2020 U.S. Masters Swimming Annual Meeting
USMS to Host Virtual Annual Meeting in 2020
The 2020 USAS Convention has been canceled (read full communication) The USMS Board of Directors is supportive of this difficult decision because it is in the best interest of the health and safety of USMS delegates. Although we can't meet in person this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we're looking forward to our 2020 virtual annual meeting.
Meetings of the House of Delegates will take place Sept. 25-27. Committee meetings in conjunction with the annual meeting will be open to all delegates. The complete schedule of meetings and sessions of the House of Delegates, along with all important annual meeting information and updates, can be found online on the annual meeting schedule page.
Below are important updates on the schedule, technology that'll be used, and training and orientation opportunities to ensure all delegates will be prepared to fully participate. Should you have immediate questions regarding the 2020 annual meeting, please contact Volunteer Services.
Resources for Delegates
- Zoom - The annual meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. It is highly recommended that delegates sign up for an account and use it to log in to Zoom.
- Zoom Survival Guide for the Annual Meeting - this will give you an overview of what to expect
- Annual Meeting Overview and Zoom Training Recordings
- Pre-annual meeting emails
- 9/25/20 - 2020 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting -Update 5
- 9/21/20 - 2020 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting -Update 4
- Zoom links sent to all voting delegates - if you did not receive them, contact volunteer@usmastersswimming.org ASAP!
- 9/14/20 - 2020 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting -Update 3
- 9/4/20 - 2020 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting - Update 2
- 8/11/20 - 2020 USMS Virtual Annual Meeting - Update 1
- 7/30/20 - July-August STREAMLINES for Volunteers
- 7/17/20 - USMS announces 2020 virtual annual meeting schedule
- 6/23/20 - 2020 Important Volunteer Dates to Remember
- 6/4/20 - May-June STREAMLINES for Volunteers
Annual Meeting Delegate Packet
The full annual meeting packet has been finalized and is available in PDF format.
The packet and individual sections are subject to revision, please be sure to check back frequently to see if any sections have been updated.
Individual Sections of Annual Meeting Packet
- Table of Contents
- USMS Annual Meeting Schedule
- House of Delegates meeting agendas
- National Office - CEO Report
- 2020 Elections
- Committee Reports & Meeting Agendas
- Proposed Amendments
- 2021 Financial Planning
- Attachments and Presentations:
- Attachments:
- Presentations
- 2020 Service Awards Presentation
- Captain Ransom J Arthur MD Award: Acceptance Speech - Frank "Skip" Thompson
- Coach of the Year Award: Introduction - Kenny Brisbin, Acceptance Speech - Dean Hawks, INDY
- Fitness Education Committee - PDF
- Long Distance Committee
- Committee Meeting Presentation
- From Open Water to Open Water National Championship - Video, PDF
- Nuts and Bolts - Navigating Open Water and ePostal National Championships - Video, PDF
- Open Water Committee
- 2020 In Memoriam Video
- 2020 Service Awards Presentation
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from all meetings held at the annual meeting can be found here.
Remembrance List
Please review this list of USMS members who have passed away since the 2019 annual meeting (click the "Date of Death" column heading twice to reverse sort). If you know of a name that should be added to this list, submit it to USMS Volunteer Services.Resources for Committees
- Committee report template (pre-annual meeting)
- Instructions for meeting minutes
- Meeting minutes template (MS Word document)
- Example of a completed meeting minutes document
Post-Annual Meeting
- 2021 Committee Request (closed 10/11/2020)
- 2020 Annual Meeting Evaluation (closed 10/11/2020)