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All odd-numbered heats will start at the far end of the pool (north).
All 50 Meter Events (except for backstroke) will be run using Dive-Over Starts:
When all swimmers in a heat finish, they will stay in the water, move to the corner of the lane and remain stationary until after the next heat has started. When directed by the officials, all swimmers will exit the water as quickly as possible, either at the end of the lane or move to the side to the ladders. While waiting in the water, please remain as still as possible with legs hanging straight down, and no talking.
All individual events longer than 50 meters will be run using Chase Starts:
When the last swimmer in the odd-numbered heat has approximately 10 meters left to swim, the even-numbered heat will be started. The odd-heat swimmers will move to the corner of the lane and remain stationary until after the even-heat swimmer has turned. When directed by the officials, all swimmers will exit the water as quickly as possible, either at the end of the lane or move to the side to the ladders. When the last swimmer in the even-numbered heat has approximately 10 meters left to swim, the next odd-numbered heat will be started. And so it continues. While waiting in the water, please remain as still as possible with legs hanging straight down, and no talking.
Distance Freestyle Events
We will be offering the two-per-lane option for the 400, 800, and 1500 Freestyle. Those choosing to swim two-per-lane will be seeded in the first heats prior to the one-per-lane swimmers.
We urge as many people as possible to choose this option. This can significantly impact the length of the meet.
The two-per-lane swimmers will be started approximately 10 to 15 seconds apart, from opposite ends of the pool. The swimmers will split the lane, that is, remain on one side of the lane for the entire swim. This will be on the right side of the lane from the start. Any swimmer who interferes with the other swimmer in their lane will be disqualified from the event.