Wienk M38 206.23
Edwin A Willis M58 220.03
Gregg F Wright M64 25.84
Club OMAH (Omaha Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 4.77 Total Miles, 4.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James M Peters M32 4.77
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 79.09 Total Miles, 39.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lindy Hanson F29 1.28
Jenny Overhue F44 77.81
North Dakota LMSC (8 Swimmers, 1,215.85 Total Miles, 151.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AQST (Aquastorm Swim Team) (2 Swimmers, 267.48 Total Miles, 133.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Linn E Schroeder F33 39.71
Mike Swanberg M50 227.77
Club DKTA (Dakota Masters) (6 Swimmers, 948.36 Total Miles, 158.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jody L Bolinske F51 255.74
Karyn L Hippen F42 38.38
Jane L Hutzol F47 353.26
Andrea Reed F32 17.12
Robin C Tracy F47 245.88
Veronica M Whitehead F54 37.98
Ozark LMSC (15 Swimmers, 2,788.66 Total Miles, 185.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CSPM (CSP Tideriders Master Swim Club) (5 Swimmers, 749.75 Total Miles, 149.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melissa Holtmeyer F27 88.63
Jena A Michels F24 0.00
Carol L O'Neill F48 100.28
Tracy Jo Pasieka F36 110.07
Donald A Skor M59 450.78
Club SLAM (St. Louis Area Masters) (9 Swimmers, 2,021.50 Total Miles, 224.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan Aud F56 260.35
Donna M Dowell F51 11.16
Karl R Gundersen M42 147.36
Scott P Halliburton M49 516.12
Josie L Hermsmeyer F35 30.23
Tom A Lombardo M45 166.87
Paul H Morris M49 522.52
Mary M Pohlmann F66 363.91
Dave Schultz M40 2.98
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 17.40 Total Miles, 17.40 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Timothy C Hroma M23 17.40
South Dakota LMSC (7 Swimmers, 701.95 Total Miles, 100.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club PMST (Prairie Masters Swim Team) (7 Swimmers, 701.95 Total Miles, 100.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Betty A Hanson F49 107.70
Jenny A Hodges F37 144.57
Carrie L Jacobson F52 151.42
Steve W Johnson M57 200.60
Nicolle Paulson F26 8.30
Molly E Smith F42 19.56
Mary S Turner F48 69.80
Colonies Zone (692 Swimmers, 139,265.90 Total Miles, 201.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Adirondack LMSC (29 Swimmers, 7,789.77 Total Miles, 268.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ADMS (Adirondack Masters) (25 Swimmers, 7,413.84 Total Miles, 296.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
George F Adams M79 152.08
Jim Butler M33 59.30
Palmyra Catravas F44 132.90
William T Dergosits M28 5.85
Alicia Fletcher F38 306.89
Kevin A Fletcher M41 252.02
Therese M Gigliotti F48 313.81
Fred C Gliesing M55 212.03
Craig J Gordinier M37 84.99
Roy A Kline M59 108.92
Rhonda L Lee F45 67.05
William H Miller M47 378.02
Suzanne M Murphy F37 95.34
Meghan Nuffer F25 20.68
Carl D Olson M58 1,516.59
Patrick J Quinn M80 78.05
Joseph P Riordan M52 568.18
Deborah A Roberts F53 231.19
Michael F Sheehan M41 422.95
Robert Singer M62 623.32
Dennie L Swan-Scott F36 571.60
Mike Taber M54 5.11
Martin Turecky M45 552.22
Keith Vogel M45 197.09
Kenneth P Wilhelm M47 457.65
Club CVC (Champlain Valley Champs) (2 Swimmers, 114.63 Total Miles, 57.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alicia Chase F52 112.52
Diana Lavery F57 2.11
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 261.30 Total Miles, 130.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laraine Putman F62 150.00
June Vyse Gravener F80 111.30
Connecticut LMSC (25 Swimmers, 5,068.85 Total Miles, 202.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CONN (Connecticut Masters) (11 Swimmers, 1,397.65 Total Miles, 127.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter Crumbine M73 191.05
Louis F Fabrizio M58 359.28
Steven C Gawlak M24 118.86
Jessica F Kallipolites F33 123.89
Leo J Letendre M58 33.60
Linda Lucht F49 202.41
Steve R Mentz M45 9.78
Michael Parry M47 113.64
Coleman Ross M45 142.41
Ally Sega F38 100.01
Elizabeth M Tuxbury F23 2.73
Club MMST (Mako Masters) (6 Swimmers, 2,396.44 Total Miles, 399.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Arthur F Apgar M46 456.75
Sarah J Bednar F42 472.59
Nora D Edwards F67 143.89
Charles R Herrick M51 889.10
Lisa M Peden F46 51.23
David C Whitmore M50 382.86
Club NWMS (New Wave Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 46.56 Total Miles, 46.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rick Shanley M32 46.56
Club TBH (Tribeach) (2 Swimmers, 730.13 Total Miles, 365.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kevin T Hoffman M55 421.60
Kristin Irish F47 308.53
Club UNAT () (5 Swimmers, 498.08 Total Miles, 99.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie B Flagg F38 21.33
Kevin L Glick M41 4.91
George J Kops M73 15.57
Jennifer R Madonia F39 185.22
Sally Ross F44 271.04
Delaware Valley LMSC (51 Swimmers, 7,978.78 Total Miles, 156.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club 1776 (Colonials 1776) (18 Swimmers, 3,400.00 Total Miles, 188.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gerry Auman M59 12.69
Christy A Beal F39 119.22
Scott D Beardsley M50 150.00
Martha Bent F52 4.09
Robert Fischl M80 0.57
Barney Heller M57 371.60
John F Loughran M52 43.31
Natalie M MacConnell F31 62.13
Thomas A O'Brien M51 428.94
Fontaine C O'Connell F37 227.19
Richard W O'Shaughnessy M77 104.03
Thomas J Patterson M34 750.10
Bryan T Richardson M55 520.31
Mari A Schaefer F57 1.88
Christopher W Schalleur M39 23.81
Krista L Striano F32 71.48
James Thornton M59 423.44
Melinda S Wolff F58 85.23
Club CPAC (Central Penn Aquatic Club) (5 Swimmers, 550.54 Total Miles, 110.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diane M Coffey F59 130.48
Joseph F Devers M52 66.45
Jan E Hastings F45 116.24
Peter A Machado M27 235.67
Joe Pickell M46 1.70
Club FCA (Friends' Central Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 24.55 Total Miles, 24.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kathryn E Shinoda F25 24.55
Club FINS (Fins Aquatics Club) (5 Swimmers, 613.17 Total Miles, 122.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Merrill J Hilf F51 165.71
Ivonne Jimenez F42 12.05
Carolyn A Placke F47 144.20
Caroline F Stein F41 174.43
Christine L Weisshaar F29 116.78
Club PAFC (Pennypack Aquatic & Fitness Club) (2 Swimmers, 852.16 Total Miles, 426.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melissa A Krupa F23 370.45
Pamela T Shepard F46 481.71
Club SVY () (1 Swimmers, 181.81 Total Miles, 181.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Greg Rees M42 181.81
Club UNAT () (19 Swimmers, 2,356.55 Total Miles, 124.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy E Anttonen F70 116.82
James E Bruckart M55 124.33
Rose Marie J Di Rosato F77 389.00
Monique C Dougherty F39 0.00
Eric M Fierke M35 26.25
William H Fleming M62 100.11
Billie Fyfe F48 5.14
Jennifer Gobora F43 30.95
Laurie K Hohwald F56 164.55
Roberta Hower F48 83.32
David A Kalb M46 174.50
Agnes L Koschoff F59 144.84
Betty Lampe F56 5.57
Amy Lessin Diehl F41 517.66
Heather Melck F44 101.34
Jane Nunn F57 8.04
Heidi Palau F44 189.30
Tim Schaffling M46 64.20
Ron L Williamson M45 110.61
Maryland LMSC (53 Swimmers, 8,537.40 Total Miles, 161.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AAA (Anne Arundel Amphibians) (3 Swimmers, 915.51 Total Miles, 305.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John R Berger M65 215.31
Chris K Hilliard M29 450.11
John F Wetzel M58 250.09
Club ACM (Arena Club Masters) (14 Swimmers, 1,314.56 Total Miles, 93.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daniel J Colopietro M48 81.00
Stephen F Conley M47 62.82
Tiffany E Diepold F30 11.53
Michael Fanelli M57 405.78
Ariane J Kretschmer F41 57.54
Sam Lapan M37 27.88
Cynthia J Long F44 4.23
Sandy L MacIver F49 30.28
Jennifer A Masquelier F34 301.26
Rosanne U Mooney F44 97.07
Dana M Novotny F41 97.74
Nancy J O'Donnell F64 12.56
Jennifer Skinner F52 12.16
Mary C Tillie F48 112.71
Club BAMF (Bel Air Masters Fitness) (2 Swimmers, 108.23 Total Miles, 54.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joel S Marx M24 8.13
Amy A Morlock F23 100.10
Club COLU (Columbia Masters Swim Team) (11 Swimmers, 1,823.50 Total Miles, 165.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roberta Bardini F47 317.53
Jo Anne Cottrell F53 3.07
David A Dash M43 407.90
Maureen P Fields F52 168.81
Angela Kozlowski F47 270.14
Bart Lane M39 102.01
Dawn J Lawrie F36 208.94
Sue Mangan F47 3.69
Amy L McDaniel F37 28.81
Heather Offenberg F48 276.81
Kimberley S Williams F44 35.81
Club CRAB (Chesapeake Region Aquatic Blues) (3 Swimmers, 268.72 Total Miles, 89.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sara M Hoffman F35 29.62
Marie Neaves F64 95.17
Karen Wallace F50 143.93
Club HUH (Health Unlimited Hurricanes) (1 Swimmers, 238.44 Total Miles, 238.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Diane G Paterline F57 238.44
Club MARY (Maryland Masters) (12 Swimmers, 2,418.49 Total Miles, 201.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer L Gavin F25 122.61
Ali R Hall F50 864.77
Christine Jorgensen F66 4.83
Dennis C McCornac M57 72.53
Chris Noonan Sturm F52 302.37
Deborah A Reid F46 209.50
Jeanne M Ripley F54 216.64
Erica Rome F40 18.35
Christopher W Stevens M50 338.40
Kelly Swartout F48 85.36
Valerie Weichert F44 143.24
Molly A Winkler F48 39.89
Club MERR (Merritt Marlins) (4 Swimmers, 831.66 Total Miles, 207.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren M Boilini F28 1.99
Ann M Brown F49 62.51
Tim McGough M54 262.23
Franco Prezioso M46 504.93
Club NBAC (North Baltimore Aquatic Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 395.68 Total Miles, 395.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Courtney R Busch F30 395.68
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 222.61 Total Miles, 111.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Reagan Murray F31 6.59
Charles W Wright M71 216.02
Metropolitan LMSC (69 Swimmers, 15,470.49 Total Miles, 224.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AGUA (Asphalt Green Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,597.92 Total Miles, 319.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard F Bernstein M65 467.84
Claudia A Costa F47 138.20
Joan P Craffey F58 155.69
Karen L Einsidler F55 531.51
Michael Totaro M31 304.69
Club AQFT (AquaFit Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,679.08 Total Miles, 209.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard M Brown M46 84.88
Barry M Goldblatt M69 529.02
Lisa Hiller F49 1.19
Louise E Johns F60 0.00
Jennifer S Kilbury F49 0.00
Diane E Korn F59 738.48
Jane McWilliams F56 75.49
Helen L Paone F33 250.02
Club BCTM (Bearcat Masters) (2 Swimmers, 692.90 Total Miles, 346.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James A Allen M48 409.09
Nathaniel R Dean M34 283.81
Club CIBB () (4 Swimmers, 1,168.10 Total Miles, 292.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David J Barra M46 130.44
Eileen M Burke F49 724.68
Kate A Conklin F36 0.00
Suzanne M Sataline F48 312.99
Club FISH (FISH Masters) (9 Swimmers, 2,609.51 Total Miles, 289.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heidi L Baks F42 100.40
Carolyn M Bennett F33 400.00
Jonathan D Churins M36 575.18
Marie S Cole F49 106.20
Curtis A Dozier M34 64.69
Matthew J Mauriello M35 428.68
Lawrence E McCue M57 309.36
Shannon Mulcahy F33 40.14
Marc A Rizzo M46 584.87
Club HUMS (Huntington Masters) (2 Swimmers, 18.63 Total Miles, 9.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew Hart M46 4.53
Nancy Reycraft F64 14.09
Club METR (Metro Masters Swim Club) (10 Swimmers, 1,659.16 Total Miles, 165.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jorgeann R Cruz F44 3.81
Timothy E Gardner M49 10.03
Michael J Gemelli M41 367.65
Phyllis Ho F50 352.61
Jennifer J Kyff F38 28.31
Julie A Schoenlank F31 100.21
Laura R Tiedge F50 105.25
Robert J Todd M47 383.21
Andrea Velazquez F41 2.84
Morton F Wolf M63 305.24
Club REDT (Red Tide) (5 Swimmers, 1,571.19 Total Miles, 314.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Zahava Alter F25 523.06
Rachel F Cohen F33 177.67
Laura J Colby F54 231.45
Abigail A Fairman F34 290.89
Michael J Rosencrantz M41 348.11
Club SEAW (Seawolves Masters) (3 Swimmers, 737.05 Total Miles, 245.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James C Anderson M49 124.69
Maria D Anderson F48 101.85
Robert L Unger M54 510.52
Club TNYA (Team New York Aquatics) (9 Swimmers, 1,782.16 Total Miles, 198.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter Chaivre M32 240.50
Elizabeth Cornell F44 259.43
Liz Gately F29 28.47
Craig D Goodwin M34 14.22
Janet Harris F46 704.14
RJ Hermanet M41 276.92
Joy S Rosenthal F52 29.57
Dahlia S Thompson F32 53.84
Miriam S Tuliao F50 175.08
Club UNAT () (9 Swimmers, 1,689.31 Total Miles, 187.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matthew D De Tiberiis M24 328.17
Fred Hundt M34 3.13
Elizabeth J Merena F59 162.16
Lauren A Morford F26 0.00
Joshua Needleman M46 227.49
Kenneth S Resnick M56 251.66
Lisa M Rohrs F25 1.70
Mo Siegel M60 572.28
William B Smalls M64 142.72
Club WM (Westchester Masters) (3 Swimmers, 265.47 Total Miles, 88.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Samantha M Daves F36 26.73
Brad Polhill M48 210.53
Mabel Santiago F53 28.21
New England LMSC (146 Swimmers, 32,671.02 Total Miles, 223.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club GBM (Great Bay Masters Swimming, Inc) (3 Swimmers, 87.82 Total Miles, 29.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Daniel E Coons M57 15.84
Robert E Fernald M44 19.70
Judy Graham-Garcia F51 52.29
Club MESC (Maine Masters Swim Club) (21 Swimmers, 4,554.89 Total Miles, 216.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ruth J Beal F53 38.62
Richard J Bell M42 276.72
Rob Benson M43 254.16
Kerry J Black F63 84.37
Doug Bruns M56 134.01
Sean M Carter M36 174.06
Derek M Cerjanec M60 302.24
Susan A Cooney F42 37.50
Dave Davala M53 308.78
Sharon Dean F64 69.64
John A Gale M55 574.38
Phoebe P Gause F43 3.33
Amy C Klodzinski F33 3.10
Susan L Knight F41 302.57
Son Nguyen M32 501.28
Dan Ottman M46 144.74
Alina M Perez-Smith F41 175.09
Amy Rolnick F48 508.79
Debra K Shissler F57 105.84
John B Shumadine M44 524.48
Alexander J Szafran M59 31.18
Club NEM (New England Masters Swim Club) (110 Swimmers, 26,315.62 Total Miles, 239.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ken Adams M43 120.81
Mark E Alexander M53 437.65
Pamela A Aman F45 150.85
Patty Anderson F62 31.53
Therese Andrews F27 66.45
Paul Arsenault M50 212.20
Lauren E Au F27 470.92
Christina Baudis F35 153.38
Elise J Beeger F27 460.32
Sarah Beladi F26 9.06
Julia M Benz F54 37.84
Lisa A Bongiovi F45 50.85
Sue-Ellen Booher F58 443.78
Bethany Bosch F27 250.45
Damon Bosetti M27 72.87
Jennifer Brehob F53 103.90
David Bright M58 243.54
Justin R Brinkmeyer M30 250.33
Mike Broglio M40 457.16
James D Brooks M54 415.85
Charlotte J Brynn F45 1,153.89
Bob Burrow M48 402.36
Ann Byers F58 66.42
Susan H Cashin F44 15.09
Jane E Cheney F50 555.86
Zachary R Chertok M23 691.42
Adam J Cole M30 72.42
Les Cutler M68 300.74
Kyle Cutter F26 77.36
Beth Del Bono F60 307.62
Laura E Delorey F49 300.30
Kristen Densmore F36 52.10
Chris P DeSisto M48 424.72
Paul L Dow M58 329.95
Jennifer Downing F33 373.01
Paul T Edelman M55 103.47
Michelle L Faulkner F31 16.11
Patrick A Gambrel M57 408.58
Michael T Garr M58 232.44
Bill Geary M53 400.57
Jonathan M Gladstone M43 750.61
John F Goodwin M54 168.99
Joe Griczika M48 165.19
Tracy L Grilli F54 138.79
Cara J Hancy F32 218.72
Susan L Hannel F48 28.47
Gary E Hansis M58 150.03
Margaret C Haskins F53 415.20
Bo J Hatfield F50 584.67
Craig Hersh M40 199.26
Ursula Hester F40 141.81
E Rachel Hochman F41 142.64
Gail M Holland-Dufault F53 285.48
Elaine K Howley F34 533.12
Nancy Hutchins F44 218.53
Kelly Isenor F33 4.69
Sue Jensen F51 50.16
Margaret S Johns F57 36.48
Trice Kilroy F60 16.95
Mark D Knott M35 146.84
Martin P Kulig M47 57.24
Jean Lambert F51 252.77
Michael Leake M33 235.24
Anker Lerret M53 202.22
Helen Lin F27 322.63
Lidia A MacDonald-Carr F30 204.46
Kimberly Maki F43 2.25
Kathleen A Mcdonald F47 47.36
Brian J McLaughlin M56 1,122.50
Catherine A McNiff F41 179.18
Stacey L Mehringer F28 14.43
Jayne E Mills F49 22.84
Carol Mitchell F62 0.00
Dorothy Mullaney F53 59.20
Cynthia Needham F63 320.19
Emily Notch F32 136.07
Bob Ouellette M56 55.85
Christine Pasterczyk F45 261.80
Mary Phelan F55 208.38
Kim Philo F47 27.46
David S Pike M51 3.69
Kyle L Pinheiro M23 0.00
Jenny Rood F26 293.65
Mark S Rubacky M42 1,015.21
Peter W Rufleth M61 137.39
Terri Ruggiero F51 416.18
Patricia S Saint Aubin F53 537.51
Douglas Sayles M44 472.03
Eyal Schachner M40 69.28
Rob Schiller M60 38.38
Janet Schwartz F46 139.91
Laura E Shevy F34 159.06
Jamie K Simchik M27 0.00
Douglas Smith M60 173.59
Erin Smith F37 44.19
Jessica N Stokes F35 170.58
Stacy L Sweetser F36 92.07
Ann L Swift F52 105.26
Sean T Towey M47 1.12
Nancy M Tunstall F49 608.50
James A Walker M40 124.68
Kim Walker F26 55.60
Dave Welch M55 428.50
James M Wetzel M54 805.16
Melinda B Williams F30 228.56
Jeffrey E Wood M42 20.11
Frank C Wuest M51 576.55
Paula J Yankauskas F57 566.65
Matthew D Young M37 12.12
Carol M Yunker F64 167.24
Club SCM (South Coast Masters) (1 Swimmers, 88.73 Total Miles, 88.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jaren W Hawxwell M32 88.73
Club SRPM (Simon's Rock Pace Makers) (2 Swimmers, 128.33 Total Miles, 64.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jonathan A Cade M49 52.97
Stephen K Sagarin M49 75.36
Club UNAT () (8 Swimmers, 1,454.07 Total Miles, 181.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie L Baumeister F44 516.54
Jim Birmingham M38 256.24
Victoria E Conroy F36 4.77
Kate L Hewitt F25 238.46
Bob Khederian M45 106.85
Barbara J Lysy F54 3.47
Sue Murray F52 0.75
Gregory O'Connor M43 327.00
Club WSSC (West Side Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 41.56 Total Miles, 41.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Deirdre A Rey F33 41.56
New Jersey LMSC (123 Swimmers, 25,232.87 Total Miles, 205.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BERK (Berkeley (NJ) Aquatic Masters) (21 Swimmers, 6,477.58 Total Miles, 308.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lynn Ascione F44 568.79
Jennifer L Bauman F39 570.92
Sandy A Bluhm F33 517.20
Lorna Cialdella-Morehead F47 1.70
Richard C Clew M46 443.63
Maureen Doherty F41 20.25
Ronald J Epstein M44 459.29
Marianne E Eybye F40 24.89
Jenny M Fowler F29 75.00
Mary C Guilfoyle F49 575.20
Susan Kirk F51 358.14
Michael O Lavitt M53 127.69
Rosanne Lemongello F49 71.18
Eric P Marquard M48 431.67
Ken Niemi M56 432.96
Kimberly A Plewa F28 39.43
Anne-France A Saillot F49 404.03
Sandra P Seddon F57 489.68
Gail F Seelig F61 303.29
Wendy A VanDeVeen F45 97.63
Marie H Vellucci F62 465.00
Club BRG (Bridgewater JCC) (1 Swimmers, 81.19 Total Miles, 81.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keith Tamboer M38 81.19
Club DRMS (Ranger Aquatics Masters) (4 Swimmers, 766.34 Total Miles, 191.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Suzanne Ceravolo F48 182.68
Nancy Finn F50 242.60
Robert E Franks M54 231.76
John A Sabatino M45 109.29
Club GSM (Garden State Masters) (70 Swimmers, 13,733.93 Total Miles, 196.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beth B Alemy F40 309.06
Ann E Allen F49 90.99
Barry A Bachenheimer M41 129.12
Janice E Baker F51 184.48
Tiffany S Brennan F34 528.86
Elizabeth B Burton F46 107.12
Richard D Carlson M58 201.88
Sandra L Carosi F45 813.54
Amy S Carow F50 212.47
June F Carson F63 138.60
Tim Christian M49 352.36
Lesley Eicher F36 167.08
Victoria J Elbrecht F41 48.84
Robert J Fetter M34 118.15
Joseph C Flanagan M47 251.72
Michele L Fragner F29 52.20
Sue Freeman-Patterson F60 215.23
Chip Freund M49 122.32
Sara W Friedman F37 0.00
Steve Glassman M63 273.35
Mikhail Golbin M40 65.03
Paul C Gondek M59 240.17
William R Haas M76 74.49
Bridgette A Hobart F49 656.45
Mark S Hoffman M50 193.73
Bob Hopkins M69 203.98
David Juchniewicz M57 760.25
Denis Kallish M53 110.83
Jerry A Katz M73 152.03
Ursula Kohama F54 178.86
Larry E Lengle M78 111.08
Chris Lowe M51 56.00
Andrea Luallen-Egg F46 225.60
Diane J Lynch F48 0.00
Lisa MacDonald F24 200.23
William D Mackolin M79 49.62
Erika Maresca F37 172.46
Carol A Martyniuk F59 200.54
Michael P May M33 85.10
Bryan McDonnell M26 307.51
Frank McElroy M63 408.52
Ronald A Medhurst M67 33.81
Curtis Miller M51 230.79
Douglas S Miller M39 251.14
Nancy G Moore F54 101.85
Carol R Morman F59 190.00
Jay Muldoon M56 205.12
Meaghan I Murphy F29 696.07
Anne Marie Nixon F31 2.50
Edward F O'Hara M65 116.42
Regina T Papini F44 70.22
Heidi Pfefferkorn F51 80.99
Lynda H Przedpelski F47 625.93
Jean Rutter F52 124.49
Ron Sabo M66 9.00
Todd Schaper M48 252.56
Rick Schluter M55 77.44
Robert A Scott M46 107.25
Kevin D Seise M37 108.58
Julie A Sheaffer F47 149.81
Michael S Sirkin M48 315.80
Gertie L Sloan F59 0.00
Laura J Smith F41 256.34
Christopher N Swenson M29 58.47
Edward M Tirpack M56 175.82
Jacqueline Trezza F40 27.32
Ed M Tsuzuki M53 281.07
Richard J Wallace M64 254.84
Wendy P Weill F59 5.45
Ilse Wolfe F47 155.03
Club HOBO (Hoboken Masters) (6 Swimmers, 247.80 Total Miles, 41.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ethan Bodnaruk M30 3.39
Amanda E Brody F24 58.69
Robert J Budwilowitz M55 12.27
Braden A Ferrari M35 97.79
Priscilla A Modrov F23 75.67
Anthony Robinson M39 0.00
Club JAM (Jersey Area Multisport) (4 Swimmers, 1,203.97 Total Miles, 300.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steve Hiltabiddle M45 438.81
Margaret R Martonosi F47 264.72
Greg Romano M55 128.30
Leigh G Segal F46 372.15
Club UNAT () (17 Swimmers, 2,722.07 Total Miles, 160.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Allen B Bachenheimer M70 70.01
Eric Bachenheimer M39 221.94
Fay Bizub F55 104.23
Anthony Bonura M57 300.17
Rocco Celentano M42 138.18
Lisa A Ciccone F45 11.33
Blaire C Fromm F27 143.27
Jeffrey P Hibbitt M60 588.05
Brian Hopkins M35 34.13
Suzanne Kozloskie F55 14.03
Steve E Miller M39 577.93
John P Szabo M52 34.43
Elise M Tatham F64 217.25
Mary M Teel F58 0.96
Leslie A Trott M61 201.11
Alice M Unger F35 35.82
Diana L Winigrad F38 29.21
Niagara LMSC (23 Swimmers, 4,364.51 Total Miles, 189.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BUMS (Binghamton Univ Masters) (1 Swimmers, 107.53 Total Miles, 107.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica Smith F26 107.53
Club NIAG (Niagara District Masters) (19 Swimmers, 4,076.48 Total Miles, 214.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patricia T Atkinson F60 2.19
Wayne Coger M60 183.03
Ann Marie Crye F40 409.09
John S Dalziel M34 102.06
Gregory M Danner M30 409.24
Aara E Edwards F32 8.64
Suzanne S Etherington F60 154.67
Lance M Evans M50 150.41
Jerry T Firlik M49 59.54
Leo C Gibbons M58 222.47
Kenneth W Margrey M50 181.75
Leah A Murray F29 250.29
Alan J Rolnick M44 15.95
Bernard F Russell M47 611.55
Laurel Sharp F64 254.23
Kevin S Shea M54 516.49
Marj A Stamer F20 166.86
Andrew J Starowicz M39 215.28
Thomas W Weber M81 162.74
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 180.50 Total Miles, 60.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
DawnAnn J Dykes F32 1.65
Joshua D Harris M30 71.48
Joel E McFarland M36 107.37
Potomac Valley LMSC (97 Swimmers, 18,004.92 Total Miles, 185.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AARG (Alexandria Aquatic Recreation Group) (1 Swimmers, 403.55 Total Miles, 403.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nathan P Dean M36 403.55
Club ALEX (Alexandria Masters Swimming) (4 Swimmers, 137.97 Total Miles, 34.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Aja Chaker F31 0.00
Christopher Hoffman M24 0.00
Karen M Jost F50 40.72
Jonathan D Wood M51 97.24
Club ANCM (Montgomery Ancient Mariners) (5 Swimmers, 639.51 Total Miles, 127.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gavin Cohen M45 315.73
Edward DeJesus M47 26.16
Sarah A King F47 9.97
Jeffrey H Roddin M42 123.50
Julie Roddin F35 164.14
Club ARMS (Arlington Masters) (2 Swimmers, 104.31 Total Miles, 52.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jen Choi F25 104.31
Jana Poscharsky F33 0.00
Club CUBU (Curl Burke Masters Swimming, Inc.) (7 Swimmers, 1,126.90 Total Miles, 160.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John E Buechler M44 513.82
Lauren E Fitzgerald F35 147.57
John P Lonam M62 90.47
Mary Grace M McAlevy F47 207.29
Elisabeth Perry F25 107.21
Christine Sleger F33 14.34
J.R. Stratton M32 46.19
Club DCAC (District Of Columbia Aquatics Club) (4 Swimmers, 272.36 Total Miles, 68.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne Findlay-Chamberlain F58 5.37
Sara Hewitt F31 57.12
Ross A Linderman M34 29.00
Marilyn E Redman F55 180.86
Club DCM (DC Masters) (2 Swimmers, 955.95 Total Miles, 477.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrea M Hunt F63 534.56
Mary Ella Payne F54 421.39
Club DCRP (DC Dept Of Recreation & Parks) (8 Swimmers, 1,561.68 Total Miles, 195.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kathy Bainbridge F46 255.17
Amber C Huffman F32 166.14
Michael T McCarthy M35 75.39
Dana Page F50 525.48
Guillermina Schinder F37 38.46
Wendy S Schleicher F42 352.54
Nicolas A Taborga M44 44.30
Lori Walker F24 104.18
Club DCTC (DC Triathlon Club) (1 Swimmers, 119.42 Total Miles, 119.42 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan Gibney F34 119.42
Club FBST (Fort Belvoir Masters) (2 Swimmers, 113.11 Total Miles, 56.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Loren M Bazualdo F31 95.27
Patrick C Jors M34 17.84
Club FXCM (Fairfax County Masters) (2 Swimmers, 184.31 Total Miles, 92.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie Davis F23 21.29
Kathy N Rice F52 163.02
Club GERM (Germantown Maryland Masters) (8 Swimmers, 1,284.76 Total Miles, 160.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica Armstrong F49 30.35
Daniel B Blitz M44 49.50
Bruce R Lee M51 324.94
Alison H Melley F39 51.27
Denise L Noznesky F45 228.59
Johanna Schneider F38 143.08
Farol L Tomson M40 5.51
Mark A Young M48 451.52
Club GMUP (Patriot Masters Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 760.04 Total Miles, 152.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Doug Chestnut M47 109.17
Coleen J Davis F25 6.28
Paul A Grecco M50 310.23
Jay F Jacobs M44 2.39
Leslie C Livingston F50 331.98
Club MACH (Machine Aquatics) (4 Swimmers, 1,648.56 Total Miles, 412.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jon C Brendsel M47 404.29
James P Earls M49 571.91
Daniel C Elliott M58 632.02
Frank J Purcell M45 40.34
Club MASH (Masters Aquatics At Spring Hill) (1 Swimmers, 70.61 Total Miles, 70.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Wendy Frothingham F41 70.61
Club NCYM (National Capital YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 75.51 Total Miles, 75.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sidney Nakahodo M36 75.51
Club RIPM (Riptide Masters) (1 Swimmers, 760.75 Total Miles, 760.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Caitlyn A Ramsey F43 760.75
Club RMST (Reston Masters Swim Team) (5 Swimmers, 514.02 Total Miles, 102.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian R Evans M47 250.48
Jessica Hancock F27 3.60
Lynn Hazlewood F65 0.00
Sheryl K Katsaros F42 259.93
Lucy M Manheim F69 0.00
Club SDS (Sea Devil Swimming Masters) (5 Swimmers, 601.27 Total Miles, 120.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carol Currey F40 108.14
Richard P Dexter M42 153.42
Ylva Ihrig F42 100.88
Christine Michaud F45 82.37
William P Sulik M52 156.47
Club TERR (Terrapin Masters) (10 Swimmers, 3,750.85 Total Miles, 375.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Allyson M Adams F47 277.27
Diana M Corbin F43 424.30
Gretchen F Ekstrom F45 0.00
Mollie K Grover F30 414.51
Teal Liu F26 698.38
Tom Liu M24 343.29
Alison S Meehan F40 347.38
Mark J Schactman M45 260.31
Jeffrey R Strahota M31 429.11
Lillian M Thomas F28 556.31
Club UNAT () (18 Swimmers, 2,919.49 Total Miles, 162.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Paul F Bousel M58 489.91
Jeff Chaloupek M46 206.53
Sumie T Emory F60 221.05
Matthew W Fetters M50 300.38
Andrew W Foote M36 17.43
Sherry L Green F57 162.74
Liz C Guertin F37 67.16
George D Heavey M64 19.32
David J Horowitz M46 96.11
Kimberly C Light F53 177.19
Suzanna E Murphy F48 517.05
Rik Parker M36 8.86
Terri Postma F42 53.18
Bryan C Rivera M27 205.47
Amy R Smith F53 109.07
Tim K Stroud M48 13.71
Angela J Sugar F27 3.89
Michael J Tyson M44 250.42
Club WAV1 (Wave One Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shanna L Gorman F39 0.00
Virginia LMSC (76 Swimmers, 14,147.30 Total Miles, 186.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ACAM (Atlantic Coast Athletic Club) (1 Swimmers, 3.21 Total Miles, 3.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Helen S Dixon F38 3.21
Club BWST (Blue Wave Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 100.03 Total Miles, 100.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sarah E Marshall F44 100.03
Club CFYM (Charleston Family YMCA) (2 Swimmers, 622.72 Total Miles, 311.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erin M Dydland F31 153.32
J L McGill M59 469.40
Club CNU (Christopher Newport University Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kyle M Gallagher M20 0.00
Club CWCM (Carroll Wellness Center Masters Club) (1 Swimmers, 42.36 Total Miles, 42.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mandy F Nester F29 42.36
Club FAFF (Fredricksburg American Family Fitness) (1 Swimmers, 161.27 Total Miles, 161.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joni P Briganti F53 161.27
Club FIN (FIN-ATICS) (2 Swimmers, 535.88 Total Miles, 267.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roberta F Green F56 521.15
Lee A Robinson F48 14.73
Club LAMS (Leesburg Area Masters) (3 Swimmers, 180.40 Total Miles, 60.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristen L Day F35 118.47
Katy Erat F53 58.52
Sharon R Whelan F42 3.41
Club MRTY (Martinsville YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 81.28 Total Miles, 40.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica R Johnson F24 23.84
Andrew H Wimbish M19 57.44
Club QMST (Quest Masters Swim Team) (4 Swimmers, 650.99 Total Miles, 162.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pam D Dameron F66 357.98
Randy J Harris M55 92.19
Amy Howard F47 50.63
Cleary Maly F41 150.19
Club RCA (Rockbridge County Aquatics) (5 Swimmers, 1,130.25 Total Miles, 226.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Debbie Desjardins F52 113.25
Sarah K Erickson F31 31.70
Lisa Greer F41 233.74
Susan E Harrison F37 186.57
Julie A Woodzicka F42 564.99
Club STON (Stonewall Masters) (1 Swimmers, 264.31 Total Miles, 264.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick J Bradley M45 264.31
Club SUNF (Sunfish Masters) (5 Swimmers, 620.07 Total Miles, 124.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michele V Davidson F54 233.65
Robert W Davidson M54 169.20
Marilyn E Lipstreuer F45 5.14
Martha S Park F44 41.45
Drew J Shattuck M43 170.63
Club UNAT () (18 Swimmers, 2,752.62 Total Miles, 152.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Warner F Brundage M68 334.07
Kerry L Carmichael F42 3.61
MaryKarlene Cisneros F36 1.48
Dana C Clay F31 3.44
Trudy Ann Dayton F65 90.63
Erin J Ferer F32 18.64
Ana Paula Grilo F42 704.63
Larry G Hutton M55 6.82
Craig Joy M49 264.15
Caroline H Kettlewell F49 384.74
Anne B Koepfinger F43 75.42
Billy Lambrinides M45 4.57
Bethany L Letalien F38 1.65
Ken McCrery M43 207.93
Janine Myatt F44 89.09
Alan Nagasawa M59 461.74
Courtney Paulk F42 0.00
Katie K Whitworth F37 100.00
Club VMST (Virginia Masters Swim Team) (27 Swimmers, 6,807.62 Total Miles, 252.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren E Aepli F24 75.64
Lisa A Bennett F55 336.91
Maura J Bolger F30 174.99
Dietrich G Bolz M72 416.70
John B Bullard M52 314.09
James W Davis M65 140.34
Rebecca Franklin F43 115.06
Cindy W Hamilton F59 53.10
Dave Holland M44 513.83
Maggie Lamb F34 150.76
Shirley A Loftus-Charley F60 1,200.35
Carol F McCammon F45 321.30
Susan P McKerns F47 384.20
Alison B Moore F41 336.22
Mark Palace M38 161.75
Alice W Phillips F46 285.81
Drusilla S Powell F52 4.97
Claire C Russo F28 520.63
Richard A Scott M76 263.71
Carol M Shelton F50 1.86
John R Shrum M63 103.41
Nancy Speer F49 135.74
Karen A Stephens F50 558.05
Shannon L Stewart F31 25.92
Barbara A Streater F40 26.53
Patrick T Tubman M26 113.87
Katie Webb F32 71.89
Club WAVA (Warrenton Masters Swim Team) (2 Swimmers, 194.30 Total Miles, 97.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Charles W Tupitza M56 54.94
Kami R Whitney F34 139.36
Dixie Zone (491 Swimmers, 109,523.10 Total Miles, 223.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Florida LMSC (164 Swimmers, 41,526.36 Total Miles, 253.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AQNT (Space Coast Aquanauts) (1 Swimmers, 191.41 Total Miles, 191.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Philip C Mazzella M35 191.41
Club ATAC (Area Tallahassee Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 536.37 Total Miles, 536.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Celeste Lind F52 536.37
Club BLU (Blu Frog Team) (4 Swimmers, 682.59 Total Miles, 170.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andy S Kroupa M42 90.95
Christopher A LaBianco M41 121.08
Kimberlee M Riley F47 320.65
Linda Visser F41 149.90
Club BOLM (Bolles Sharks Masters) (1 Swimmers, 72.41 Total Miles, 72.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tracey H Kuhn F40 72.41
Club CATM (Clearwater Aquatic Team (Masters)) (2 Swimmers, 550.82 Total Miles, 275.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
JoAnn Fuller F69 530.11
Agata Lagodzinski F29 20.71
Club DBMS (Daytona Beach Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 8.35 Total Miles, 8.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jessica M Jefferys F30 8.35
Club DMSC (DeLand Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 61.51 Total Miles, 61.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Craig P Gronlund M38 61.51
Club FACT (Florida Aquatic Combined Team) (16 Swimmers, 2,923.79 Total Miles, 182.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Melanie M Babineau F58 130.99
Marianne E Bradley F68 133.74
Joan K Campbell F81 365.42
Lynn Cartee F64 265.68
Florence Delaney F67 10.30
Nancy N Durstein F82 250.97
Bruce Farlow M52 30.20
Rolland S Fulton M57 160.54
Cynthia J Hegwein F50 25.74
Peter C Hegwein M51 14.20
Carl Knutsson M53 1.70
Nancy L Kunzle F53 186.33
Louise Moran F51 367.44
Violet L Nagy F56 7.40
Donald J Puchalski M72 47.22
Isaac M Silver M33 925.91
Club FMM (Florida Maverick Masters) (19 Swimmers, 3,705.68 Total Miles, 195.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jean M Allen F71 187.77
Michael Biggs M63 32.22
Sherri L Bogue F47 14.95
Patricia M Bond F73 326.26
James F Browne M73 151.70
Brud Cleaveland M94 68.70
James N Enyart M70 217.24
Gaylord Hopkins M70 326.10
Margie Hutinger F71 133.95
Paul Hutinger M87 48.55
Martha Jacobs F59 75.00
Regan Kenner F88 22.50
Ann A McDonnell F73 296.43
Sue A Moucha F53 359.04
Doris C Prokopi F76 402.91
Stephen L Rudacille M71 367.39
Charles H Schlegel M81 239.97
Mary A Stein F61 225.00
Karen S Swanigan F56 210.00
Club GCST (Gulf Coast Swim Team Masters) (1 Swimmers, 258.65 Total Miles, 258.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eileen Kallin F50 258.65
Club GSC (Gator Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 2,153.55 Total Miles, 717.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Irina Haecker F33 507.91
Mary E Holman F25 828.08
Sara E Holman F25 817.57
Club HLJ (Holmes Lumber Jax) (2 Swimmers, 810.59 Total Miles, 405.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jean A Bancks F55 798.20
Hal L Gilreath M49 12.39
Club HTA (High Tide Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 99.87 Total Miles, 49.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joyce Shahboz F40 13.64
Marc G Shahboz M43 86.24
Club LAS (Lakeland Area Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 499.96 Total Miles, 249.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John L Acken M41 289.89
Kenneth O Keck M45 210.07
Club LM (Loggerhead Masters) (1 Swimmers, 257.36 Total Miles, 257.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brad Laughlin M41 257.36
Club MOO (Masters Of Orlando) (3 Swimmers, 891.10 Total Miles, 297.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heather B Clough F26 5.74
Steve Laugen M46 520.09
Sean P McClean M42 365.27
Club NFMS () (1 Swimmers, 53.75 Total Miles, 53.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Renate M Walker F30 53.75
Club SPCO (Space Coast Masters) (2 Swimmers, 483.37 Total Miles, 241.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thomas S Mayer M37 51.47
Peter B Turner M52 431.90
Club SPM (St Pete Masters Inc) (25 Swimmers, 6,680.91 Total Miles, 267.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert E Beach M81 338.06
Michael E Buerkett F29 48.36
Mike Chen M47 500.37
Mary J Cillian F55 65.39
Dawn Clark F47 503.10
Charles H Dean M45 693.11
Vance M Eaddy M63 133.83
Storm S Eddy F61 358.90
Donna G Gayman F59 24.18
Ken C Gersbach M51 94.55
Melissa Harasz F51 9.84
Charlotte E Hollingsworth F34 74.60
Katy Kline F51 362.60
Sarah R Kwon F22 298.97
Barbara A Mc Nulty F54 881.06
Stephanie L Mischke F40 12.22
Patricia J Nardozzi F52 601.90
Regina C Novak F27 611.71
Shannon S Orrell F38 181.12
Sarah E Palmer F34 177.53
Carl H Selles M64 51.37
Kathy A Selles F59 48.58
Sandy L Steer F72 126.55
Sarah R Swoch F26 116.07
Paula M Texel F41 366.94
Club SPWM (USF St. Petersburg Waterfront Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1.16 Total Miles, 1.16 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chelsea A Fulford F38 1.16
Club SYSM (Sarasota YMCA Sharks) (45 Swimmers, 14,397.77 Total Miles, 319.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellen K Bennett F48 616.43
Rachel H Bowman F46 338.28
Rob Butcher M39 266.60
Paul A Cajka M54 411.75
Melissa A Conley-Guido F27 354.17
Bob E Couch M64 286.69
Silke Cuff F32 232.36
Dan N Curhan M20 9.20
Linda C Curhan F47 43.92
Paige E Dean F47 5.99
Kyle B Deery M27 211.55
Raul Diago M41 29.83
Cathy A Fedako F50 782.75
Rita F Ferris F45 178.07
Russ Gill M64 155.74
Terri A Goodman F52 85.50
MaryJo Hencye F41 190.53
Allen F Hillman M44 354.56
Chloe C Kramer F34 252.51
Danette LaFrance F51 226.43
Lucey Malone F61 261.94
Anna Lea Matysek F50 265.63
Jim Matysek M52 500.61
Amy McCormack F56 299.42
George K Mehok M44 221.94
Edward H Mench M45 621.81
David Miner M43 572.14
Gudrun M Morgan F60 264.39
David W Oakes M71 341.84
Valeriy I Palubok M46 235.00
Fernette P Ramnath F46 679.15
Linda M Riley F64 364.56
Karen B Saef F57 274.00
Brian D Saylor M51 190.06
Thomas L Schwartz M51 1,010.21
Luke Shaheen M23 7.41
Linda J Showalter F55 294.18
Kathy Singleton F54 246.27
Darryl W Sjoberg M66 100.94
Mary G Tucker F41 315.99
Scott Tyle M42 500.77
Helen L Vetter F71 422.27
Rick B Walker M61 634.81
Tom J Weigand M54 507.54
John H Yoder M61 232.01
Club T2NM (T2 Naples Masters) (2 Swimmers, 764.81 Total Miles, 382.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
AnnMarie Morrisseau F43 526.82
Susan B Nolan F47 237.99
Club TBAM (Tampa Bay Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 134.33 Total Miles, 134.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sebastian Fernandez M37 134.33
Club TMM (Tampa Metro Masters) (9 Swimmers, 956.13 Total Miles, 106.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brie K Coane F38 8.14
Matthew B Meeks M22 71.36
Lauren B Nichols F20 0.57
Melissa Perrin F31 65.01
Laura L Singer F47 203.37
Vincent M Singer M52 1.25
Kelly M Spivey F48 269.31
Natalie M Van Cleven F47 229.03
Debra Voor F38 108.10
Club TTM (Tampa Tarpons Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Henry L Ellis M63 0.00
Club UNAT () (17 Swimmers, 4,350.12 Total Miles, 255.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bridget J Bowman F41 61.08
Brooke J Bowman F44 513.04
Troy A Church M43 42.47
Ray Cottom M63 1,007.85
Martin W Denker M68 46.55
Anna M Emery F29 6.21
Isabelle C Fraser F73 390.56
Robin L Hefty F52 0.00
Nicole M Lafferty F25 37.88
Tom K Leonard M46 315.77
Jim LoCascio M41 76.66
A .k. Miller M47 80.85
Gary A Revelt M42 30.05
Milena Rohr F51 930.18
Donna L Smith F51 66.59
Frank D Totten M55 606.20
Teresa A Zilko-Miller F47 138.16
Florida Gold Coast LMSC (66 Swimmers, 15,568.28 Total Miles, 235.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club FLAQ (Fort Lauderdale Aquatics) (20 Swimmers, 4,505.51 Total Miles, 225.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Laura Ackermann F36 22.99
Sarah L Bennett F48 206.88
Gwen D Benoit F32 6.81
Sherie Berk F58 275.42
Ana M Carbonell F50 0.00
Marian S Carlson F72 1.68
Suzanne R Dearworth F39 82.48
Tina R DeBord F46 190.27
Sean T Deviney M31 23.37
Carolynn Foley F68 377.18
David Gralnik M40 120.54
Ellen R Itzler F53 149.91
Barbara A Johnson F61 29.40
Darcy H LaFountain F56 1,216.29
Adrian Legaspi M59 416.15
Kelly A Legaspi F40 514.51
Matthew C McBride M32 23.03
Daniela Rosenblat F36 114.54
Eduard Tiozzo M38 340.85
Linda Webb F66 393.20
Club GOLD (Gold Coast Masters) (18 Swimmers, 5,281.03 Total Miles, 293.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Larry E Caldwell M47 239.50
Todd D Cavalcanto M28 0.00
Debbie D Cavanaugh F53 265.46
Jeff Cohen M54 54.90
Brian Coomes M51 428.05
Jackie Hammelman F28 105.68
Jim Harper M44 0.57
Brian M Kruse M38 184.36
Dale A LeClair F42 477.82
Cathy Mancino F62 540.61
Mitch McInnis M50 278.31
Carolyn Mizell F44 258.21
Jonathan B Olsen M48 290.12
David H Owen M59 637.42
Roger L Parsons M64 158.29
David Quiggin M67 208.14
Marianne Robin Russo F52 282.07
Natalia Vaganova F36 871.53
Club HAT (Heritage Aquatic Team) (1 Swimmers, 65.29 Total Miles, 65.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lohna M Erickson F52 65.29
Club LYTA (Lake Lytal Masters) (1 Swimmers, 53.88 Total Miles, 53.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick W Partington M56 53.88
Club NCMJ (North County Masters of Jupiter) (7 Swimmers, 595.34 Total Miles, 85.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Linda Agnant F49 10.68
Sean C Cheslock M39 100.00
Katherine Hogenkamp F41 68.54
Mo Kieffer F30 136.51
Crystal Lewis F53 11.88
Nancy Munro F53 264.54
Ivan Rosa M49 3.18
Club PLAN (Plantation Swim Team Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,838.54 Total Miles, 612.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fernando Abad M47 213.70
Tommie A Cuticchia M28 852.37
Heidi R Hester F31 772.47
Club SFTL () (4 Swimmers, 549.84 Total Miles, 137.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael C Gleber M56 117.73
Marty Hendrick M53 132.40
Kristin R Volz F38 84.35
Kennon B Williams M30 215.37
Club SOFL (South Florida Aquatic Club) (2 Swimmers, 679.40 Total Miles, 339.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan C Garland F25 56.39
Miles Malmborg M51 623.01
Club UNAT () (9 Swimmers, 1,822.19 Total Miles, 202.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Luiz Andrade M41 643.93
Camilo Bernal M53 68.26
Lee Brennan F49 152.63
Dana Choi F45 34.42
Matt Hooper M38 578.48
Tyrone S Lewis M56 40.25
Jose A Ramirez M53 159.53
Manuel A Rodriguez M36 5.47
Hugo Vila M48 139.22
Club YBBM (YMCA of South Palm Beach County Masters) (1 Swimmers, 177.27 Total Miles, 177.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ozzie Quevedo M35 177.27
Georgia LMSC (70 Swimmers, 15,790.21 Total Miles, 225.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ART (Atlanta Rainbow Trout) (2 Swimmers, 143.25 Total Miles, 71.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steve Allgood M43 116.68
Andrea M Timpeiro F45 26.57
Club AWJ (Atlanta Water Jocks) (2 Swimmers, 531.77 Total Miles, 265.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David G Eng M53 0.00
Heidi Natkin F37 531.77
Club BARM (Barracuda Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1.12 Total Miles, 1.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nicole K Gill F39 1.12
Club CGS (Chattahoochee Gold) (1 Swimmers, 10.20 Total Miles, 10.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christy A Mullings F41 10.20
Club DAQM (DeKalb Aquatics Masters) (1 Swimmers, 258.08 Total Miles, 258.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beth A Costello F44 258.08
Club GAJA (Georgia Masters) (53 Swimmers, 13,675.25 Total Miles, 258.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristin A Aziz F46 719.17
Lynn Beach F55 271.77
Roger O Beardmore M60 222.92
Wynne Bolton F32 214.84
John Cahill M51 58.24
Chris K Carroll M44 58.18
Herb Chuven M72 102.58
Marianne Countryman F47 659.46
Carol E Cunningham F54 221.06
Brett A Davis M45 123.90
Linda J Demma F35 400.72
Monica M Dennis F44 12.70
Jeremy H Diers M37 582.28
Patricia Dube F45 6.55
Richard R Ford M46 52.02
Caroline Gatto F51 364.19
Kelly A Godleski F35 250.87
Berry Hamilton M58 268.90
Malena Hankins F38 594.66
Donna L Hooe F49 506.56
Allison M Howell F54 123.82
Neely Hunter F38 106.82
David R Jacobson M52 532.21
Cathy W Jones F40 293.75
Mollie N Jones F27 172.85
Andy Klenzak M45 586.81
Elaine Krugman F49 382.46
Candace D Lang F61 321.77
Alison C Lontz F39 132.44
Josh E Lontz M40 100.09
Bill Lotz M62 441.48
Cynthia F Marks F31 3.24
Doug Michalke M58 189.53
Jennifer Morris-Scott F40 200.02
Daniel P Murray M53 115.72
Catherine J Onley F45 71.36
Jeff A Palm M40 433.39
Andrew M Perry M43 468.21
Mark L Rogers M46 31.25
Thomas B Sealey M51 276.52
Mike Slotnick M55 430.69
Jonathan Stelling M41 2.13
Mary Lou Stephens F69 16.24
Beth Sutton F56 150.29
Ann H Sykes F57 409.65
Ginny Trimble F27 279.24
Alan Wacter M45 129.49
Stacie Waters F34 20.90
Lisa L Watson F57 417.60
Kelly O Weselman F41 3.47
Nana Whalen F74 129.55
Charlene Wilson F36 224.58
John V Zeigler M66 786.11
Club RAY (Stingrays Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 214.21 Total Miles, 214.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David M Campbell M44 214.21
Club UNAT () (9 Swimmers, 956.34 Total Miles, 106.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan W Boyer F37 79.67
Lex Dempster M34 13.10
Candi P Dickerson F40 0.28
Larry Knight M58 105.17
Albert S Lorenzo M40 95.03
Ashley M Mead M20 278.75
Erin K Pearson F41 78.72
Nathaniel Pieper M42 2.68
Thomas J Rentschler M57 302.95
North Carolina LMSC (85 Swimmers, 17,175.45 Total Miles, 202.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club NCMS (North Carolina Masters Swimming) (83 Swimmers, 16,992.37 Total Miles, 204.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert D Adams M51 302.78
Amanda S Allen F32 5.41
Tom Allen M42 306.21
Craig Anderson M62 526.07
Shiana K Barbosa F34 120.05
Robin Batchelor F54 500.13
Laura E Blue F32 511.88
Richard S Bober M60 500.06
Bill Brown M66 2.41
Bob F Brown M68 246.11
Diane Byers F62 185.78
David R Carrig M43 68.58
Gabriela Coe F48 4.23
Gregory B Cook M49 405.68
Stan Cox M56 433.01
April Crider F43 1.08
Melanie J Dagenhart F31 236.10
Charlotte W Disher F49 127.07
Mark Doyle M52 380.09
Bradley A Dubbs M52 16.68
Pamela L Fortney F49 222.15
Jason M Fox M34 113.58
Dawn C Franklin F42 165.45
Christopher J Garville M61 89.92
Regina M Gillman F45 9.31
Margaret T Godwin F63 145.89
Meganne Gould F31 5.34
James M Green M67 907.69
Dana M Greene F42 0.00
Susan S Hamilton F62 266.76
Larry S Hartley M51 1,044.36
Angela Henry F42 191.03
Peggy C Hoffert F54 10.26
Mary Anna Hovey F68 239.23
James Howard M45 141.80
Bob Husson M66 282.37
John B Hyde M31 7.39
Kristi Irvin F36 29.28
John Y Jackson M69 132.17
Milt Jones M46 95.97
Rebecca L Jones F43 189.63
Aimee M Joseph F31 165.05
Lynn C Kam F44 40.80
Steven D Kelley M60 326.08
Pamela M Kicklighter F54 200.76
Roland Klober M43 162.23
Camille A Klotz F66 250.47
Rita Maynard F60 100.60
Sean Maynard M20 216.16
Frank P McGrath M75 215.71
James P McNichols M51 9.49
Mark A Medendorp M34 150.07
Bill Miller M54 381.67
Mike Minett M57 9.31
Elizabeth D Moore F26 0.00
Karen Moorman F60 145.16
Cheryl A Murray F59 336.21
Andrea H Packard F37 434.18
Stephanie A Parker F41 142.29
Teresa L Sanchez F31 119.81
Bill Sandford M57 98.00
Lee Sartain M30 14.03
Mark A Savoldi M45 148.87
Kirstie S Scheib F42 156.49
Henry P Singletary M50 21.25
Ricky Stevens M56 78.16
Chris L Stevenson M47 596.18
Jason Sturgis M39 228.53
Phyllis Tsang F29 250.00
Greta Van Meeteren F64 437.38
Hans P Van Meeteren M67 283.14
Gracie Wadewitz F53 21.16
Linda L Walden F51 100.97
David M Wang M40 97.50
Heather West F49 150.26
Casey M White F28 439.92
Gordon B White M28 46.34
Juanita A Willard F91 11.76
Heidi Williams F42 399.65
Kevin L Winter M53 33.30
Julie Winters F49 500.13
Tammy L Yates F30 23.23
Steven L Young M51 281.07
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 183.08 Total Miles, 91.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robin Coxe F56 181.43
Darisse Smith F33 1.65
South Carolina LMSC (38 Swimmers, 8,282.06 Total Miles, 217.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BLF (Bluffton Masters Fins) (2 Swimmers, 434.72 Total Miles, 217.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Barbara M Eisele F81 239.97
Edward Jerger M89 194.74
Club BMST (Beaufort Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 74.31 Total Miles, 74.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Viki Hill F55 74.31
Club COLM (Columbia Masters) (4 Swimmers, 849.19 Total Miles, 212.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gary E Bell M65 270.01
Stone Crider M41 2.61
Ann Johnson F46 0.99
Michael J Malik M30 575.58
Club GS (Greenville Splash YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 21.19 Total Miles, 21.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leslie Scott F47 21.19
Club GSMS (Grand Strand Masters Swimming) (13 Swimmers, 2,403.73 Total Miles, 184.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Juliet M Casper F44 180.45
Mike Casper M69 371.51
Judy A Childers F57 219.71
Jennifer C Cormack F43 29.66
Maria L Elias-Williams F47 0.00
Karen K Fuss F45 208.42
Tom Maguire M68 392.12
Karen G Petzold F42 0.00
Joan K Preller F63 265.65
Warren C Ratley M47 0.00
Joel A Schmaltz M41 327.37
Sam Wathen M58 260.68
Janet M Wood F34 148.16
Club HHAC (Low Country Masters) (1 Swimmers, 594.92 Total Miles, 594.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
DJ Murray F81 594.92
Club PALM (Palmetto Masters) (3 Swimmers, 166.93 Total Miles, 55.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kathleen E Clancy F29 4.66
Jeff C Garrard M57 112.19
Jill S Mcclure F45 50.09
Club SMRT (Southern Marlins Racing Team) (2 Swimmers, 1,722.50 Total Miles, 861.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cheryl M Reinke F47 1,017.87
Anna Tommerdahl F24 704.63
Club SWYS (Sea Wolves YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 557.01 Total Miles, 557.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary Anne Savage F51 557.01
Club TGM (Team Greenville Masters) (5 Swimmers, 976.34 Total Miles, 195.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Barbara A Barber F59 330.10
Katie W Mendez F28 12.07
Mark A Stone M55 29.09
Becky Weber F49 605.07
Kathryn D Whitener F34 0.00
Club UNAT () (5 Swimmers, 481.23 Total Miles, 96.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Paul E Cleary M55 113.37
Steve R Dalpiaz M45 28.76
Mary Eklund F47 54.70
Melinda J Menzer F42 282.79
Claire Watson F27 1.62
Southeastern LMSC (47 Swimmers, 8,255.03 Total Miles, 175.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ATMS (About Time Masters Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 205.06 Total Miles, 68.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Frank Odell M61 77.33
Bo A Shirey M38 22.07
Alan S Woods M45 105.65
Club BASC (Barracuda Swim Club of Northeast Tennessee) (1 Swimmers, 22.93 Total Miles, 22.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mel Love M46 22.93
Club BSLM (Birmingham Swim League) (4 Swimmers, 354.67 Total Miles, 88.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
William Massey M56 58.14
Stuart E Roberts M50 5.88
Mary Jo Schmalz F45 207.34
Jeremiah West M28 83.31
Club CMSA (City of Mobile Swim Association) (1 Swimmers, 1.86 Total Miles, 1.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael Garcia-Carreras M31 1.86
Club GCPS (Gulf Coast Pirate Swimmers) (7 Swimmers, 1,781.46 Total Miles, 254.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Katherine B Clarke F67 239.38
Nan DeStafney F54 22.24
Bill Evans M61 544.04
Paul Kellum M67 231.39
Sally W Menk F73 328.35
Kathy VanAlst F57 307.02
Katherine C Wagg Bollrud F37 109.03
Club GKMS (Greater Knoxville Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,348.65 Total Miles, 269.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kenlyn C Foster F43 36.79
Scott Lavoie M43 76.62
Paul (Tank) F McNamara M48 514.74
Eric Mulkey M56 718.01
Joel Perkerson M62 2.49
Club HUNT (Huntsville Swim Assoc) (1 Swimmers, 142.32 Total Miles, 142.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
George P Kobler M47 142.32
Club MATT (Madison Titans) (2 Swimmers, 1,031.09 Total Miles, 515.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter McCoy M42 689.78
Joachim Thoenes M42 341.31
Club MCMS (Music City Masters) (2 Swimmers, 84.37 Total Miles, 42.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellen T Caldwell F53 84.37
Doug Thomason M49 0.00
Club MTMS (Middle Tennessee U Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 285.77 Total Miles, 285.77 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Billie C Richardson F40 285.77
Club MTSC (Middle TN Masters Swim Club) (5 Swimmers, 707.16 Total Miles, 141.43 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lawrence S Cary M38 12.22
Andreea Ianoli F38 131.08
Roger Lancina M70 212.59
Emily B Moore F44 95.92
Sarah Sarbacker F32 255.35
Club NAVY (Navy Masters) (2 Swimmers, 311.63 Total Miles, 155.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carol Farrington F59 286.97
Kalea M Middendorf F23 24.66
Club PCM (Panama City Masters) (3 Swimmers, 299.12 Total Miles, 99.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sue Cottrill F49 145.11
Jim Meadows M50 150.08
Ryan Morgan M26 3.92
Club RATS (Chattanooga River Rats) (1 Swimmers, 244.37 Total Miles, 244.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
F Carter Wexler M48 244.37
Club UNAT () (7 Swimmers, 922.88 Total Miles, 131.84 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alisa M Firehock F50 5.74
Stephanie Freeman F31 12.10
Anthony C Morse M22 28.49
Utley Noble M48 690.48
Diana R Rivers F43 2.27
Warren Smedley M52 148.77
Saryn V Stramecki Doucette F40 35.02
Club YMTN (YMCA of Middle Tennessee) (2 Swimmers, 511.70 Total Miles, 255.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Caitlyn R Cleary F27 5.77
Valerie L Evans F49 505.94
Southern LMSC (21 Swimmers, 2,925.70 Total Miles, 139.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CMAQ (Catfish Masters Aquatics) (1 Swimmers, 2.73 Total Miles, 2.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary E Snow F35 2.73
Club RRM (Red River Masters) (2 Swimmers, 97.56 Total Miles, 48.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Charlotte P Dew F24 22.43
Mike Fleniken M42 75.13
Club SLST (South Louisiana Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 85.03 Total Miles, 85.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Teri E Begin F34 85.03
Club SMS (Southern Masters Swimmers) (13 Swimmers, 2,649.80 Total Miles, 203.83 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Vicki Buccino F65 12.84
Allen D Hardy M63 53.15
Doug Kopp M62 645.97
Fay V Lachney F50 310.00
Jean-Marie Lacobee F57 159.44
Jeff D Maynor M33 110.81
Karen O Meyer F49 25.81
Mahlon P Poche M47 272.58
Diane R Sabatier F55 255.09
Stephanie Santini F52 134.32
Thomas H Schmall M34 117.53
Mark F Welker M50 223.72
Kendra E Wilson F30 328.55
Club UNAT () (4 Swimmers, 90.58 Total Miles, 22.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Angela M Caufield F26 0.00
Danny W Cook M51 28.69
Paul Cunningham M38 52.40
Shana L Norwood F36 9.49
Great Lakes Zone (389 Swimmers, 73,405.53 Total Miles, 188.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Allegheny Mountain LMSC (18 Swimmers, 4,195.96 Total Miles, 233.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ALMT (Allegheny Masters Team) (3 Swimmers, 1,070.83 Total Miles, 356.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Kuzmkowski M57 842.05
Eric Pallant M53 166.90
Susan Pallant F56 61.88
Club AMAM (Allegheny Mountain Association Masters) (2 Swimmers, 693.83 Total Miles, 346.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joshua D Heynes M36 668.29
Jeanine Timon F42 25.54
Club CHAR (Chartiers Valley Swim Club Inc) (5 Swimmers, 1,270.16 Total Miles, 254.03 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy F Caves F51 438.50
Tara D'Agaro F36 378.91
Megan R Duca F40 74.20
Aimee Gelston F40 105.68
Jennifer R Petyk F40 272.87
Club PTMS () (1 Swimmers, 152.90 Total Miles, 152.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David Keith M39 152.90
Club TPIT (Team Pittsburgh Masters) (4 Swimmers, 809.79 Total Miles, 202.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark Cox M43 355.81
John Fleenor M45 315.88
Kim T Hoffman F42 110.64
Jolene Zywica F30 27.46
Club UNAT () (3 Swimmers, 198.44 Total Miles, 66.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jim Kellam M37 104.55
Hongmei Liang F41 60.48
Barbara A Simanek F60 33.41
Illinois LMSC (121 Swimmers, 25,643.41 Total Miles, 211.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ABM (Academy Bullets Masters) (2 Swimmers, 551.29 Total Miles, 275.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Robert T Hitchcock M45 281.45
Lida B Kuehn F48 269.84
Club DANY (Danville Y Silver Dolphins) (3 Swimmers, 74.70 Total Miles, 24.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mo D Keyser F52 29.79
Edward J Pacey M25 7.73
Erik Takai M69 37.19
Club ELG (Elgin Blue Wave Swim Team) (4 Swimmers, 564.57 Total Miles, 141.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Maureen Lue F48 84.09
Frank Matherson M57 150.32
Oz Osborne M65 202.13
Lex Pegues M51 128.03
Club IM (Illinois Masters) (82 Swimmers, 18,002.60 Total Miles, 219.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peggy Armand F48 13.30
Mark Barron M55 157.69
Monty Bauer M55 96.21
Mary Ann Becker F36 126.73
Nancy L Blomquist F60 516.53
Mark G Booth M52 0.00
Jana Brady F33 53.49
Katie A Braun F26 285.74
Laurel Brill F41 35.50
Mark T Campbell M33 366.78
Sarah Cann F27 50.06
Karin Carney F48 105.48
Amanda H Castle F36 160.42
James S Castle M36 25.14
Elaine Chapa F53 261.53
Charles W Cunnick M25 383.39
Patrick J Cunniffe M41 31.99
Ruta Daugavietis F53 158.28
Dorothy R Debolt F50 130.38
Jane B Del Greco F55 38.61
Steven E Dueball M57 30.53
George Durzi M35 191.88
Terrence J Egan M45 503.05
Margaret Ellwood F48 245.13
Lee Francis M50 441.66
Kathryn Froehlich F49 674.19
David M Garza M44 284.55
Russ Gelberg M49 14.56
Bob Genis M44 263.96
Dave Gibson M51 141.11
Ruth Giles-Ott F43 200.00
Kathryn Glass F27 127.09
Nicole E Goers F31 120.22
Amy Goodwin F30 30.20
Jennifer L Hallstein F44 503.54
Lisa G Hesterberg F25 11.25
Tom Hintz M45 650.24
John A Hobson M57 519.89
Paul Hulseman M51 451.08
Amanda Hunt F42 379.41
Kevin J Hupp M46 141.10
Timothy J Jenkins M50 474.54
John B Jones M38 152.37
Josh Kercheval M30 470.07
Ryan R Kirby M18 377.07
Michael F Kozlowski M61 230.30
Ron Laschever M34 150.20
Lynne Lasser F49 306.77
Jennifer A Lawrence F41 242.77
Ines Lein F43 370.28
Erik Lewinski M47 2.61
Clark S Lindsay M32 172.84
Douglas Little M50 230.65
Don Macdonald M49 554.38
Karen A MacKenzie F38 4.94
John A Martin M56 132.97
Russ Meyer M57 70.30
Jay Miller M51 216.64
Skip Montanaro M58 100.36
Marcy Morosow-Kroma F55 79.23
Alice M Novotny F53 11.39
Marjorie Pannell F61 78.85
Scot Phinney M55 265.22
Mary Quinn F39 224.53
Erik Rankin M34 136.24
Matthew J Roob M48 150.58
Lynn R Roose F47 482.50
Bernice Ruo F38 442.63
Dominik Salamon M29 79.71
Alec Sandy M47 114.86
Deborah A Schaub F61 270.45
John C Schoser M46 437.70
Chris Scovil M28 90.01
David Sebastian M50 23.61
Andreas K Seibt M53 640.49
Christopher T Sheean M45 255.06
Jeff Summy M34 12.46
Jason W Thayer M40 7.98
Paul H Tzur M33 266.71
Geralynn M Walsh F50 24.80
Beth Wittbrodt F35 450.19
Daniel S Zimmerman M44 275.43
Club JPD (Joliet Park District Blue Tides) (3 Swimmers, 704.26 Total Miles, 234.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ron T Krier M65 265.75
Jason Midlock M27 267.46
Erin M Storck F26 171.05
Club LIB (Libertyville Masters) (11 Swimmers, 2,314.54 Total Miles, 210.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael D Bergquist M55 239.45
Brian Clark M41 260.45
Glenn C Hoyle M59 19.80
Ann K Keil F56 55.32
Todd A Keil M56 644.01
Michael P McDonnell M26 251.26
Scott Melcher M40 35.34
Susan T Nash F57 77.30
Michael E Reed M56 339.07
Jim Rowland M51 150.20
Tiffany J Sullivan F27 242.33
Club MGM (Mt Greenwood Masters Swim Team) (2 Swimmers, 679.24 Total Miles, 339.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Leslie N Cichocki F23 500.19
Rachel E Dickman F25 179.05
Club NWSC (Naperville Waves Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 9.09 Total Miles, 9.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fred B Richmond M52 9.09
Club SSTM (Sheridan Swim Team Masters) (1 Swimmers, 50.81 Total Miles, 50.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Moffitt M33 50.81
Club UNAT () (12 Swimmers, 2,692.31 Total Miles, 224.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Julie Campbell F51 50.01
Paul C Caughey M31 45.36
Meaghan Hanifin F30 0.00
Christopher Heppner M43 250.64
Silke Janssen F37 303.69
Jennifer A Johnson F37 500.05
Elizabeth Lockwood F49 176.32
Sue M McLaughlin F48 137.67
George A Miller M37 175.43
Michelle D Milne F44 500.42
Paul J Nolte M49 51.22
David N Pekarek M28 501.51
Indiana LMSC (75 Swimmers, 10,615.93 Total Miles, 141.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CAMP (Carroll Aquatic Masters Program) (2 Swimmers, 166.89 Total Miles, 83.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Wilmer Blanchard M43 156.08
Judd A Johnson M49 10.81
Club COLE (Cole YMCA Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,094.97 Total Miles, 364.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Haley M Arnold F22 38.05
Steven M Conover M62 348.51
Deb A Stoner F58 708.41
Club CSC (Carmel Swim Club Masters) (6 Swimmers, 517.39 Total Miles, 86.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rob Beeler M46 0.00
Jennifer R Joyce F48 158.84
Rob Joyce M50 154.24
Lucie R Mays-Sulewski F41 0.00
T. M Rothrock M45 0.00
Patti L Vollmer F50 204.31
Club CSI (Cardinal Swimming Indiana) (1 Swimmers, 39.94 Total Miles, 39.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Addison J Tipton M23 39.94
Club DLMA (Duneland Masters) (3 Swimmers, 410.91 Total Miles, 136.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dan Biegel M53 81.99
Salvador Mujica M52 294.52
Jennifer L Tuck F39 34.40
Club DOC (DOC IU Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 370.89 Total Miles, 185.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick Beemer M36 233.65
Blair M Johnson M33 137.24
Club GRIN (GReater INdiana) (6 Swimmers, 631.21 Total Miles, 105.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keith M Brownewell M48 58.16
Susan C Kerr F56 76.01
Brian D Mauger M52 66.62
Deb Schiesser F56 60.51
Michael B Wilson M49 235.23
Nathan Winslow M46 134.68
Club HPX (Westview Healthplex) (1 Swimmers, 10.23 Total Miles, 10.23 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matt Hutton M39 10.23
Club INDY (Indy Aquatic Masters) (12 Swimmers, 2,713.44 Total Miles, 226.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erin Bethuram F32 50.23
Karen J Gernert F41 622.46
Cheryl M Gettelfinger F54 401.69
Katherine Graham F29 508.00
John W Hubbard M31 33.96
Vernon C Imhoff M52 283.41
Patrick R Kean M36 415.96
Linda L Marvin F38 105.24
Katie O'Connell F25 0.00
Dave A Thibodeau M46 167.27
Kristyn M Watts F22 107.56
Emily S Wilfong F19 17.68
Club ISF (YMCA Indy SwimFit) (1 Swimmers, 0.28 Total Miles, 0.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matt T Austin M28 0.28
Club MVA (Maverick Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 123.46 Total Miles, 61.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Erin E Smith F27 16.39
Elizabeth J Thomovsky F36 107.07
Club NASM (Northridge Area Swimming Masters) (2 Swimmers, 117.61 Total Miles, 58.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David M Dyck M36 117.61
Charles R Grace M26 0.00
Club NAST (Noblesville Adult Swim Team) (8 Swimmers, 1,340.71 Total Miles, 167.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andy Frey M33 140.06
Joel A Lighty M37 78.98
Jeffrey M Maydak M38 262.84
Craig A Newkirk M53 47.90
Debbie Pfledderer F41 176.96
Dennis Skowronski M39 121.83
Theresa A Thompson F43 71.29
Robin Walker F56 440.84
Club NSC (Newburgh Sea Creatures) (9 Swimmers, 1,012.57 Total Miles, 112.51 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Heather L Bowling F44 38.33
Carrie A Butler F52 339.05
Jason Conner M41 117.74
Walter L Kalesia M65 255.06
Rebeka Kaufman F36 2.07
Stacey A Litsey F41 42.51
Kaebra Wilkerson F39 133.37
Jeffrey A Williams M47 50.10
Mary J Yates F43 34.33
Club SCMI (Sugar Creek Masters Indiana) (1 Swimmers, 15.99 Total Miles, 15.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer A Dunn F39 15.99
Club SWIN (Southwest Indiana Masters) (2 Swimmers, 1,057.85 Total Miles, 528.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Guillermo Bez M39 557.30
John D Richardson M49 500.55
Club THT (Terre Haute Torpedoes Masters) (5 Swimmers, 204.26 Total Miles, 40.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Raymond C Austin M53 49.57
Jodi L Fish F39 1.70
Scott Fish M40 64.38
John R McFarland M35 29.52
Jay D Umbaugh M40 59.09
Club UNAT () (6 Swimmers, 307.49 Total Miles, 51.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michele Castillo F47 92.90
Christy L Jerman F41 131.25
John M Ocken M46 1.34
Jessica Singleton F29 0.28
Codie B Taylor F32 29.10
Amy L Teige F19 52.63
Club VALM (Valpo Masters) (2 Swimmers, 154.25 Total Miles, 77.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dalila M Reeder F27 2.56
Rachel J Rivera F33 151.70
Club ZAM (Zionsville Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 325.60 Total Miles, 325.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa L Brown F49 325.60
Kentucky LMSC (25 Swimmers, 4,118.51 Total Miles, 164.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club SKY (Swim Kentucky Masters) (24 Swimmers, 4,118.51 Total Miles, 171.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David Clement M56 34.31
Steve Eddy M58 706.03
Julie F Goldberg F27 111.66
Robert C Holmes M49 436.83
Susan Howell F53 103.43
Laura E Humphrey F37 214.50
Sara M Johnson F20 6.70
Wanda Karia F57 1.82
James M Keller M58 290.22
Mike Korzeniowski M40 21.65
Janice Kregor F55 385.22
Breana L Lewis F35 53.05
Kristen M Lowry F51 205.67
Dan Mattingly M48 167.60
Susan I Paris F65 130.68
William F Ritter M51 250.06
C.J. Rushman M40 163.86
Jerry Scrogham M39 0.00
John T Shepherd M70 127.16
Brent Smith M40 23.67
Andrew Thai M27 142.30
Mimi H Ward F53 250.83
Kathryn P Warren F29 263.59
Hank Webb M50 27.67
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Douglas W Owens M51 0.00
Lake Erie LMSC (28 Swimmers, 4,389.19 Total Miles, 156.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CAQT (Cleveland Aquatic Team) (2 Swimmers, 174.48 Total Miles, 87.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristina Valentic F21 174.48
Eric S Wilkin M25 0.00
Club MEDM (Medina Masters Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 378.85 Total Miles, 126.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Agnes B Bullock F49 31.59
Reva J Keaton F41 347.26
Cori L Knutson F35 0.00
Club O*H* (O*H*I*O Masters Swim Club) (14 Swimmers, 1,452.07 Total Miles, 103.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brent Beckham M26 0.00
Lynn M Gavigan F43 14.57
Ann H Guins F58 99.01
Steven T Hammond M54 235.21
Rhonda Y Johnson F48 50.13
Robert G McDonald M62 210.49
William P McDonald M55 303.57
Deborah L Mehok F46 25.91
Darren A Messina M49 176.96
Chad A Nance M39 98.63
Diane F Rothenberg F58 6.36
Veronica Taraska F33 9.97
Jillian Zak F25 0.00
Flavia L Zappa F44 221.25
Club SHSH (Shaker Swimming) (5 Swimmers, 1,921.90 Total Miles, 384.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Margaret L Bayless F55 554.30
Bill D Bretz M56 663.19
Jacqueline Matthews F48 201.73
Deborah L Peters F43 500.34
Natalie S Reiss F41 2.33
Club SPIR () (1 Swimmers, 77.63 Total Miles, 77.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike Sabeh M44 77.63
Club SWST (SwimStrongsville) (1 Swimmers, 100.46 Total Miles, 100.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew G Grimm M51 100.46
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 283.81 Total Miles, 141.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rachelle L Harrison F25 3.13
Brian Schilf M39 280.68
Michigan LMSC (62 Swimmers, 12,566.50 Total Miles, 202.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club GLSM (Great Lakes State Masters) (2 Swimmers, 193.32 Total Miles, 96.66 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian Davis M48 36.02
Jennifer A Parks F68 157.30
Club MICH (Michigan Masters) (59 Swimmers, 11,319.71 Total Miles, 191.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cherie D Adkins F43 11.36
Mitzi C Amelon F48 63.17
Joe Aumiller M54 720.71
Jeff M Bailey M44 235.62
Michael A Bell M43 326.43
Jenny L Birmelin F34 788.77
Gail A Brechting F54 4.29
Brian Clayson M28 85.32
Kira E Collins F29 263.36
Gabe Crowner M39 194.35
Rachel Cush F27 125.66
Maddie Diedo F53 530.14
Steven R Erickson M54 18.72
John W Fallu M45 27.97
Brian F Foust M62 136.16
Kerry L Frame F45 542.84
Lesley Glennon F43 0.00
Jude Grant F49 125.45
Bill Hayhow M52 120.66
Larry A Haynor M46 132.05
Nancy M Hnat F56 301.88
Robert L Isbister M71 262.10
Mark H Johnson M37 15.77
Sean P Kelly M38 40.68
Steven M Kineman M52 156.97
Lana Krolikowski F31 3.61
Jason D Lassen M39 127.83
Megan M Lassen F41 430.02
Pat H LeBlanc M56 104.98
Jennifer M Linn-Hartley F27 8.46
Sally B Louis F51 513.81
Brenda T MacDonald F56 44.32
Cheryl J Machovec Dehn F36 6.19
Mike McGowan M59 151.46
Nicki Moore F31 143.67
Bruce E Morey M54 472.34
Dawn Mullen F45 33.84
Michael Muma M60 45.65
Ray L Novess M63 256.26
Karl Olson M47 234.85
Paul V Pendred M54 115.81
Jeanine Plushnik F52 30.26
Nathan R Poppink M34 65.14
Ann Ray F53 48.91
Karen C Rosinski F49 259.82
Richard V Roush M57 411.39
Jeff Sabatini M39 51.80
Wendy Sanders F35 30.14
Scott K Schildgen M48 0.00
Carl R Schmidt M49 181.39
Greg J Schneider M32 10.51
Peter K Shireman M53 409.10
Jeffrey A Sieja M44 0.00
Dick D Specht M58 373.04
Wendy Szymczak F53 207.19
Bob Taylor M41 40.68
Harriet M Wall F69 1,250.63
James H Willey M68 17.41
Corey D Wright M23 8.76
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 1,053.47 Total Miles, 1,053.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michele Intermont F44 1,053.47
Ohio LMSC (36 Swimmers, 5,841.21 Total Miles, 162.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BGSC (Bowling Green Swim Club Master) (4 Swimmers, 441.57 Total Miles, 110.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michelle Crook F38 147.19
Laura M Leventhal F54 116.46
Daniel P Wohl M27 172.92
Jessica L Wohl F23 5.00
Club CSMT (Columbus Sharks Masters) (9 Swimmers, 1,169.21 Total Miles, 129.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie M Burrows F31 8.32
Gregory Clark M28 187.97
Eric J Davis M40 120.56
Thomas E Gibson M48 51.85
Amy M Kaspar F41 5.51
Bo Martin M51 333.74
Teri Miller F29 127.74
Chris K Paolini M48 259.03
Brandon J Sullivan M29 74.49
Club DAS (Dayton Area Sharks) (1 Swimmers, 441.95 Total Miles, 441.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeffrey M Hemmes M40 441.95
Club DRM (Dayton Raiders Masters) (1 Swimmers, 120.94 Total Miles, 120.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jeanne A Smith F52 120.94
Club DYD (Downtown YMCA Dolphins) (1 Swimmers, 15.27 Total Miles, 15.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gina M DePasquale F30 15.27
Club NAM (New Albany Aquatics Club) (1 Swimmers, 252.38 Total Miles, 252.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Edward B Devennish M66 252.38
Club OHSP (Ohio Splash) (2 Swimmers, 210.83 Total Miles, 105.41 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Corey A Beck M29 57.36
KC Vann F41 153.47
Club OUMS (Ohio University Masters Swim Team) (4 Swimmers, 701.07 Total Miles, 175.27 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christopher R Feger M42 258.09
Ana L Rosado Feger F41 5.17
Mary M VanPatten F42 208.85
Paul G VanPatten M41 228.95
Club SWOM (Southwest Ohio Masters) (5 Swimmers, 187.64 Total Miles, 37.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David P Black M33 0.00
Keaton S Freds M20 6.53
Trina Ingole F41 113.40
Lisa A Stephens-Bodine F44 57.23
Brian C Summe M45 10.48
Club SYL (Sylvania Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 454.54 Total Miles, 454.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alan M Albert M55 454.54
Club UAR () (1 Swimmers, 443.24 Total Miles, 443.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne M Frayne F57 443.24
Club UNAT () (6 Swimmers, 1,402.56 Total Miles, 233.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kip Bohachek M57 525.82
Matt C LaBudda M34 71.68
Patrick R Maynard M57 259.29
David A Mielziner M46 15.97
Benjamin L Price M33 509.11
Laura S Wright F53 20.70
Wisconsin LMSC (24 Swimmers, 6,034.82 Total Miles, 251.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club WMAC (Wisconsin Masters Aquatic Club) (24 Swimmers, 6,034.82 Total Miles, 251.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth Baker F30 4.49
Richard Barry M65 204.53
Erica K Bergstrom F24 216.63
Ann Berres-Olivotti F53 389.32
James B Biles M50 764.05
Karen S Bluhm F55 0.00
James A Culp M54 466.03
William R Curtis M53 55.74
Angela M Hansen F40 208.30
Heidi L Hildebrandt F45 0.00
William R Jeppson M59 1.51
Stephen W Justinger M59 393.93
Stacey L Kiefer F33 26.09
Scott T Kissman M43 136.80
Sheryl B Leonard-Schneck F47 68.26
Charles E Lorenz M36 898.55
Alex McNair M41 342.65
Carl Millholland M59 0.00
Melodee A Nugent F44 1,057.38
Gus I Robledo M53 306.60
Daniel R Slick M63 400.04
Krista Verhelst F36 29.91
Robert J Verhelst M33 0.00
Michael Zahn M64 64.03
Northwest Zone (249 Swimmers, 59,417.03 Total Miles, 238.62 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Alaska LMSC (14 Swimmers, 2,037.04 Total Miles, 145.50 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AKMS (Alaska Masters Swim Club) (13 Swimmers, 2,004.72 Total Miles, 154.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Catherine Brooks F63 241.07
Forest Brooks M64 150.00
Shawn L Dickson F59 7.13
Mark Fleming M49 225.59
Jeanette C Gann F38 38.10
Ben D Harris M46 169.80
Greg Peters M43 276.39
John Pfeifer M60 365.26
Aimee Rathbun F28 3.13
Elisa M Rosier F35 9.26
Stephanie A Schroeder F43 0.00
Joleen C White F37 198.10
Kenneth C Winterberger M58 320.89
Club UNAT () (1 Swimmers, 32.32 Total Miles, 32.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren M Langford F23 32.32
Inland Northwest LMSC (16 Swimmers, 3,544.87 Total Miles, 221.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club HMS (Hydropower Masters Swim Club) (12 Swimmers, 3,306.81 Total Miles, 275.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James A Adams M34 512.97
Troy W Baker M44 277.22
Deborah J Bell F59 1.25
Matthew F Bronson M46 753.61
Paige Buehler F43 141.55
Gregory D Clark M50 65.83
Ed Davis M48 59.23
Marcos A Donolo M36 548.48
Larry B Krauser M58 566.55
Nadine Lehrer F35 95.27
Sean J Murphy M48 268.72
Lindsay A Williams F37 16.14
Club LCNM (Lewis Clark Neptunes Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jo Ann Cole-Hansen F49 0.00
Club SWAT (Spokane Waves Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 226.22 Total Miles, 226.22 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jennifer M Polello F40 226.22
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 11.85 Total Miles, 5.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rebekah K Demand F22 11.85
Karl J Lieberknecht M41 0.00
Montana LMSC (4 Swimmers, 712.21 Total Miles, 178.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BOZE (Bozeman Masters) (1 Swimmers, 2.86 Total Miles, 2.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brenda S Hegel F57 2.86
Club MM (Montana Masters) (3 Swimmers, 709.35 Total Miles, 236.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mark S Comfort M58 373.89
Jackie A Foster F60 333.25
Amanda L Strong F20 2.22
Oregon LMSC (110 Swimmers, 25,090.50 Total Miles, 228.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club DUCK (University of Oregon Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 23.64 Total Miles, 23.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ashley M Salter F29 23.64
Club OREG (Oregon Masters) (82 Swimmers, 20,067.25 Total Miles, 244.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Danielle Aanenson F29 220.81
Raymond G Allen M85 166.48
Valerie L Anderson F54 6.16
Julie A Andrade F50 601.10
Ann M Angvick F44 219.54
Warren W Barnes M50 416.67
Heather E Blair F26 81.93
Mark Braun M40 367.89
Elizabeth H Budd F57 502.39
Marlys R Cappaert F53 127.45
Diane F Cardwell F60 213.10
Michael P Carew M62 1,031.42
MJ Caswell F50 292.72
James L Corbeau M47 334.73
Pat Cotter M61 257.88
Anicia Criscione F38 365.01
Jed P Cronin M63 508.42
Bonnie B Edwards F39 23.60
Jennifer M Faith F30 39.72
Stephen R Flanagan M49 20.91
Dan E Gipe M52 279.18
Ann R Goodman F52 64.13
Susan Gorman F45 311.48
Jon Gudman M56 251.88
Aubree M Gustafson F30 403.19
Lynn A Gutoski F29 141.59
Scott Hamilton M40 92.58
Mitch Hanan M53 59.66
Sue Harrington F54 245.48
Elizabeth A Harrison F37 415.39
Robin L Hoffman F39 0.00
Virginia W Hoke F36 102.90
Kim J Hyland F49 142.44
Jim A Ivelich M49 122.22
Jan E Jeddeloh F56 108.59
Richard A Jenkins M63 274.10
Daryl Johnson M39 36.03
Bob Kehoe M65 387.23
Michael W Kelber M64 301.81
Darrin M Lajoie M46 514.20
Lori E Lamoureux F52 277.62
Quynh H Le M28 70.48
Ellen L Lee F30 450.05
Daniel D Mayhew M54 376.05
Suzanne M McLarty F46 206.06
Matt D Miller M34 36.52
Deborah L Mills F54 2.70
Ralph Mohr M70 535.80
Cheryl A Morgen F42 261.14
Annie Muske-Dukes-Driggs F28 10.32
Bowden K Nave M53 600.12
Bob Needham M58 498.84
Kathy H O'Neill F60 55.12
Gayle A Orner F49 376.78
Debbie M Pappa F50 226.96
Jacqueline W Parker F33 6.05
Keith D Peters M46 274.29
Annamaria Picollo F64 3.13
James L Proffitt M46 628.43
David A Radcliff M77 694.97
Kelly Reeves F29 65.36
Zoe E Roman F24 28.52
Sandi Rousseau F64 230.41
Mary Anne Royle F59 365.77
Jon Schieltz M73 220.53
Mike Self M41 212.83
Allen L Stark M62 267.52
Carol R Stark F63 568.33
Ellen Summers F57 1.24
Tom Tanner M56 466.73
Nick Thorpe M32 232.85
Charris J Towne F60 5.97
Terri L Tyynismaa F49 20.35
Joy Ward F69 515.25
Kevin C Warren M20 43.18
Timothy P Waud M44 84.50
George H Weber M81 116.96
Sumner H Williams M32 187.24
Lauren Winter F31 77.22
Neva J Winter F38 163.23
Joni D Young F50 377.71
Susie S Young F42 172.10
Club SWMS (Southwest Washington Masters Swimming) (18 Swimmers, 3,688.92 Total Miles, 204.94 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mike Afflerbaugh M44 15.62
Sherry L Bender F52 193.64
Amy J Best F28 52.00
Kendra D Bestine F31 231.21
Michael J Bingle M56 302.99
Jerri N Clark F45 156.98
Joan D Delgado F66 94.25
Nadine Edwards F64 89.88
Wes Edwards M58 350.33
Esther B Ellis F66 110.39
John L Ellis M65 575.13
Angela Fadlovich F45 274.20
Serena H Johnson F34 370.89
Douglas A Kabel M46 80.92
Robert Koga M45 504.37
Jonathan G Matthews M32 72.73
Katy Myers F39 12.45
Dianne L Thomsen F54 200.95
Club UNAT () (9 Swimmers, 1,310.69 Total Miles, 145.63 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michelle F Barber F37 116.39
Willee L Broberg F46 127.78
Diane Buswell F50 295.37
Jane Gray F60 11.74
Suzy Jajewski F36 603.38
Sylvia A Mangan F63 3.00
Gary May M47 1.55
Sonya J McLaughlin F68 100.24
Cynthia H Rosik F78 51.23
Pacific Northwest LMSC (64 Swimmers, 18,325.78 Total Miles, 286.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club BWAQ () (5 Swimmers, 1,565.00 Total Miles, 313.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Will C Delony M55 264.78
Scott W Matthews M50 432.15
Daniel C Smith M49 400.98
Tina Whiteside F36 225.08
Judy K Williams F63 242.01
Club PNA (Pacific Northwest Aquatics) (59 Swimmers, 16,760.78 Total Miles, 284.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Richard P Adcock M56 354.20
Kristine L Antilla F43 173.95
Mary C Armstrong F44 106.15
Robin C Bruce F26 114.57
Erin K Burgman F49 416.18
Maryan N Burke F86 50.55
Lyset Cadena F29 1.88
Lee A Carlson M71 122.57
Aimee Christy F39 83.78
Rod Cory M48 67.49
Hope Dean F53 0.00
Joe E Denton M40 611.83
Sally A Dillon F65 380.84
Suzanne L Dills F66 472.79
Adair Dingle F52 622.23
Bill Fenner M56 158.36
Alan G Florsheim M45 0.00
Willy Gevers M52 179.20
Alex Goldstein M43 663.07
Krista D Gomes F62 286.08
Thomas A Grandine M53 726.47
Julian P Gray M40 238.27
Heidi L Hutchinson F44 1.86
Hugh D James M70 144.05
Doug Jelen M38 581.76
Howard A Jess M60 694.76
Barbara L Johnshoy F25 72.21
Michael P Jones M51 380.17
Boram Kim F25 0.00
Dan E Larson M44 393.20
James Latham M30 3.35
Matthew A Lind M47 186.89
Rebecca G Logsdon F57 2.16
Jacqui Lotz F56 203.07
Matt Mabus M51 571.96
Suzanne M Marlatt F38 150.11
David A Marshall M44 457.42
Carol McCaig F49 169.35
John M McKenney M33 65.07
Kathy L Morris F56 250.25
Lyle A Nalli M51 501.04
Kirk Nelson M41 546.68
Jill D Pearson McJunkin F48 170.08
Laura S Petrini F54 493.96
Ron Rhinehart M53 142.35
Izzy B Rosane F59 372.76
J. Michael Schaeffer M55 431.66
Bryan E Smith M44 137.19
Kris Speir F48 280.01
Rachel Steendahl F35 132.53
Suna Sullivan F44 157.53
David P Tempest M61 513.19
Brenda K Tomtan-Brayman F38 130.63
Ray Townsend M44 64.63
Dan Underbrink M55 416.55
James R Underbrink M51 735.47
Steve Underbrink M43 348.98
Haleigh A Werner F42 819.00
Andrea S Wilson F43 208.44
Snake River LMSC (10 Swimmers, 3,242.05 Total Miles, 324.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club IFPM (Idaho Falls Masters) (2 Swimmers, 495.21 Total Miles, 247.61 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christina M Davis F37 210.07
Robin L Piet F58 285.14
Club SAWS (Sawtooth Masters) (8 Swimmers, 2,746.83 Total Miles, 343.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Alexander G Baxter M31 100.34
Robert Clayton M44 263.31
Floyd M Fisk M59 473.69
John R Kormanik M48 20.74
Kristi D Lee F36 637.61
Paula J Moores F54 403.65
Alex Mueller M34 401.13
Jill M Wright F60 446.35
Utah LMSC (31 Swimmers, 6,464.58 Total Miles, 208.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club QUAC (Queer Utah Aquatic Club) (1 Swimmers, 6.97 Total Miles, 6.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Audra L West F33 6.97
Club SALT (Salt Lake Masters Swimming) (5 Swimmers, 2,484.89 Total Miles, 496.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Gordon R Gridley M39 1,100.99
Jamie R Hubbard F30 210.00
Nathan W Nelson M36 0.00
William W Reeves M58 1,001.89
Rod K Storms M59 172.00
Club UNAT () (10 Swimmers, 1,099.50 Total Miles, 109.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amy Duke F38 78.58
Matthew D Gerrish M25 107.09
Robert R Jacobson M55 45.39
Jill T Johnson F45 68.64
Carol E Kerlin F57 59.22
Tom Lybyer M51 353.80
Kelly R Miller M25 50.06
Chad W Starks M38 10.69
Gail Towsley F44 47.08
Goody Tyler M35 278.96
Club UTAH (Swim Utah) (15 Swimmers, 2,873.22 Total Miles, 191.55 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fred C Baird M63 314.87
David K Balling M52 26.59
Mark Belnap M42 550.54
Anna Marie Forest F42 75.59
James F Jonsson M49 0.00
Katy L Kessinger F57 0.00
Lo D Knapp F57 326.42
Christopher R Mart M56 308.68
Diane C Peterson F46 572.01
Patrick K Phillips M36 0.00
Cathy A Philpot F55 28.87
Kimberly Rigley F28 54.77
Dennis N Tesch M46 52.02
R Kyle Treadway M51 475.76
DJ Wiley M21 87.10
Oceana Zone (297 Swimmers, 70,714.29 Total Miles, 238.10 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Hawaii LMSC (16 Swimmers, 3,707.55 Total Miles, 231.72 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club HAQ (Hilo Aquatic Club) (2 Swimmers, 342.77 Total Miles, 171.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rebecca Ostertag F42 101.36
Ron Whitmore M43 241.42
Club HIMA (Hawaii Masters) (4 Swimmers, 2,013.13 Total Miles, 503.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kevin W Drake M55 835.82
Aimee V Kolman F41 388.41
Janet K Renner F50 768.77
Mike E Young M55 20.13
Club KMSC (Kailua Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 34.31 Total Miles, 34.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
April Morales F22 34.31
Club MMSC (Maui Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 292.24 Total Miles, 146.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joyce E Roark F53 59.32
Michael C Roark M60 232.91
Club OCMT (Oahu Club Masters Team) (1 Swimmers, 7.92 Total Miles, 7.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sean C Harrison M42 7.92
Club UHM (University of Hawaii Masters) (1 Swimmers, 24.67 Total Miles, 24.67 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cherise S Saito F27 24.67
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 74.63 Total Miles, 37.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Roy K Alameida M66 67.98
Vicky J Watson F45 6.65
Club WSC (Waikiki Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 917.87 Total Miles, 305.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan Cushman F49 294.41
Warren Duryea M66 258.22
Anne Wheelock F55 365.24
Pacific LMSC (281 Swimmers, 67,006.74 Total Miles, 238.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club 49ER (Motherlode Masters) (3 Swimmers, 313.35 Total Miles, 104.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael R Brown M65 153.65
Cindy L Ennis F54 26.08
Patti H Philpott F41 133.62
Club AAM (Alameda Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 29.89 Total Miles, 29.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Margaret Flynn F48 29.89
Club AQUM (Aquasol Masters) (3 Swimmers, 497.93 Total Miles, 165.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Elizabeth B Tiedemann F48 327.03
Ann S Yonemura F51 13.93
Eric Zirkelbach M50 156.97
Club BAC (Burlingame Aquatic Club) (3 Swimmers, 381.06 Total Miles, 127.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ben Anixter M74 52.47
Patricia F Anixter F57 273.58
Ada H Wong F36 55.01
Club BAM (Berkeley (CA) Aquatic Masters) (3 Swimmers, 868.41 Total Miles, 289.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lori M Copan F49 251.54
August R Fern F37 207.86
Steven H Terusaki M58 409.01
Club BAY (Bay Masters) (5 Swimmers, 835.92 Total Miles, 167.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Devon H Chen F30 168.55
John P Doyle M26 27.44
Jessica N Huang F27 87.56
David Schach M34 11.36
Jillian M Silva F34 541.00
Club BMSP (Brentwood Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 107.73 Total Miles, 107.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lorianne Mayo F53 107.73
Club CARS (Carson Tigersharks) (1 Swimmers, 19.91 Total Miles, 19.91 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sharon H Field F58 19.91
Club CHIC (Chico Masters Swimming) (4 Swimmers, 1,254.74 Total Miles, 313.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Wendy Asnault F42 433.81
Peggy Ketting Olivier F59 71.88
Heather J Martinez F35 335.66
Margaret E Reece F39 413.39
Club CLOV (Clovis Swim Club Masters) (5 Swimmers, 1,124.28 Total Miles, 224.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Natalie S Clark F40 69.70
Shelly Lynn F41 76.94
Andrew B McLaughlin M38 571.46
Ron Steager M64 40.28
Kelly M Wiggins F43 365.90
Club CMAM (Cal Maritime Academy Masters) (2 Swimmers, 351.89 Total Miles, 175.95 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
James B Kennedy M60 326.54
Cynthia S Trevisan F46 25.35
Club CRUZ (Santa Cruz Masters Aquatics) (8 Swimmers, 3,422.08 Total Miles, 427.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patti Bauernfeind F45 717.62
Jeri L Gintert F51 403.22
Vince Grimaldi M45 100.18
Michele D Ignoffo F42 136.32
Patricia D Knowles F40 900.02
Yutaro A Sano M23 465.44
Lara M Triona F34 29.20
Ann S Wilson F36 670.08
Club DAC (Davis Athletic Club) (1 Swimmers, 193.13 Total Miles, 193.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Adrienne M Anderson F45 193.13
Club DAM (Davis Aquatic Masters) (13 Swimmers, 3,202.96 Total Miles, 246.38 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa S Bertain F41 420.67
Lorenzo Berti M40 52.76
Jason E Bundy M41 3.18
Karen L Charney F42 525.30
Kathy M Gill F57 124.20
Kerry N Halsted F48 568.64
Deanna L Johnson F55 414.40
Bob H Lantz M60 331.72
Katy C Lantz F58 405.62
Alison Lee F25 4.66
Karen L Olson F56 303.08
Patricia L Price F49 41.99
Crystal M Ripplinger F31 6.76
Club DC (Dolphin Club) (2 Swimmers, 104.22 Total Miles, 52.11 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cynthia Marchesani F49 61.14
Asta Sveinsdottir F42 43.08
Club ECAM (El Cerrito Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 564.62 Total Miles, 282.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Annette Chinn F50 395.64
Jennifer D Watters F51 168.98
Club ECYM (El Camino YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 554.34 Total Miles, 277.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matt Arena M46 432.09
Peter Harvey M56 122.26
Club FGST (Fig Garden Swim Team) (2 Swimmers, 200.04 Total Miles, 100.02 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John Cruz M65 0.00
Scott Nichols M57 200.04
Club FREM () (1 Swimmers, 33.39 Total Miles, 33.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Victoria E Igel F55 33.39
Club GG (Golden Gateway Tennis & Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christie Locke F26 0.00
Club HTUB (Club Hot Tub) (1 Swimmers, 572.19 Total Miles, 572.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
John K Crane M60 572.19
Club LAMV (Los Altos Mountain View Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,461.85 Total Miles, 487.28 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen T O'Neill M54 601.24
Chuck A Piercey M51 666.27
Mike H Yramategui M50 194.33
Club LNM (Loch Ness Masters) (1 Swimmers, 512.56 Total Miles, 512.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan B Miller F55 512.56
Club LODI (Lodi Masters) (1 Swimmers, 22.44 Total Miles, 22.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Trenton M Diehl M33 22.44
Club LVAM (Lucas Valley Aquatics Masters) (1 Swimmers, 24.20 Total Miles, 24.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Mary D Piel F55 24.20
Club MAAC (Modesto Area Aquatic Club) (4 Swimmers, 789.33 Total Miles, 197.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David R Bastian M50 132.27
Karen A Servas F50 382.65
Byron Walker M52 161.34
Bob Weaver M49 113.07
Club MAM (Manatee Aquatic Masters Inc) (36 Swimmers, 9,799.42 Total Miles, 272.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megan Aboudara F28 0.00
Jennifer Brakeman F41 259.22
Philip L Bush M62 757.65
Sarah M Chinn F27 160.87
Jim Clemmons M61 575.34
Pamela Covington F50 6.97
Juliet E Cox F43 351.46
Peter C Finney M44 500.08
Suzie E Girard F40 334.85
Kirsten R Halbrook F43 272.04
Todd C Hansen M59 501.99
Michelle Jackson F40 6.76
Edward V Killeen M44 19.86
Kathleen Kline F55 135.36
Alan Levinson M60 201.46
Sid Levy M48 8.47
Eve G Maidenberg F35 460.29
Cary D Mc Gregor M61 551.62
Peg K Mc Partland F69 192.53
Kelly L McGrath F51 134.45
Cheryl Miller F53 200.74
Robin M Mills F49 335.25
Christopher S Pankey M57 415.29
Shannon A Pedder F39 115.37
Rebecca R Perry F47 434.99
Hisun Rim F44 115.05
Beccah D Rothchild F38 640.03
Caroline L Sorenson F29 141.41
Brian K Stack M60 389.56
Susan G Stanton F59 148.79
Donna E Straff F59 17.81
Catherine Sychr F35 488.20
Margaret A Thompson F31 206.76
Bob B Upshaw M62 525.61
Joanneke F Verschuur F46 53.18
Michael W Voorhies M64 140.11
Club MBAY (Monterey Bay Masters Seaside AC) (5 Swimmers, 1,574.44 Total Miles, 314.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carol D Andrews F55 12.47
Dana M Jones F47 367.62
Robin C Kramer F51 606.19
Christine C Riley F27 88.01
Susan M Rindermann F54 500.14
Club MELO (Menlo Masters Aka Team Sheeper) (4 Swimmers, 985.92 Total Miles, 246.48 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie D Couch F47 341.60
Louise S Feeley F52 279.12
Steve Foster M43 138.04
Jana Matena F49 227.15
Club MEMO (Marcia's Enthusiastic Masters of Oakland) (1 Swimmers, 159.19 Total Miles, 159.19 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan L Haufler F54 159.19
Club MMSW (Mavericks Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 123.99 Total Miles, 123.99 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Meredith A West F27 123.99
Club MPM (Marin Pirates Masters) (16 Swimmers, 3,500.10 Total Miles, 218.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kim Bauer M47 442.36
Alan D Bernard M62 319.73
Bryce Cruse M43 206.56
Shari Cruse F44 123.10
Sarah R Fergot F36 223.60
Lynn M Forsey F49 200.27
Karen L Johnson F51 23.04
Terri A Leinsteiner F53 227.25
Cokie Lepinski F52 520.38
Shannon O'Hare M33 257.68
Yaron Palfy M41 181.52
Susie W Powell F59 265.28
Terry Powers F48 24.86
Rachel M Rempe F28 282.24
Erica Sutherland F52 20.26
Kate Thorp F42 181.99
Club MTRC (Mount Tam Racquet Club) (1 Swimmers, 641.58 Total Miles, 641.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sally J Marshall F62 641.58
Club MVM (Mountain View Masters) (4 Swimmers, 1,835.21 Total Miles, 458.80 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott P Finney M36 48.07
Mike Kadi M47 510.04
Adina Kletter F38 501.05
Karla E Rees F39 776.05
Club NBA (North Bay Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 368.29 Total Miles, 184.15 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anthony M Cistaro M48 27.01
Josh Sale M57 341.29
Club NCAL (The Swim Club of NorCal) (3 Swimmers, 428.78 Total Miles, 142.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Juan C Garcia M28 251.44
Zachary A McCutchen M24 145.52
Richard J Schingler M59 31.82
Club NVM (Napa Valley Masters) (1 Swimmers, 111.65 Total Miles, 111.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thomas M Mc Nicholas M72 111.65
Club OAK (Oakwood Athletic Club Masters) (5 Swimmers, 3,171.27 Total Miles, 634.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Betsy A Barsamian -Teman F60 86.82
Richard K Jacobberger M66 406.53
Teddy Colleen Palmer F57 2.56
Susan K Skilton F53 944.20
Don Tatzin M59 1,731.15
Club OAKD (Oakdale Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 152.13 Total Miles, 152.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bob Vanderburg M51 152.13
Club ODD (Olde Durham Dolphins) (1 Swimmers, 3.44 Total Miles, 3.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shannon Kelso F26 3.44
Club PCAM (Peninsula Covenant Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 201.86 Total Miles, 100.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Bob Hoxsie M53 178.52
Diana M Nemirovsky F44 23.33
Club PRES (Presentation Masters) (1 Swimmers, 3.24 Total Miles, 3.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karen D Paffendorf F46 3.24
Club PVMA (Petaluma Valley Masters) (1 Swimmers, 301.97 Total Miles, 301.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Steve R Dunbar M45 301.97
Club RAD (Redding Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 320.65 Total Miles, 106.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nancy L de Halas F50 155.48
Cindy M Edwards F51 14.20
D. Scott Thompson M61 150.97
Club RAMS (Rocklin Aquatics Masters) (3 Swimmers, 407.62 Total Miles, 135.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa M Balestrini F47 81.90
Angie Lopez F31 71.48
Janet C Olsen F74 254.24
Club RHMS (Rolling Hills Mud Sharks) (1 Swimmers, 48.89 Total Miles, 48.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dianne S Arrigoni F59 48.89
Club SAC (Sacramento Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,040.87 Total Miles, 346.96 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Andrew M Hitchings M47 275.88
Stephanie S Moore F29 504.60
Richard M Wilder M39 260.38
Club SCAM (Strawberry Canyon Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 168.98 Total Miles, 168.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Theresa A Kasprzyk F26 168.98
Club SCSC (Santa Clara Swim Club Masters) (5 Swimmers, 891.53 Total Miles, 178.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nicholas A Cirone M23 675.85
Kyoungbin Kim F44 57.42
Elizabeth J Low F24 72.74
Abel Sanz M42 32.49
Sara K Weber F22 53.04
Club SERC (South End Rowing Club) (1 Swimmers, 932.07 Total Miles, 932.07 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hendrik J Meerman M49 932.07
Club SFRP (San Francisco Rec & Parks Masters) (1 Swimmers, 117.73 Total Miles, 117.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hong Xiao F41 117.73
Club SMM (San Mateo Masters) (7 Swimmers, 1,944.51 Total Miles, 277.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lisa C Antonino F51 203.72
Henry Chan M32 387.80
Calvin K Chen M50 280.79
Jian Chin F47 1.02
Jeffrey Enright M45 361.14
Bob Levi M59 203.97
David P Traver M52 506.05
Club SMMM () (1 Swimmers, 13.92 Total Miles, 13.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tessa C Farbstein F20 13.92
Club SNM (Sierra Nevada Masters) (2 Swimmers, 48.77 Total Miles, 24.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
David P Blondfield M50 3.18
Marci L Zavala F37 45.59
Club SRM (Santa Rosa Masters) (4 Swimmers, 206.39 Total Miles, 51.60 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joel D Brown M60 18.13
Jennifer Cardell F43 15.28
Emily Scott F31 171.11
Leslie Warren F54 1.88
Club STAN (Stanford Masters Swimming) (9 Swimmers, 2,126.62 Total Miles, 236.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karim Al-Khafaji M34 97.59
Daniela Barnea F67 355.64
Louis G Ceci M61 192.07
Haley Juno-Galdes F34 5.28
Karla B Oeler F46 143.83
Kent M Price M73 707.00
Connie C Tong F40 155.46
Jiffy Vermylen F28 252.70
Sue Y Wang F36 217.04
Club TAM (Tamalpais Aquatic Masters) (4 Swimmers, 1,283.47 Total Miles, 320.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy A Eisenman F57 437.27
Deacon G Shoenberger M37 163.11
Linda R Shoenberger F64 214.68
James N Stambolis M64 468.41
Club TCAM (Tuolumne County Aquatic Masters) (5 Swimmers, 321.72 Total Miles, 64.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brent A Anderson M55 177.44
Sheri L Anderson F55 0.00
Shoshana K Friedman-Hawk F31 23.45
Megan L Mills F41 115.20
Cathie A Salvo F53 5.63
Club TEME (Temescal Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 492.67 Total Miles, 246.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Emily M Dangremond F25 100.03
Thomas Edgerton M51 392.64
Club TMSC (Turlock Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 50.17 Total Miles, 50.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Beth A Stewart-Bollinger F55 50.17
Club TOC (The Olympic Club) (8 Swimmers, 2,258.33 Total Miles, 282.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
B Gil Dowd M49 207.07
Anezka G Felton F63 206.36
Mike Keck M52 310.25
Bart Lally M49 500.20
Phyllis E Quinn F56 392.72
Amanda K Sanguinet F41 6.40
Dick Warren M64 383.48
Laureen K Welting F46 251.83
Club TSUN (San Francisco Tsunami Masters) (3 Swimmers, 532.38 Total Miles, 177.46 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Phil J Diers M54 57.66
JP Stephenson M46 183.56
Mark White M48 291.16
Club TTAM (Truckee Tahoe Aquatics Masters) (1 Swimmers, 15.01 Total Miles, 15.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carrie Moore F28 15.01
Club TVM (Tri Valley Masters) (5 Swimmers, 2,080.60 Total Miles, 416.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Judy W Bracken F54 407.16
Ron Emhoff M56 900.05
Devon A Farmer F24 195.04
Bill Mc Cracken M50 470.26
Susan Quesada F49 108.09
Club UNAT () (32 Swimmers, 6,452.52 Total Miles, 201.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Hadar Aviram F37 334.89
Denise Berro F51 382.07
Mary Bucci F33 0.00
Kelly G Cantlen F43 43.83
Kelly T Carlin M49 433.20
Raffi Cuerten F58 558.26
Diane Daniel F65 205.85
Susan M Dragich F61 40.34
Sheila M Esson F53 98.22
Eldred F Fountain M55 0.00
Phil F Gehin M59 337.67
Linda Harold F40 12.23
David A Hinz M47 222.52
Meredith Jaynes F29 7.16
David B Kelley M63 8.75
Jan F Kooy M39 298.61
Catherine Lee F56 263.82
Martha J Lee F58 185.10
Christine N Lockhart F53 603.40
Brigitte Lossing F49 21.70
Ryan W McWhorter M38 19.40
Rita M Mt Joy F69 70.43
Peggy Nelson-Aguilar F54 362.46
Michael A Piccinino M64 768.21
Walt Read M68 52.27
Peter S Remick M45 273.44
Elizabeth J Richter F21 331.58
Anietta R Tice F50 294.32
Megan A Wenger F27 28.69
Theresa V Wistrom F67 179.01
Karen R Wofford F50 4.26
Megan Yarnall F27 10.83
Club USF (University of San Francisco Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,222.69 Total Miles, 203.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Matt Chappell M47 760.09
Carla D Di Gennaro F34 66.31
Matthew D Glaser M34 0.00
Michael W Moore M61 46.35
Ashley M Plushnik F20 187.34
Clare K Rudd F27 162.61
Club VACA (Vacaville Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 401.78 Total Miles, 133.93 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Keitha D Bryan F51 51.57
Rick D Bryan M52 309.66
Charmaine P Lee F47 40.55
Club WCM (Walnut Creek Masters) (11 Swimmers, 2,821.91 Total Miles, 256.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pamela J Appel F54 233.50
Chris S Bond M44 647.47
Amy C Bradford F31 344.16
Karen L Duggan F41 53.75
Gerald A Fegler M48 114.39
Laurie A Gardiner F47 230.40
Kathy N Guinn F56 49.91
Linda A Harrell F53 426.65
John Porcella M49 300.20
Donald R Potter M46 328.93
Rebecca R Tukua F29 92.54
South Central Zone (198 Swimmers, 32,936.78 Total Miles, 166.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Arkansas LMSC (19 Swimmers, 3,718.01 Total Miles, 195.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ARKM (Arkansas Masters) (17 Swimmers, 3,436.30 Total Miles, 202.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Conwill P Cook F24 2.24
Alan Diamond M38 382.25
David Gillanders M72 200.16
Patrick J Hamilton M50 160.37
Jennifer L Hodges F38 230.28
Jennifer L Letner F39 0.00
Steve Lisle M45 250.17
Daniel McGurk M27 37.12
Colin McLain M43 400.39
Kriss H McLain F43 41.56
Tina L Nuckles F46 205.15
Steffan B Sarkin M51 1,038.70
Jeff D Spencer M53 88.19
Brent M Tininenko M50 334.88
Elizabeth S Underwood F34 7.92
Tonya Vandermey F33 54.64
Robert W Williams M65 2.30
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 281.70 Total Miles, 140.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Thomas J Callan M58 200.06
Scarlett Harris F49 81.64
Border LMSC (3 Swimmers, 254.47 Total Miles, 84.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club COM (City Of Midland Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 181.17 Total Miles, 90.59 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jackie Mellen F30 129.01
Meredith Morgan F36 52.16
Club RGSC (Rio Grande Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 73.30 Total Miles, 73.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan Traylor F58 73.30
Gulf LMSC (50 Swimmers, 9,236.34 Total Miles, 184.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CFSC (Cy-Fair Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 139.21 Total Miles, 139.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Susan C Spore F46 139.21
Club COOG (Houston Cougar Masters) (4 Swimmers, 1,632.70 Total Miles, 408.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Karlene Denby F58 578.26
Jill E Gellatly F44 271.77
Alan Pfeiffer-Traum M57 503.87
Lydia B Tiede F46 278.80
Club COPM (ConocoPhillips Masters Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 12.36 Total Miles, 12.36 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Scott M Cadorette M40 12.36
Club FCST (First Colony Masters Swimming) (3 Swimmers, 252.04 Total Miles, 84.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Audrey Earley F49 232.95
Jodi Muschel F41 5.41
Mike Offner M35 13.68
Club MACA (Memorial Athletic Club Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 258.49 Total Miles, 129.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Carlye Graydon F41 254.64
Don F Williams M56 3.85
Club MOB (Masters Of Brazos) (1 Swimmers, 50.97 Total Miles, 50.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Angela Marotta F31 50.97
Club RICE (Rice Aquatic Masters) (15 Swimmers, 3,708.01 Total Miles, 247.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cedar Baldridge F50 300.10
Vicki S Blocker F28 182.06
Jerrah Holth F26 372.57
Erin E Jones F31 165.88
Bruce C Kone M53 480.06
Elizabeth Kostiuk F48 6.56
Colette M Lanier F53 221.61
Robert F Li M30 278.48
Danny Lund M24 1.14
Anna T Mod F48 107.25
Mary D Ruppe F42 592.93
Alvin L Thomas M65 274.18
Nicole P Van Nood F39 231.75
Jill A Vukmanic F28 250.60
Clark West M51 242.84
Club SSSM (South Shore Sails Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 6.06 Total Miles, 6.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kristi Heer F33 6.06
Club STFF (South Texas Flying Fish) (1 Swimmers, 98.75 Total Miles, 98.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Joan L Kenney F32 98.75
Club SWYM (South West YMCA Masters) (2 Swimmers, 334.16 Total Miles, 167.08 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lauren F Battistini F39 55.97
Melanie B Sellers F59 278.20
Club UNAT () (4 Swimmers, 560.49 Total Miles, 140.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Peter J Gerngross M42 366.37
Deborah Hyink F48 185.40
Traci R McDuffie F45 3.00
Elaine G Rollins F59 5.71
Club WHY (Weekley Houston YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 0.89 Total Miles, 0.89 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Anne I Bornet F52 0.89
Club WMST (Woodlands Masters Swim Team) (14 Swimmers, 2,182.22 Total Miles, 155.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Margaret L Allen F52 85.28
Nancy A Crecelius F42 88.99
Thomas Dawson M45 156.80
Elias B Divo M45 222.60
John R Hardin M48 253.18
Emmie Lee F25 141.07
Cathie K Locetta F55 285.74
Andrea N Morton F49 75.40
Bruce W Rollins M62 152.12
Andy Ryle M25 201.85
Tracy S Shoemaker F51 25.00
Julie M Stevenson F48 57.73
Karen K Watson F48 222.19
Synda K Wilson F53 214.27
North Texas LMSC (63 Swimmers, 7,343.41 Total Miles, 116.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ATAM (Athens Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 43.56 Total Miles, 43.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Clay A Elkins M41 43.56
Club DAMM (Dallas Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 70.12 Total Miles, 35.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen Dixon M49 17.34
Nancy Wendell F47 52.78
Club DASC (Denton Area Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 74.18 Total Miles, 37.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sara A Craig F49 65.00
Robyin L Pucci F47 9.18
Club FAST (Fort Worth Area Swim Team) (1 Swimmers, 34.17 Total Miles, 34.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Amy Barraclough F27 34.17
Club HEAT (Heart of Texas Aquatic Masters) (2 Swimmers, 879.56 Total Miles, 439.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Randal W Boldt M47 432.66
Ryan D Provencher M37 446.91
Club IMSC (Irving Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 338.65 Total Miles, 169.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Harvey F Hill M57 255.70
Ginger Smith F53 82.95
Club NTEX (North Texas Masters) (30 Swimmers, 2,282.58 Total Miles, 76.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christine A Anderson F47 5.74
Seth Austin M37 17.56
Chad Benson M38 2.81
Dennis Butts M40 131.20
Steve Charters M49 0.62
Lana Crevier F34 54.42
Elaine Disney F48 200.77
Michelle D Doss F38 4.15
David Dres M53 18.47
Frank A Garcia M48 136.42
Susan D George F78 100.68
Dewey Gilbert M50 62.18
Sandy Haley F65 1.70
Damian C Hellmann M38 102.99
Laura Mangarelli-Kallenberg F34 12.95
Dan L Mathews M48 0.99
Jeanine Meyers F47 132.92
Marie E Ostrom F41 7.44
Debbi Plemons F52 161.38
Brook R Quinn F36 8.54
Michael Quinn M34 27.75
John B Ricca M62 250.29
Beth Smith F51 278.56
Melissa D Soileau F30 5.40
Tony Vaglienti M39 0.00
Lea Velez F36 17.67
Denise Wickline F56 170.12
Joe Wickline M54 317.51
James Wiggins M50 22.44
David H Young M62 28.89
Club PCAT (Plano Wetcats) (9 Swimmers, 1,676.78 Total Miles, 186.31 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom Barton M55 277.90
Melanie Collins F42 1.28
Timothy E Gentry M54 19.97
Jamie Hulett M51 294.81
Louise Keetley F37 350.71
Amy Krajewski F41 122.03
Ken Pipkin M67 287.75
Sandra I Walters F57 103.64
Timothy C Whitney M46 218.69
Club RAM (Rockwall Aquatics Masters) (3 Swimmers, 357.96 Total Miles, 119.32 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chris Davidson M45 119.14
Bill Elizondo M44 145.24
Sheila A Smith F45 93.58
Club RIDG (Team Ridglea) (7 Swimmers, 1,214.91 Total Miles, 173.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tim Birkhead M67 176.56
Julie Jackson F50 106.27
Paige Kirn F43 9.77
Melissa S Lind F62 42.78
Amber L Murphy F30 125.06
Art A Torpy M55 300.50
Susan Torpy F52 453.96
Club UNAT () (4 Swimmers, 370.95 Total Miles, 92.74 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Derrell Dixon M51 19.77
Kristin M Hogan F31 15.97
Marshall King M42 246.65
Janey W Woodley F57 88.56
Oklahoma LMSC (9 Swimmers, 735.13 Total Miles, 81.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club EAMS (Extreme Aquatic Master Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 247.05 Total Miles, 123.52 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Louise D Cleary F57 27.05
Marta M McClay F52 220.00
Club LYT3 (Lawton YMCA Tumbleweeds) (1 Swimmers, 27.90 Total Miles, 27.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ellis G Hayes M47 27.90
Club OKMS (Oklahoma Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 144.49 Total Miles, 72.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janet K Latham F52 0.00
Matt McGuire M43 144.49
Club TULS (Tulsa Masters Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 139.57 Total Miles, 69.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen A Louy M32 126.57
Monica Wright F50 13.01
Club UNAT () (2 Swimmers, 176.12 Total Miles, 88.06 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen A Eller M24 75.48
Kate Houck F51 100.64
South Texas LMSC (54 Swimmers, 11,649.42 Total Miles, 215.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club AAAA (Alamo Area Aquatic Association) (2 Swimmers, 310.18 Total Miles, 155.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Louis P De Leon M35 82.28
Katherine A Leusing Canales F49 227.90
Club AGM (Aquatics of Georgetown Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,171.71 Total Miles, 390.57 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shirley Bibles F49 500.48
Shawn M Feather F50 520.91
Kelley C Spencer F52 150.32
Club FHAM (Fort Hood Area Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 3.39 Total Miles, 3.39 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Monica Mugavero F41 3.39
Club MOST (Masters of South Texas) (10 Swimmers, 2,510.41 Total Miles, 251.04 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jane C Birkhead F71 342.24
Kathy M Boyer F57 30.11
Randee Burke F59 141.05
Linda Callaway F58 531.81
Suzanne E Cuda F51 564.78
Henry M Halff M69 13.16
Jeff R Hartzell M35 5.28
Craig A Kercher M50 361.33
Allison LaField F48 369.59
David D Welsh M52 151.05
Club NITR (Nitro Swimming) (10 Swimmers, 2,846.94 Total Miles, 284.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sunday L Austin F38 295.85
Pete Braun M41 84.79
John D Crockett M53 275.25
George Fawcett M59 305.27
Richard Hahn M69 0.00
Scott R Linnborn M41 298.13
Donna P Schubkegel F59 400.04
Mary H Singer F35 190.60
David Thomas M51 407.55
Marianne Thomas F48 589.47
Club RGMS (Red Giant Masters Swimming) (2 Swimmers, 230.74 Total Miles, 115.37 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Denise Ray F39 34.52
Mike Schmuelgen M46 196.22
Club SBMS (Swim Belton Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 305.26 Total Miles, 305.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lenore J Burt F50 305.26
Club TASC (Temple Area Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dianna L Emmou F39 0.00
Club TXLA (Longhorn Aquatics) (14 Swimmers, 2,675.65 Total Miles, 191.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ed M Coates M45 668.22
Steve Cochran M48 127.88
Christina Coxwell F57 10.00
Clement J Cros M25 50.89
Beau C Gilbert M38 85.07
Bradley J Hoine M24 55.10
Kendal R Jacobson F45 36.32
Mary K Jurey F45 357.58
Rachael M Maresh F36 380.69
Matt B Pulliam M39 0.00
Erin H Shanley F35 501.60
Cynthia M Thomas F62 190.03
Christopher M Toombs M25 71.52
Liza C Willmore F32 140.75
Club UNAT () (8 Swimmers, 935.33 Total Miles, 116.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brad Askins M43 160.10
Stephanie Craig F46 182.75
Jessica S Evans F44 226.46
Herb C Janecek M79 30.88
Susan Johnson F46 177.90
Michelle L Mitchell F37 2.10
David Smith M51 154.36
Jennifer Stone F26 0.80
Club WHAC (WHAC Masters) (2 Swimmers, 659.81 Total Miles, 329.90 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cathy Fulton F47 441.43
Ann E Phipps F47 218.38
Southwest Zone (264 Swimmers, 55,931.51 Total Miles, 211.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Arizona LMSC (50 Swimmers, 10,616.50 Total Miles, 212.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ARIZ (Arizona Masters Swim Club Inc) (26 Swimmers, 6,777.93 Total Miles, 260.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Doug P Adamavich M42 282.55
Dominick Aiello M77 68.35
Clifford B Altfeld M59 78.46
Brigid J Bunch F48 575.23
Brenda K Christopher F40 24.06
Eric J Christopher M40 51.08
Luis E Cova M30 105.46
April M Crosby F48 57.44
Nathan A Curtisi M22 128.82
Anna R DeLozier F48 500.96
Kurt F Dickson M44 601.46
Debbie Duane F57 192.38
Douglas L Esch M44 293.00
Donna Gaudet F46 153.59
Mikey G Girard F58 322.68
Shannon Hildinger F27 34.49
Hank Hoffman M44 316.34
Jen Inboden F31 185.28
Allison M Johnson F26 320.67
Ginger Marcus F57 24.97
Sandy Mitchel F52 426.32
Holly A Murphy F47 161.44
Timothy W Murphy M42 520.26
Shauna J Nelson F23 908.36
Susan D Parsons F49 255.62
Ed Thompson M65 188.66
Club BRSM () (1 Swimmers, 549.97 Total Miles, 549.97 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patrick W Brundage M44 549.97
Club CBCM (Camelback Coaching Masters) (4 Swimmers, 939.92 Total Miles, 234.98 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom Hennessy M56 240.74
Katie Kenny F41 558.00
Judianne J Lange F48 38.83
Brent Nichols M54 102.35
Club PHX (Phoenix Swim Club) (7 Swimmers, 1,107.42 Total Miles, 158.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brad Biddle M43 323.73
Brenda Creswell-Liotta F49 88.46
Martin R Hahm M70 218.57
Bruce G Laverman M71 0.00
Robert Liotta M60 124.68
Sidney S Thoms F58 0.00
Wendy L Weinberg F66 351.96
Club UNAT () (7 Swimmers, 648.91 Total Miles, 92.70 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Eric A Depner M42 102.84
Elizabeth J Mathe F30 0.00
Jackie J Morris F60 4.72
Callie Peat F30 280.92
Michael Rogers M40 174.01
Troy Schuricht M39 73.24
Rob B Sunshine-Barinbaum M39 13.17
Club VOSY (Valley of the Sun YMCA) (1 Swimmers, 365.65 Total Miles, 365.65 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Theodore Collins M48 365.65
Club YOSA (YMCA of Southern Arizona) (2 Swimmers, 42.69 Total Miles, 21.34 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Don Garrett M49 37.86
Laura V Moore F38 4.83
Club YUMA (Yuma Heat) (2 Swimmers, 184.02 Total Miles, 92.01 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Katie B Gates F32 32.56
Diana Tunell F47 151.47
New Mexico LMSC (7 Swimmers, 1,480.06 Total Miles, 211.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club CAQM () (1 Swimmers, 283.24 Total Miles, 283.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Patty M Buffett F38 283.24
Club NMMS (New Mexico Masters) (6 Swimmers, 1,196.82 Total Miles, 199.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Caryl D Acuna F54 10.60
Jeffrey Bischof M54 219.20
Maribeth M Englert F45 273.84
Karen L Henderson F37 370.94
Adam J Mollenkopf M30 56.10
Samuel Sinnamon M26 266.14
San Diego - Imperial LMSC (19 Swimmers, 4,029.67 Total Miles, 212.09 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ECFY (East County Family YMCA Masters) (1 Swimmers, 122.33 Total Miles, 122.33 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Linda J Cervantes F60 122.33
Club HSAM (Heartland Swim Association Masters) (1 Swimmers, 59.44 Total Miles, 59.44 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christine Spicer F32 59.44
Club OSM (Oceanside Masters) (5 Swimmers, 2,055.86 Total Miles, 411.17 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael R Bullock M65 467.66
Nancy S Chennell F56 522.23
Jean M Gallagher F53 351.51
Aleida R Gorgol F30 53.92
Lauren A Lemieux F52 660.55
Club SBSM (Solana Beach Swim Masters) (1 Swimmers, 212.29 Total Miles, 212.29 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jack Boyce M61 212.29
Club SDSM (San Diego Swim Masters) (7 Swimmers, 1,302.91 Total Miles, 186.13 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Berke Cetinoneri M27 138.02
Al Clepper M48 11.44
Darrell L Jett M53 139.20
Tar Larner M67 103.86
Kristina M Maroudis F36 197.59
James A Ney M53 511.46
Greg Taylor M40 201.35
Club UNAT () (4 Swimmers, 276.83 Total Miles, 69.21 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rebecca Andrews F32 73.98
Bob Feinberg M56 103.55
Andrew S Powell M54 25.45
Linda L West F59 73.85
Southern Pacific LMSC (188 Swimmers, 39,805.29 Total Miles, 211.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Club ABCM (Avila Bay Club Masters) (1 Swimmers, 2.47 Total Miles, 2.47 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kimberly Goodwater F27 2.47
Club AVM (Apple Valley Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 114.81 Total Miles, 114.81 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Lachell M Chambers F42 114.81
Club BEAU (Beaumont Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 3.64 Total Miles, 3.64 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Nikki Ruth F31 3.64
Club BGWM (Gold Wave Masters) (2 Swimmers, 231.70 Total Miles, 115.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Clark G Jue M41 50.77
Heather M Melrose F38 180.92
Club CAPO (Capo Masters Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 57.76 Total Miles, 57.76 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Shea Gordon M38 57.76
Club CTM (Caltech Masters) (7 Swimmers, 2,621.81 Total Miles, 374.54 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Megumi Abe F29 102.46
Andrew P Darcey M27 361.76
Suzanne R Dodd F50 408.86
Panna Felsen F23 271.24
Gayla Ishihara F45 31.51
Jessica E Krick F33 300.74
Timothy J Martin M46 1,145.25
Club CTMA (City of Temecula Masters) (1 Swimmers, 1,033.24 Total Miles, 1,033.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom G Cole M55 1,033.24
Club CTSM () (3 Swimmers, 242.25 Total Miles, 80.75 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jahna Beard F41 53.55
Suzy Degazon F47 83.76
Susan G Feick F49 104.94
Club CVMM (Conejo Valley Multisport Masters) (12 Swimmers, 2,168.73 Total Miles, 180.73 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephen P Arvedson M43 16.45
Rob Dumouchel M30 180.41
Rich Katz M42 370.03
Mark A Losinski M55 38.89
Jacqueline E Milne F34 374.49
Marc M Mohr M32 187.17
Kerry O'Shea M44 14.61
Tom N Pani M55 209.19
Annie Scheuing F46 10.18
Eric D Shain M44 6.53
Niki F Stokols F54 483.96
Karen Turner F47 276.83
Club FONT (Fontana Flyers) (5 Swimmers, 299.26 Total Miles, 59.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Luca Bolsieri M27 0.00
Daniel K Ellison M26 100.05
Martha Rothwell F35 72.47
Tom Slider M40 105.58
Jennifer Smith F45 21.16
Club GWSC (Golden West Swim Club) (2 Swimmers, 195.70 Total Miles, 97.85 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Fred A Schiel M62 116.19
Rebecca Walke F31 79.51
Club LAPS (Los Angeles Peninsula Swimmers) (2 Swimmers, 53.74 Total Miles, 26.87 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Kirsten F Bartholomew F52 53.74
David P Lindstedt M55 0.00
Club LASC (Los Angeles Masters Swimming) (1 Swimmers, 104.68 Total Miles, 104.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tommy Munoz M39 104.68
Club LBG (Long Beach Grunions) (2 Swimmers, 676.28 Total Miles, 338.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Howard A Ferguson M57 100.64
Bill Q Sive M50 575.64
Club LBMS (Long Beach Masters Swim) (1 Swimmers, 38.58 Total Miles, 38.58 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Natalie A Merrow F31 38.58
Club LBSC (Long Beach Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 0.00 Total Miles, 0.00 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jay Shaffer M55 0.00
Club LVM (Las Vegas Masters) (5 Swimmers, 657.63 Total Miles, 131.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Pamela R Brearey F24 17.15
Jeff Ghan M61 207.32
Dara Goldsmith F45 281.18
Kirsten L Jackson F43 151.17
Heather Mullenax F24 0.80
Club MVN (Mission Viejo Masters) (24 Swimmers, 3,746.81 Total Miles, 156.12 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Therese O Bradford F49 7.89
Jennifer A Burch-Ascencio F45 252.25
Kim L Burton F49 212.12
Wayne Deloney M51 555.49
Cherie C Guiremand F51 15.66
Michael R Heather M57 340.65
Duncan A Houldsworth M35 178.00
Dominic J Licavoli M55 150.62
Jeanne Little F74 4.77
Beverly J Montrella F65 150.53
Rebekah Olsen F31 22.77
Brett A Olson M49 0.00
Cassandra S Ortega F30 0.91
Ric P Piecuch M43 68.92
Josh Plummer M38 155.75
Steve Ripic M38 213.49
Michele A Rosas F42 100.06
T Sorenson F45 419.81
Linda D Spadoni F52 97.60
Nichole Talbot F34 63.63
Val K Trowbridge M57 3.85
Deanne R Weissman F49 303.29
Kevin C Weissman M49 335.00
Jason Whelchel M31 93.74
Club MYST (Masters of Yucaipa Swim Team) (3 Swimmers, 155.35 Total Miles, 51.78 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Brian A Boyd M52 15.74
Maureen E Haney F51 132.36
Marybeth Maury-Holmes F45 7.24
Club NOVA (Novaquatics Masters) (10 Swimmers, 3,109.19 Total Miles, 310.92 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Sherry M Wendzel Brooks F51 254.50
Thomas H Guntrip M43 8.07
Nina P Jordan F55 1.19
Lynn V Kubasek F53 623.95
Cori McConkle F57 873.25
Bill Mickle M51 637.11
Tara M Olivieri F32 4.83
Eugene A Paul M83 583.09
Ellen K Shockro F69 123.20
Frances Tong F40 0.00
Club OAS (Lancaster Oasis Masters) (1 Swimmers, 115.14 Total Miles, 115.14 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Wes Little M59 115.14
Club PCA (Pacific Coast Aquatics) (2 Swimmers, 574.98 Total Miles, 287.49 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Tom M Cain M62 303.48
Craig B Smith M73 271.50
Club PDSC (Palm Desert Masters Swim Club) (3 Swimmers, 198.77 Total Miles, 66.26 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Janella Andrews F25 13.42
Nancy B Cunningham F50 75.52
Bob Krom M56 109.83
Club RCYM (Riverside County YMCA Masters) (3 Swimmers, 555.55 Total Miles, 185.18 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Teri A Angulo F54 57.22
Alfred J Thelwell M53 193.39
Larry Vesely M60 304.94
Club RMDA (La Mirada Armada) (3 Swimmers, 500.05 Total Miles, 166.68 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Aaron Chang M30 7.33
David S Kwon M37 37.39
Glenn Piner M42 455.33
Club ROSE (Rose Bowl Masters) (11 Swimmers, 3,604.85 Total Miles, 327.71 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Dan Borton M43 281.50
Stephan C Boulanger M40 502.98
Frank E Campbell M53 178.69
Stefanie Capizzi F24 305.52
Jon S Dubrick M43 4.60
Nicole D Dubuc F33 91.57
Jill E Keenan-Boline F42 520.83
Patrick B Mc Ginley M48 329.52
Forrest B Nelson M46 559.82
Peter E Ronay M69 210.46
Elizabeth C Wood F30 619.36
Club SBM (Santa Barbara Masters) (11 Swimmers, 3,485.00 Total Miles, 316.82 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Cindy L Abrami F43 0.00
John F Abrami M51 155.44
Catherine Caouette F35 13.14
Jean M Carlson F49 1,287.36
Betsy A Hanson F50 135.17
Sherry Keigher F59 600.03
Michael G Lee M50 47.33
Evan Morrison M31 689.61
Peggy Sanborn F84 383.54
Danielle J Swiontek F44 150.65
Nancy L Williams F53 22.74
Club SCA (South Coast Aquatics) (7 Swimmers, 286.15 Total Miles, 40.88 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Stephanie Duerfeldt F53 1.62
Kristi Haddock F43 49.24
Christine M Karbowski F31 16.90
Justin M Karbowski M35 0.00
Kelly S Oliner F44 22.10
Ellen Pickman F52 165.66
Kyle H Weber F46 30.64
Club SCAL (SOCAL Aquatics Association) (1 Swimmers, 46.86 Total Miles, 46.86 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Barbara E Schan F43 46.86
Club SCAQ (Southern California Aquatic Masters) (9 Swimmers, 1,530.49 Total Miles, 170.05 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Corby M Arthur F53 37.60
Jenifer L Bronson F30 134.40
Jason Davis M37 100.46
Rick Labowe M54 581.40
Ash Marshall F28 12.10
Christine Moore F39 70.18
Leslie Morrow F46 100.04
Suzanne C Robertson F26 106.51
David A Schlesinger M36 387.80
Club SLOM (San Luis Obispo Masters) (1 Swimmers, 389.45 Total Miles, 389.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael T Hure M48 389.45
Club SLV (Swim Las Vegas) (1 Swimmers, 90.30 Total Miles, 90.30 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael Goldsmith M46 90.30
Club SWM (South West Aquatic Masters) (1 Swimmers, 20.20 Total Miles, 20.20 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Deborah J Hefter F25 20.20
Club TCC (Claremont Club) (1 Swimmers, 6.25 Total Miles, 6.25 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Natalie Pao F23 6.25
Club TMEC (Temecula Swim Club) (1 Swimmers, 67.56 Total Miles, 67.56 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Ramon A Navarro M19 67.56
Club TSTT (Triton Swimming and Triathlon Team) (2 Swimmers, 437.57 Total Miles, 218.79 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Chris T Collins M48 337.29
Helene I Hirsch F54 100.28
Club UCLA (UCLA Bruin Masters) (8 Swimmers, 3,277.56 Total Miles, 409.69 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Christie Ciraulo F58 645.96
Jenny L Cook F53 471.24
Andrew W Harmon M25 28.84
Patrick C Heuveline M49 450.70
Daniel A Low M52 286.85
Erica R Nelson F19 0.00
Dell Upton M62 253.47
Mary C Young F24 1,140.50
Club UNAT () (27 Swimmers, 6,462.55 Total Miles, 239.35 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Jacquie Anderson F75 390.84
Jinxi Caddel F41 333.37
Robert L Custer M53 356.11
Tara N Dolan F38 50.07
Philip H Dunleavy M66 35.56
Naomi J Fukutomi F53 430.35
Daniel A Fung M30 154.15
Billy Gaines M30 5.45
Chris L Geer M41 372.99
Richard M Gollis M49 14.43
Lois A Goodman F64 283.04
Rachel M Haynes F26 250.02
Lexie Kelly F25 810.96
Sonia Kim F38 92.69
Valerie I Lang F52 56.80
Barry Lewis M49 8.70
Marie Marston F53 260.84
Susan E Martonosi F33 24.12
David J Mc Conville M52 52.78
Tina J Neill F46 1,239.65
Andrew A Okun M49 63.97
Julian Rusinek M51 257.50
Michael Steward M41 40.34
Robin L Van Vorhis F49 58.98
Susannah S Walz F59 320.45
Jennifer S Wellman F32 457.48
Carol W Wilson F54 40.91
Club VCM (Ventura County Masters) (3 Swimmers, 1,905.72 Total Miles, 635.24 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Michael J Blatt M56 500.58
Jim Mc Conica M61 583.91
James H Neitz M43 821.23
Club VLVM (Viva Las Vegas Masters) (1 Swimmers, 157.45 Total Miles, 157.45 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Marie D Girouard F34 157.45
Club WH2O (West Hollywood Aquatics) (6 Swimmers, 579.20 Total Miles, 96.53 Average Miles/Swimmer)
Name Age Miles
Rook Campbell F35 1.86
Danielle L Cooper F38 0.00
Bill W Donovan M68 125.12
Charles W Myers M58 161.48
Jessica W Seaton F58 245.39
Susan Shore F49 45.35