Open Water Service Award
Nominations are due by July 1
Established in 2013, the U.S. Masters Swimming Open Water Service Award honors individuals who have made significant service contributions to promoting and building excellence in USMS open water swimming in the following ways: Embodies the USMS mission, vision, goals, and objectives through open water swimming service; contributes to open water notably in several roles (i.e., USMS Open Water/Long Distance national committees, LMSC open water/long distance chair, event and/or safety director, official, coach, clinician, and/or volunteer); contributes to open water notably at different levels of USMS (i.e. national, zone, LMSC, and/or local); or demonstrates extraordinary measurable service achievement and impact.
Use this form to nominate a candidate for the USMS Open Water Service Award. Fill out completely to give your candidate the best opportunity to be selected. You may attach supplementary information, candidate's open water resume and letters of support as appropriate.
Please direct any questions about the USMS Open Water Service Award to the Chair of the Long Distance Committee.
Nominations are due by July 1